Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren vie for top spot l ABC News – Car Mod Pros Portal

The 2020 Democratic candidates have jostled for the lead position ahead of the next high-stakes debate as Sen. Cory Booker announced he will drop out of the race.

#ABCNews #Politics #Sanders2020 #ElizabethWarren #DemDebate


By carmodpros


48 thoughts on “Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren vie for top spot l ABC News”
  1. Bernie sanders for president, liz is my second choice, the ones I absolutely do not want are biden buttigieg or klobuchar, you know corporate donors picks.

  2. I'm sorry but Warren is showing unprofessionalism making it primarily about feminism when families are losing homes and struggling to keep food on the table

  3. That was then.. This is now… Joe Biden leads the Democratic field in Iowa, according to a new poll out Monday, two weeks before the Feb. 3 caucuses.

    The Focus on Rural America poll shows the former vice president with 24 percent and the next three top-tier candidates bunched behind him, with Elizabeth Warren at 18 percent, Pete Buttigieg at 16 percent and Bernie Sanders at 14 percent. Amy Klobuchar clocked in at 11 percent.

  4. Bell Hooks: I Can No Longer Be a Hillary Clinton Supporter.

    "Now, I’ve talked a lot in these past few days about having once been a very pro-Hillary Clinton supporter, but finding at this stage of life in the stage of her politics that I can no longer be a Hillary Clinton supporter in the name of feminism. There are certain things that I don’t want to cosign in the name of feminism that I think are militarist, imperialist, white supremacist, whether they are conducted by women or men. And I think that having to go through those changes and having to be compassionate towards yourself, because there are a lot of women that are feeling inter-political turmoil right now because of our history of supporting feminists, supporting a woman, looking forward to the day when we can say, 'Oh, we have a woman president,' and that constant challenge about identity politics versus who are you and what do you stand for?

    That’s why Baldwin says it’s not a question of whether you’re gay or straight, or black or white. What do you stand for? Who are you? How can you know that, and operate from that position of power?"

    Is Elizabeth Warren's Feminism Intersectional?

    Not only did Warren lie & Appropriate Indigenous Identity, but she supported Trump's Coup in Venezuela, the coup in Bolivia, & she supports Apartheid Israel. Elizebeth Warren Copted, "Abolish ICE," & lied she wants to keep ICE. Is Elizabeth Warren Hillary Clinton. The Answer is No. Is Elizabeth Warren Militarist, Imperialist, & White Supremacist? The answer is Yes!

    Elizabeth Warren’s Support for Bolivia Coup Consistent With Other Hawkish Foreign Policy Positions

    Elizabeth Warren and the Military Industrial Complex

    Elizabeth Warren endorses Trump’s economic war on Venezuela, then soft-pedals far-right Bolivia coup

    Progressives, trust your gut: Elizabeth Warren is not one of us

    Elizabeth Warren won’t stand up to Israel’s crimes

    Angela Davis Connects Movement to Free Palestine to Black Feminism

    Elizabeth Warren, who once called for the abolition of ICE, now says that she wants to keep ICE for "Safety" (Cough: Racial Profiling, Prison Industrial Complex)


    Richard Wolf Grade's Elizabeth Warren's belief in innovation

    Bell Hooks

  5. Yang2020! 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸 he’s better to solve long term problems and move us into a technology friendly society. UBI is the ONLY option for us. Let’s go Yang!

    There's one angle not being reported on or talked about by the Main Stream Media or the Conservative Media. There are four Democrat Senators that have two very real reasons to vote with Republicans to hear from Hunter Biden and Joe Biden. Sen. Michael Bennet, Sen. Amy Klobuchar, Sen. Bernie Sanders and Sen. Elizabeth Warren have all been politically sidelined by a calculating Rep. Nancy Pelosi to give Joe Biden an unjust edge in the Democrat Primary Election process. The two reasons for those Democrat Senators to vote with Republicans to hear from Hunter and Joe is evident. That being it could and most certainly will hurt Joe Biden in his 2020 election chances against President Trump when Joe becomes the DNC's nominee for President because of the sidelining of these Democrat Senators. It is also a way to get a small but enjoyable amount of revenge against Rep. Nancy Pelosi for placing her thumb on the scales against them.

  7. Warren is a notorious liar. The nut tried to claim herself to be a full blooded Native American when her ancestry test shows that she’s like 0.2% Native. I have 0.4% Mexican ancestry but I’d never claim to be Mexican. She’s desperate to manipulate minority voters in her favour and it’s sad. Bernie is the only candidate that runs on principles and honesty and it shows. Fuck these corporate shills! Bernie or bust!!

  8. I bet most of that 35% of people that are “locked in” are mostly Bernie voters.

  9. Elizabeth Warren basically wrote herself out of contention and the mainstream media is doing exactly what it did in 2016 but more blatantly. If you want people to stay home and not vote keep doing what you're doing and let Trump win again. No amount of spin will make Biden any more attractive a candidate than hillary was and the anger at the bias and ignoring of Sanders, Yang and Tulsi will just make people disillusioned yet again, did you learn nothing from last time?

  10. Lol its a race? I thought only bernie was running. Well that's the only one that should be running! 💖 💖 💖

  11. MESSAGE FOR ABC: You guys are DISGUSTINGLY STUPID for trying to step in politics and create drama for money in the state that America and our government is in right now. Our government has been broken since Bush announced it, And the level power of the rich and lack of real Democracy has America has resulted to America and EVERYONE IN THIS NATION INCLUDING YOU SHIT SACKS AT ABC is on the verge of death by natural disaster in the next 5 years, And it’s a definite that if we don’t rebuild our political system, Product regulations and methods of living in America in the next 4 years THERES NO SAVING YOU. The fact that NBC is STILL using the corrupt news reporting methods of avoiding actual political points and real news to the people just to CREATE DRAMA that isn’t really there between politicians in this urgent state we are in FOR MONEY. You guys are killing yourselves faster along with the American people trying to fuel the problem of Americans wanting to pay more attention to drama than our broken government at the cost of your lives and the American people. You guys are so stupid for this you should all be attached to the giant stacks of fake drama you’ve created in the past 4 years instead of talking about truth and thrown in the ocean to sink to the bottom. Elizabeth Warren is no better bc she fell for the media’s tactics in our urgent state like a fool! Both sides are guilty.

  12. Either Elizabeth warren is a complete moron or she’s trying to boost Bernie past Biden before she bows out.

  13. Bernie Sanders will NEVER be the nominee let alone President…he is not "Democrat approved" ..he will be sabotaged just like in 2016

  14. When are all clowns going to drop out so that the real general election campaign between President Trump and Michael Bloomberg begin?

  15. Rigged system. It becomes more dangerous moving forward. This tells me that Bernie is going to win and they are desperate. If he wins these states here in the next few weeks expect things to become even worse. We have to dig in and help Bernie. Like he said he can't change the system without us

  16. Mark J  There is hard scientific evidence that the average human's mental, emotional and physical health begins to decline around the age of 55. This is why most people "want" to retire around this age. To live there remaining days in a low stressful way. Unlike these politicians who have heart attacks (Such as Bernie Sanders) and then continue to work in extremely high level stressful Jobs. Doctors tell people who have heart attacks to take it easy for awhile (and elderly for the rest of their lives), so what does Bernie do? Run for one of the most stressful jobs in the world! Warren's outburst of pent up anger is a perfect example of a elderly woman unable to control her emotions, she has obviously far passed her prime and has no business running this Country. She should be retired like everyone in her age group. My comment is not ageism, it is reality.

  17. Oh she's a liar all right. I can't believe no one is calling her out constantly on her pretending to be a Native American. Bitch is whiter than white.

  18. Back stabbed him in the last election when he told her to run now this. Bernie or bust I’ll take trump over Biden or warren. 🤦🏽‍♂️🤷🏽‍♂️

  19. Immature, vote for Andrew Yang. Look him up you won’t regret. Support his campaign any amount is helpful. He is here for the people not finger pointing. Childish acts between Warren and Berne

  20. If you say Hillary can’t win in 2018, that gets translated to you saying a woman can’t win. Context doesn’t matter with our sound bite identity politics.

  21. Lol
    Warren lied while claiming to be a native American while Sander's Iowa campaign manager endorses the MURDER of Wisconsin police officers.

    Slam dunk!!

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