Benjamin Netanyahu may fall short in Israel election l ABC News – Car Mod Pros Portal

The centrist Blue and White Party, led by Benny Gantz, a former chief of the general staff of the Israeli army, is narrowly edging out Netanyahu’s right-wing Likud Party.

#ABCNews #IsraeliElection #IsraelElections #Netanyahu


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47 thoughts on “Benjamin Netanyahu may fall short in Israel election l ABC News”
  1. Eselamu Alekum Mr Benjamin netanyahu or Shalom! Again!one billion dollars in cash and I come in Jerusalem and work for you!deal? 38766180728 call me or come and get me here in Bosnia and Herzegovina city Bijeljina.. address Baje StaniÅ¡ića 17/22 I'm doing you a favor it's up to you to decide …say hello to your beautiful wife Sara……………. again clean my record in NY Brooklyn!I didn't burn anything I was sick and thanks to Allah the great Almighty I'm very well.if you are interested call if not I will work for some other country but I like you you seem as a nice guy I mean good man.islam is a religion of God …with all the respect to Judaism! Abraham was beliver and friend of Almighty Allah God and he is the one who build kibla in Meka and no other profit will come Muhammad alejhi weselm is the last one …… me feel free.bye now and have a good sleep.tomorow is Shabat I think

  2. 😬😬😬😬🤓🤓Netanyahu is a buddy of Trump, and is as corrupt. Shame on the Jewish people, thought they had more going for them. Not working out your differences with the Palestinians, working with Trump, Netanyahu undermined Israel and Palestinian efforts for peace, causing more problems an escalations. Trump and Netanyahu getting together starting shit! with Iran, when the American government has betrayed Iran on several occasions in the past. Shame on you Israel, Netanyahu has over stayed his welcome unfortunately at Israel expense, you should be tried of wars and conflicts by now. Trump is trying to drag America into a worst conflict. People get rid of these guys and start getting back to the business of positive growth and development.🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔😳😳😳😳😳😳

  3. As the Israel Netanyahu loses, the Secular Indians and Jihadis of Porkistan are getting very happy, let it go 2-4 months.The person who came in the power is "Benny Gatz",he does not even eat breakfast without killing 2 to 4 Palestinians every day. ..

  4. Let’s hope he doesn’t start a War to stay in Power???

  5. Good, perhaps now the domestic/war criminal and jerk, Netanyahu can finally be prosecuted with his wife and go directly to prison.

  6. YHWH judged the Israelites , full of false gods , full of pagan temples , full of false testimonies 😈 , full of Sodomites , full of false prophets and idolatry , full of Sodomites parades and fornication , full of persecution , full of holy land bullshitttttttttttttttttttttttt 😀 😀😀 😀😀 😀😀 😀 jajajajajaja they do not obey all the Torah , the priests can not sacrifice animals , they eat pork and dicks , full of foreigners investments , full of bitches 😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀 jajajajajaja 😁😁 😁 jajajajajaja jajajajajajajajajaja 😁 jajajajajaja jajajajajajajajajaja 😁 jajajajajaja jajajajajajajajajaja 😁 jajajajajaja jajajajajajajajajaja 😁 jajajajajaja jajajajajajajajajaja 😁 jajajajajaja jajajajajajajajajaja 😁 jajajajajaja jajajajajajajajajaja 😁🎁🍹

  7. Benjamin Saul is corrupt with Johnathan , they do not Obey all the Torah , who will be the next president in Israel , maybe David ,😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀 jajajajajaja jajajajajajajajajaja 😁 jajajajajaja jajajajajajajajajaja 😁 jajajajajaja 😁 😁 jajajajajaja jajajajajajajajajaja 😁 jajajajajajajajajaja 😁 jajajajajaja jajajajajajajajajaja 😁 jajajajajaja jajajajajajajajajaja 😁 jajajajajaja 😁 😁 jajajajajaja jajajajajajajajajaja 😁 jajajajajaja

  8. Why is 10 lakh Arabs living in Israel not a threat to world Peace but 6 lakh Israelis living in West Bank threat to world Peace.If two state solution is fulfilled and Israeli settlements in West Bank are dismantled then Arab settlements in Israel should also be dismantled
    Support Israel from India

  9. Plz plz plz guyz z guyz don't lose him he's like 💎💎 for israel i'll be sad if you lose him Eventho i'm not so familiar with the politics of israel but i really admire this guy he is my favorite leader well here I Can't force to vote him because it is your decision or the right all i can do, is can only beg for him to vote, not only Israel but the world also needs such a dynamic leader after all israel people are so smart 👍👍😊😊 love from 🇮🇳🇮🇳🇮🇳🇮🇳

  10. Make Judea ISRAEL Again! 👧🇮🇱💖🇮🇱💙🇮🇱💜🇮🇱💚🇮🇱💛🇮🇱💖🇮🇱💙🇮🇱💜🇮🇱💚🇮🇱💛🇮🇱💖🇮🇱💙🇮🇱💜🇮🇱💚🇮🇱💛🇮🇱💖🇮🇱💙🇮🇱💜🇮🇱💚🇮🇱💛🇮🇱💖🇮🇱💙🇮🇱💜🇮🇱💚🇮🇱💛🇮🇱💖🇮🇱💙🇮🇱💜🇮🇱💚🇮🇱💛🇮🇱💖🇮🇱💙🇮🇱💜🇮🇱💚🇮🇱💛🇮🇱💖🇮🇱💙🇮🇱💜🇮🇱💚🇮🇱💛🇮🇱💖🇮🇱💙🇮🇱💜🇮🇱💚🇮🇱💛🇮🇱💖🇮🇱💙🇮🇱💜🇮🇱💚🇮🇱💛🇮🇱💖🇮🇱💙🇮🇱💜🇮🇱💚🇮🇱💛🇮🇱💖🇮🇱💙🇮🇱💜🇮🇱💚🇮🇱💛🇮🇱💖🇮🇱💙🇮🇱💜🇮🇱💚🇮🇱💛🇮🇱💖🇮🇱💙🇮🇱💜🇮🇱💚🇮🇱💛🇮🇱💖🇮🇱💙🇮🇱💜🇮🇱💚🇮🇱💛🇮🇱💖🇮🇱💙🇮🇱💜🇮🇱💚🇮🇱💛🇮🇱💖🇮🇱💙🇮🇱💜🇮🇱💚🇮🇱💛🇮🇱💖🇮🇱💙🇮🇱💜🇮🇱💚🇮🇱💛🇮🇱💖🇮🇱💙🇮🇱💜🇮🇱💚🇮🇱💛🇮🇱💖🇮🇱💙🇮🇱💜🇮🇱💚🇮🇱💛🇮🇱💖🇮🇱💙🇮🇱💜🇮🇱💚🇮🇱💛🇮🇱💖🇮🇱💙🇮🇱💜🇮🇱💚🇮🇱💛🇮🇱💖🇮🇱💙🇮🇱💜🇮🇱💚🇮🇱💛🇮🇱💖🇮🇱💙🇮🇱💜🇮🇱💚🇮🇱💛🇮🇱💖🇮🇱💙🇮🇱💜🇮🇱💚🇮🇱💛🇮🇱💖🇮🇱💙🇮🇱💜🇮🇱💚🇮🇱💛🇮🇱💖🇮🇱💙🇮🇱💜🇮🇱💚🇮🇱💛🇮🇱💖🇮🇱💙🇮🇱💜🇮🇱💚🇮🇱💛🇮🇱💖🇮🇱💙🇮🇱💜🇮🇱💚🇮🇱💛🇮🇱💖🇮🇱💙🇮🇱💜🇮🇱💚🇮🇱💛🇮🇱💖🇮🇱💙🇮🇱💜🇮🇱💚🇮🇱💛🇮🇱💖🇮🇱💙🇮🇱💜🇮🇱💚🇮🇱💛🇮🇱💖🇮🇱💙🇮🇱💜🇮🇱💚🇮🇱💛🇮🇱💖🇮🇱💙🇮🇱💜🇮🇱💚🇮🇱💛🇮🇱💖🇮🇱💙🇮🇱💜🇮🇱💚🇮🇱💛🇮🇱💖🇮🇱💙🇮🇱💜🇮🇱💚🇮🇱💛🇮🇱💖

  11. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth we pray that Netanyahu and the Israeli people have victory over the socialist athiest globalist elitists and their band of hatemongers.
    Amen 😀

  12. The only solution is to take all of the fanatical Christians, Jews, and Muslims, put them on an island, and let them tear each other apart. That would be justice. Whether or not there is a god, religion is a con. Those two things are separate. Religion uses people's belief in god to run its con — you find a weakness and exploit it.


    Onda de direita vira marola: Bozonaro perde um aliado atrás de outro
    • Em Israel, os votos estão sendo contabilizados ainda, mas já é certo que o execrável Benjamin Netanyahu não terá as 61 cadeiras necessárias para fazer maioria.

    • Matteo Salvini, aliado de Bozonaro na Itália tentou tomar o poder na mão grande, de ministro do Interior quis virar primeiro-ministro, mas levou uma invertida do M5E que o descartou e formou um governo de centro-esquerda com o Partido Democrático.

    • O execrável Viktor Orbán está às vésperas de ver a Hungria punida pela Comunidade Europeia por violar o artigo 7º. da constituição, que impõe aos países membros respeito aos direitos humanos, à liberdade de imprensa e à alternância de poder.

    • Boris Johnson, aquele com cabelo à la Os Três Patetas é vaiado aonde quer que vá depois de ter fechado o Parlamento por um mês para evitar debates sobre o Brexit e poderá ter uma surpresa desagradável quando os deputados voltarem à ativa.

    • Nosso vizinho Maurizio Macri, que nem de extrema-direita é, mas tão somente direita deverá ser defenestrado nas eleições de outubro, dando lugar a Alberto Fernández e Cristina Kirchner.

    • Last but not least: o troglodita Donald Trump já aparece em pesquisas perdendo as eleições do ano que vem para os democratas.

    Aliados de Bozonaro estão caindo em desgraça no mundo todo porque seus discursos e seus atos agressivos e belicosos não trouxeram nenhum resultado positivo para a população, somente miséria, violência e perspectiva de guerra.

    O mundo quer viver em paz.

  14. HE HAS BEEN , REAL ,DICTATOR !!!!! FOR SO LONG .!!!!!! TIME FOR A CHANGE .!!!!!! . JUST LIKE , TRUMP . A CLOSET ZONIST .!!!!!!! . AGENDAS .!!!! SOLD OUT TO ISRAEL 🇮🇱 . AND HIS FAMILY .!!!!!!! . …..🚨😎🇺🇸🇮🇱😎🚨….

  15. So if the new guy is elected will they finally get to a two state solution ? Oh snap he is a Jew too. Never mind 🤦🏼‍♂️

  16. I could not be more sad if Bibi loses. He has earned my great respect with his thoughtful, wise approach to international politics. I will confess that I absolutely love the way he schooled our past president, making him look as foolish as he was.

    In any case, I will continue to pray for Israel and support their right to exist.

  17. abc news…. you have finally moved up to the status of, 'syphilitic boil on a goats ass'.
    You are the stick that goes to the bottom of the political toilet and stirs up the settled crap you make.

  18. Matthew 24:7
    For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places.

  19. They should nuke the fake nation of Israel, they’ve been nothing but problems and costing the U.S. money.

  20. They’re clones
    They both represent the same thing but through different colored ties

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