Bernie Sanders declares victory in New Hampshire | ABC News

Bernie Sanders declares victory in New Hampshire | ABC News

The Vermont senator is projected to edge out former South Bend, Indiana, Mayor Pete Buttigieg and Minnesota Sen. Amy Klobuchar.

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42 thoughts on “Bernie Sanders declares victory in New Hampshire | ABC News

  1. Notice how things are already censoring with my comments that have disappeared. I just said that it was Cuban that I have been in COMMUNISM for more than half a century and I will put acronyms to see it, and I said that BS is a confessed communist and has exalted the dictator of my country Fidel Castro and says that in Cuba there are no major problems and we are not Let us express ourselves, let's go to jail. Americans want that system for their country? SOS SOS, SOS USA.

  2. Please to all news networks….start referring to Trump in his new title, the current Impeached President. They keep calling him the President. He is an impeached president forever no matter the acquittal.

  3. 👏👏👏Go Bernie!! 🤓🙄😙😁😃

  4. Fact:

    “As a stupid FORMER DEMOCRAT (and now REGISTERED INDEPENDENT) for 2 decades, I know that ALL left in that shitty party has been brainwashed by Globalist MainstreamMedia & idiots who don’t know ECONOMICS 101 & NOT using their COMMON SENSE”.

    Have a great day to y’all…

  5. ABC is gas lighting America. They want your kids to buy OZEMPIC, TRUJEO READY, CIMBALTA, etc. They reaaaaaaaaaaaaally hate Bernie Sanders. The ABC headline is crafty gaslighting. Just listen to what Senator Sanders actually says in this speech…. ABC SUCKS!

  6. How SANDERS could become a democrat candidate, if hes a COMMUNIST?? He likes dictators like Hugu Chaves, Pinochet, he likes USSR, he was there, how it even possible COMMUNIST = DEMOCRAT????? WTF. Thats why he brought a FULL chaos into the DNC)))
    While Democrats fighting each other, he constantly getting hes portion of votes and delegates. Dump people)))

  7. 3:41 "And economy and a government that works for all of us and not wealthy campaign contributors" Now that would be a major step forward for America wouldn't it be. Bernie sounds like an interesting president. He is not one for military intervention in other countries as well.

    Wouldn't it be nice if people didn't attack each other over politics but instead listened to each other and respectfully disagreed with each others views

  8. LOL bernie fans wincing over the title… Do you have any idea how much worse it's going to get? From a Trump supporter- who actually deals with misleading titles turned up to 11

  9. why do people want to make university education free?? It's overpriced, it doesn't reflect the skills needed in the market, and if you really want to learn it, you can learn it all online (for free) or buy the resources for 1% of the tuition cost. Doesn't make any sense to me… The money can undoubtedly be used in much better ways.

  10. Socialism depends not upon the will of the people but on the dictatorship of the Party to remain in power. The terrors that always prevail under socialism:   making children of 12 subject to capital punishment, sending women to work in underground coal mines, harassing workers during their lunchtime with threats of prison if they were late returning to work. A defector said of the perpetual surveillance: “We lived in a world swarming with invisible eyes and ears.”  The young that support socialism do not understand it. 
    You must force people to work, force them to support the regime, force them to do everything because under socialism the hard working have their money taken from them so the will to work is quickly lost.  The regime then must force everyone to work and the fake foolish utopia of socialism fades into a very different harsh reality.  All of you Bern supporters must realize this guy is half dead,  has accomplished zero in Congress, is clueless on reality of how to grow an economy and a middle class.  You people living in your parents basements better study up on socialism.  It fails every time! Look at history.  Socialism depends not upon the will of the people but on the dictatorship of the Party to remain in power!  For socialism always losses the will of the people once it becomes a harsh reality!  Heritage’s 2019 Index of Economic Freedom reported that the greatest advances came in African and Asian countries (such as Botswana and Taiwan) that limited rather than expanded the role of government. More than 100 countries, many of them with less developed or emerging economies, showed marked advances in economic growth and individual prosperity. Between 2000 and 2012, “the rate of absolute poverty in the world fell by 50 percent.” That is, “the poor in the world are getting rich at a rate that is absolutely unparalleled in all of human history.”

  11. This guy can barely stand on his own two legs and he wants to be president lol there waiting for you at the old folks home Colonel 🤣

  12. Buttigieg is a failed Mayer in his own town with many issues against the non-white population. He loves billionaires and they only consist barely of 40 votes since his Iowa campaign. He is true manipulative hypocrite and centrist working for the establishment full heartedly! He has no policy and discusses no issues, only hot air. Bernie is consistent since the last 40 years, appeals to the young, the old, the poor, multi cultures and working class, and of course focuses on issues with a resounding clear message. Bloomberg is also full of crap as his past will get to him in his mistreatment of his city citizens through money. Others will lose when each time they attack Sanders such as Warren and the media.

  13. Hilarious – media is ramping up "tremendous victory" of this lunatic geezer over mostly unknowns. I don't even count Biden and Pocahontas in the mux anymore. Irrelevant, but then so is this guy.
    Continued March towards socialism – except when it involves their lifestyles.
    See you at Trump's re-election.

  14. If people think the Democratic Socialist Party is goo. PLEASE take time to check out the track records of current Socialist countries. Socialism only works until the other person's money runs out. Socialism is evil and will ruin any country. This is what the Democratic party is advocating g, as well as open borders. If the Democratic party gains control of our country, only the hard working taxpayer will be paying the bill for all of their socialist programs. Trillion in new spending programs. Where do you think the money will come from?

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