Battles grow over vaccine mandates – Car Mod Pros Portal

Nearly 1,600 people die from the virus every day.




#WorldNewsTonight #Vaccines #Boosters #COVID-19


By carmodpros


42 thoughts on “Battles grow over vaccine mandates”
  1. The vaccines either don't work or immunity falls off quickly. How many boosters are we going to be told that we need before people realize that these vaccines don't work? What legitimate vaccine developed in the past has this low of a success rate and requires boosters like this? Side effects and no data on mid-term and long-term effects from the vaccine make it very risky, especially in our children. Only those at high risk, such as the elderly, should take the gamble on this vaccine if they wish to be vaccinated. For the rest of the population and until a truly safe and effective vaccine can be developed, infection control procedures and therapeutic drugs with resulting immunity are the answer, not these quack vaccines designed to enrich the pharmaceutical industry. 👿

  2. Lets see if i can explain this in a way where doctors and scientists and sellouts understand it.
    Covid was created by satan and everything about it. God let it happen as a test to the world.
    Fear is not of God.
    Fear is of satan.
    Fear is evil.
    With fear there is absolutley no faith in God. Which makes one a satanist by default according to the whole holy bible.

    Covid and all its subparts is fear.
    To give into fear of death and to live in fear is to bow down and worship satan.
    We cant have two Gods for we will love the one and hate the other. And we will do the work of one and not the other.
    All doctors and scientists are promoting fear saying "Do this or die". Doctors and scientists are acting as gods. They will have their day for sure. When it comes to covid theres no promises. Stop it. Yall are not God.
    Yall should be worried about who your God is and your eternal destination instead of corrupting people and being part of the problem and the devils minions.
    Stop cramming fear down the throats of the people.
    There's two views. The Godly view and the worldly view. The worldly view will lose every time.
    Only under firm duress will a true christian get vaxxed. Then give unto ceasar. God will bless us for it. We dont live in fear.
    And true christians wont lean on mans laws to protect them.
    No. We only lean on God for all our needs.
    And we arent ignorant of his help.
    God is watching who remains stedfast in faith in him and those who remain stedfast in the worldly.
    We all have our predestined death date. And there aint a darn thing man is going to do about it..
    Theres never a good way to die. Theres never a good time to die. Dont be fools.
    Death is immenant.
    Let the dead bury the dead.

     “Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. 14 But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.

    Most of the world is on the road of destruction (hell) just by being vaxxed.
    Its a test of faith folks.
    Faith in God or satan. Pick only one. Because its real, true, and happening wether we accept it or not.

  3. Biden vaccine mandates
    The politicians who aren’t professionals in the medical field need to back off, it is written the Bible, according Revelation 13:17; And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.

    Tells us we will not be able to buy or sell, unless we receive anything such as a mandate which a false government can cause WE THE PEOPLE can lose job to be able to buy what we need for our families to live!
    See the truth what Biden threatening to do, forcing WE THE PEOPLE with an experimental VACCINE that has multiple harmful side effects before the medical professionals can make the vaccine safe with zero side effects! Just the way the previous vaccines! Such, Polio, measles, mumps, shingles, and other medicines injected that may the health of WE THE PEOPLE for the rest of our lives!

  4. A friend just got the V. She is 30 years old. Day 2 Severe neurological issues. Body shaking so bad her head was hitting her chest. The Er said “you are not the only one we’ve seen”. They sent her home with Ativan. She is still stuttering badly and has tremors! No treatment!

  5. Requiring a COVID vaccine to participate in indoor activities and go to work/school is a form of discrimination and promotes medical segregation.

  6. What you hear in the News:

    They inflate the numbers of covid19 cases for the unwaxxinated to try to sell it to society to try to get people to get waxxinated. Like for example if someone dies in a motorcycle or car accident, they get counted AS a covid19 case, by what you see in the NEWS. Same if someone gets murdered etc. And people blindly believe it.
    They are SEVERELY DOWNPLAYING any bad effects of the "So called waxxine"

    The truth is these "so called waxxines" Are not waxxines, but a bioweapon. (99% Graphene Oxide) Which is EXTREMELY TOXIC to the body. We need to RESIST and not give in, whatever it takes. WAXXINES are VERY DANGEROUS and don't listen to anyone who says otherwise.

    More people have died from THIS "WAXXINE" than from ALL other waxxines COMBINED.

    PLEASE: Tell your FAMILIES and FRIENDS, Neighbors, People on Social media (Even if they censor you)
    They are going to eventually make it mandatory to EVEN go to the Grocery Stores and Bank/access your money!

    We NEED to FIGHT BACK against the government at ALL COSTS!

    We need to pull out ALL the STOPS

    Don't Give Up, Be RESILIENT

    These people that are forcing the "Waxxine" are like 200 pound cancer cells!!!!

  7. Consider the potential side effects. Search Zapping, Dizziness and Vestibular. Search for no more silence. Carefully evaluate if you really need to risk this for a disease that has a high chance of survival. Consider if you really need to vaccine a child who likely has a near-zero chance of dying from the virus. Research Clemastine, Taxifolin and Ivermectin. Carefully evaluate, don't feel pressure, and watch out for little voices in your mind saying to get it, or that the vaccine is good and the dopamine hit that follows it. This is not medical advice, only your doctor can provide medical advice to you, nobody else is qualified to provide health/medical information other than your doctor.

  8. Say NO to Sleepy Creepy Joe! …..
    Say NO to the devil's mark vaccine!
    GOD would NEVER tell you you can't feed your family if you don't get the devil's mark! Anydumb**s telling you you sin against GOD if you don't IS LYING you !

  9. Raising gas is the biggest scam to the environment didn't benefit from this people are still using more gas then ever biden is for sure getting paid by the gas companies on this one this president needs to get impeached

  10. So long as the vaccine could give you Mayocarditis, I don't want it. I'd rather die from something eating me than having my own body destroy itself because of something the government decided would be good for me.

  11. Explain Why THESE Vaccines are so much more Important to Inject people with, when You can still Receive, Transmit, get sick, still have to wear a mask, and social distance,
    rather than Natural Immunity ??
    The list of side effects are ridiculously high !!
    WHY such a hard push that it Now is affecting people's Careers, Income, Family, and Safety to stay Fed with a roof over their head ??
    WHY ???

  12. This is the dumbest thing I ever heard are they serious people have a right to take or not to take the shot is that not why the constitution stands on? This is wrong!

  13. What happened to herd immunity? What happened to the flu? What happened to to tracking, testing and treatment options? 👍

  14. Delta breakthrough infections likely contagious. Among people infected by the Delta variant of the coronavirus, fully vaccinated people with "breakthrough" infections may be just as likely as unvaccinated people to spread the virus to others, new research suggests.

    ~Source: Reuters

  15. This violates the Nuremberg code, The voluntary consent of the human subject is absolutely essential. This means that the person involved should have legal capacity to give consent; should be so situated as to be able to exercise free power of choice, without the intervention of any element of force, fraud, deceit, duress, overreaching, or other ulterior form of constraint or coercion. You can't mandate it its against a world law because of the nazis. If you want to be like the nazis well then I'm gonna want 100 nazi scalps on my desk by days end.

  16. Remember when were all just a bunch of conspiracy theorists when talking about possible vaccine mandates? Remember when Fauci, Walensky, and even the Biden administration claimed they would never mandate the vaccine? Have you caught on yet, folks? This was never about our collective health. No "safe and effective" vaccine would be this heavily marketed. No "safe and effective" vaccine would result in thousands of health care workers being fired for not taking it. No "safe and effective" vaccine would involve manufacturers hiding behind emergency use authorization.

    None of this COVID nonsense adds up. The only people being affected by this so called "pandemic" are the little people while the politicians go on as normal. The only businesses affected by this are small businesses that cannot afford to close down for months at a time. If you haven't woken up yet, I doubt you will, but for those of us who know exactly what's happening, keep fighting and resisting the vaccine, for your health will thank you later.

  17. Imagine if all HEROIN dealers were this pushy about 💩 that will kill ya!!!😳

  18. FDA’s list of possible adverse reactions that are NOT published with the jab inserts on purpose to deceive citizens into getting the clot shots!
    Guillain barre syndrome!
    Acute disseminated encephalomyelitis
    Transverse myelitis
    Acute myocardial infarction
    Autoimmune disease
    Miscarriages/birth defects
    Other acute demyelinating diseases
    Non anaphylactic allergic reactions
    Disseminated intravascular coagulation (blood clots)
    Venous thromboembolism
    Arthritis and joint pain
    Kawasaki disease
    Multi symptom inflammatory syndrome in children! organ inflammation-Listed as a New child hood disease in 2020 caused by the experimental clot shots!!!!!!! Mis-c multi system inflammatory in children. Over 4200 already reported in the CDC’s web site!

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