Barr describes serious irregularities around Epsteins death l ABC News

Barr describes serious irregularities around Epsteins death l ABC News

Plus, the latest details on the FBI and NYPD raid of Little St. James, Jeffrey Epsteins private island in the Caribbean.


#ABCNews #EpsteinDeath #JeffreyEpstein


26 thoughts on “Barr describes serious irregularities around Epsteins death l ABC News

  1. “OK … attention all prison guards! Who knows how to tie a Windsor Knot ?” asked Barr

  2. I hope everyone realizes those large surveillance systems keep logs. You can tell exactly when those cameras were turned off, err I mean broke down. If the logs were erased then it's obvious what happened.

  3. Anybody who thinks Jeffrey Epstein committed suicide is a "FOOL". Jeffrey Epstein was murdered and President Trump's actions are to re-open the investigation to find out the Truth. This report by ABC News is a farce trying to overlook the real issues in the death of Jeffrey Epstein. 

    This is no CONSPIRACY THEORY and the American public knows it even though the Major News Outlets want to keep it quiet!!

  4. It's over,no body no trial. There is 20 Epsteins out their, they'll show docs on how were over staffed, throw an actor in there, let it pass ,look if trump wanted them he has the videos, photos,footage ,so has the Israelis!??? The only thing that they fear is a well armed group of men, with well organised people to protest on all of them,time for honering themselves must come to an end!!!

  5. If you look at other deaths which would ordinarily be seriously doubted as suicide such as when a death helping the Clintons stay out of trouble, was determined to be "suicide". After all, it just happens all the time with suicides that the victim shoots themselves twice in the back of the head. To anyone else, it would look like an execution as, aren't you dead on the first bullet? Too bad that Epstein didn't have a gun to shoot himself twice.

    The term "conspiracy theory" is used like "racist" so that if you use either term, it is so emotionally charged, that it is impossible to truly take the matter of Epstein's suicide, seriously. No one will say that a "conspiracy theory" could actually be a reasonable explanation because the popular Left-wing group-think has pre-determined that unless you think like them, you are to be ridiculed.

    "These aren't the droids you are looking for… move along…. nothing to see here…" Do you feel controlled by the Force yet?

  6. Trump and Barr's FBI love child rape. Look at what the FBI let's the US Navy get away with. The Navy had a hellish child rape island (adak alaska) and the FBI did nothing. NCIS loves blaming child rape victims.

  7. Understaffed?! Feel like I’m watching news for the Truman show. Phonies and pretenders all around. Thankful this kind of bs isn’t gonna be in my eternal home.

  8. ABC News eh? Are you sure it wasn't President Trumps fault?
    Easy, Don't have Fredo and his dorks push me down the stairs !
    Well, ABC -you all have totally surprised me reporting on at least a portion of the truth ! To what do we owe the honor ? Careful, you might get booted from the fake media club !
    Oh, lastly- He is in Max, at Gitmo, singin like McCain at the Hanoi Hilton, you numb nuts !!
    Noone ever leaves the face uncovered of a corpse…A bit TOO certain that it was really him, eh ?
    "….when first we practice to deceive…."

  9. Hey What happen with the 13 year-old who was raped by Trump at Epstein’s house?
    Who is going to investigate
    Barr? O nono?! His Father is a Zionist Jew involved with Epstein ( Fact!)

  10. This is a joke. This dude was a Predator.. he use his wealth and contact to do these horrific deeds. This some made up crap. It’s like they care about this dude. The only thing they are worried about is what information he left behind! They think that the people are fool. The I don’t about this shit. This animal kill himself. Stop the Conspiracy crap! Lol

  11. What Barr was saying is…It wasn't Trump! No really it wasn't Trump! PLEASE BELIEVE ME IT WASN'T TRUMP!! WHY DON'T YOU BELIEVE ME IT WASN'T!!! I'M TELLING YOU IT WASN'T HIM!!!! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE BELIEVE ME!!!!!

  12. Lets just face it…. The people will NEVER know the truth… 😞😞

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