Barry remnants dump more rain, heatwave forms

Barry remnants dump more rain, heatwave forms

Moisture from Barry is expected to combine with a frontal system and deliver storms with heavy rain from the mid-South into the Northeast. READ MORE:

#ABCNews #Barry #TropicalStorm #Weather


25 thoughts on “Barry remnants dump more rain, heatwave forms

  1. This is a losing situation for these folks because widespread flooding is gonna start happening every year. Pretty soon insurance companies will refuse coverage in these areas….

  2. It's summer, it's hot. We use more electricity now than we ever have in the past but let us take in more people who will use more electricity and fossil fuels. If we truly care about climate change we would secure the borders.

  3. lubricating the New Madrid Fault. extreme heat makes water expand, the soil is completely saturated with more piling up on top, all atop the New Madrid Fault. Google It.

  4. Don't cha' luv the Anthropocene weather?

    We totally buried the Holocene climate this winter•spring•summer in unusually deep flood-borne sediments in the geologic basis of record Earth keeps.

    Expect it to keep going with the too-wet, heat, droughts & wildfires in between thang'.

    We told you so 30-years ago, done deal and due to climate-hysteresis there's no turning back, oh dear.

    And worse, no ocean-heat reversal switch has been found yet at any price on the fossil•fuel fiat currency market, eh?

    Suffer honey, it's only money, oh that was a zillion farmers who lost their crops?

    Too bad, tis sad, whatcha' gonna do about it, torch fields dry with unused fracking gas, eh?

  5. For decades, it was believed that a person’s direct exposure to the mercury in amalgam was brief, occurring only while the dentist packed the filling into the tooth. But with the arrival of more sensitive laboratory tools in the late 1970s and into the 1980s, scientists showed that dental amalgam continuously releases a mercury vapor into the mouth, which is inhaled and absorbed by the body.

    The discovery raised concerns about the possible toxicity of chronic low-level exposure to mercury from dental amalgam. The toxicity of mercury at higher levels, such as from industrial exposures, is well established. Possible symptoms of mercury poisoning include irritability, memory loss, tremors, poor physical coordination, insomnia, kidney failure and anorexia.They may include muscle weakness, poor coordination, numbness in the hands and feet, skin rashes, anxiety, memory problems, trouble speaking, trouble hearing, or trouble seeing.[1]High-level exposure to methylmercury is known as Minamata disease.[2]Methylmercury exposure in children may result in acrodynia (pink disease) in which the skin becomes pink and peels

  6. Wow I’m lucky I live in the uk

  7. That’s why winters the best season

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