Barr blasts Trump’s tweets: ‘Impossible for me to do my job’: ABC News Exclusive – Car Mod Pros Portal

Barr’s comments are a rare break with a president who the attorney general has aligned himself with and fiercely defended. READ MORE:

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By carmodpros


42 thoughts on “Barr blasts Trump’s tweets: ‘Impossible for me to do my job’: ABC News Exclusive”
  1. I want to use this medium to testify of how i get back my Lover after divorce with the help of DR GODFATHER, i and my Lover have been married for 2 years with 2 kids, we have been a happy family. Last year his behavior towards me and the kids changed, i suspected he was meeting another woman outside out marriage, any time i confronted him, he threatened to divorce me, i did all i could to make hings right but all to no avail until i saw a post on a "love and relationship forum" about a spell caster who helps people to cast spell on marriage and relationship issues, when i contacted this spell caster via email, he helped me cast a re-union spell and my Lover changed and came apologizing to me and the kids. Contact this great spell caster for your relationship or marriage issues via this email: drgodfatherspellcaster1@gmail. com or Whatsapp him +2347062606817

  2. Barr has yet to get off his butt and indite, convict, and send to prison the Uranium One people, HRC, the FBI / DOJ leakers, etc. can hardly blame President Trump for getting impatient. Another loser about to be shown the door at the Oval Office.

  3. Waaaaa if you can't stand the heat then get out of the kitchen. Barr crying like a bitch when he hasn't been under fire like Trump has been. So get off the battle field and go hide with the children.

  4. The thing about President Trump's tweets, he is saying exactly how many people feel and want to say. Maybe those who don't like President Trump should keep their mouth shut clearly they don't believe in freedom of speech of others.

  5. It's funny his last name is Barr because he favors John Goodman's character Dan on Roseanne 😂😂😂

  6. Did you know Trump is the source of the DOJ's authority ….. Trump can order "any" investigation he wants. My advice to the left is tread carefully. The Sentence the Prosecutors asked for was disproportionate to past sentences handed down by the Judiciary (by the way Judges hand down sentences not Prosecutors) …… the Prosecutors reaction is nothing but suss. Fake news alert George the decision to review the proposed time period for incarceration, occurred before Trumps tweet….. sigh lie lie lie.

  7. Barr's supposed anger about Trump's tweets is nothing but orchestrated slop… It's theater designed to fool Americans into thinking that Big Billy Barr and our little Mango Mussolini aren't working completely hand-in-glove… or whatever filthy metaphor you may find more fitting… 💩

  8. Well well well…. another string and mirror reporting, bait and switch, shell game. I watch the clip of Pierre getting the answer to a question by Mr Barr, but not in context. Barr answered a question, but what was left out, was THE question he was answering. I know, I know, I know, you told us what you asked, well, what you thought you asked, well, what you wanted us to believe you asked. But, you didn't let us actually see or hear you ask the question to Mr Barr, you only showed us the answer. Why is that an issue with me? Well, because of the next question you asked. You asked it in specific terms about the President coming after Mr Barr for being so bold. But, Barr's answer was general, saying he won't be bullied by ANYONE, albeit Congress, Newspapers Editoral Boards, or the President. IOW, by NOBODY. But, the only part of that answer that seems to be used by the left media is that "Barr Won't Be Bullied By The President" So, you took a very generalized across the board answer, and turned it into Barr saying he won't be Bullied by Trump. A HUGE MISCHARACTERIZATION OF WHAT WAS BEING SAID! And, because there was a cut away from from the interview question to the answer, there is not telling if that was actually the question you asked Mr Barr, and didn't' do some magic script editing. Barr made a generalized answer, and the question was specific, so you are selling it as if he was specifically answering the question that had the biased presumed position that Trump would be upset with Barr and bully him. Barr didn't "come forward" to try and squelch the President. He answered, in general terms, a question you liberal news folks asked him. I think you just tried to con us with a shell game!

  9. When I first heard this, I thought it was a scam to deflect how he did step in to get Stone a reduced sentence. If it is a real fight between Barr and Trump, he gets what he deserves. Also, didn't Obama say the hardest part of the job was giving up his cell phone (for security purposes). Then why is Trump allowed to have one? He is so reckless and juvenile with his tweets. I wish he put that much effort into acting presidential.

  10. Do not believe he's been truthful. Sounds like a plan that was cooked up. Barr gets the go a head with what ever and covers it up, even Trump's friends that commit crimes. It's true there are some untruthful people in both Democrats and Republicans but if this was an ordinary citizen or a Dems, there would not have been no tweet or any interference of any sorts. Love this president, and I know that God chose him for such a time as this. I also know there's some goodness in him for this nation but why pardon the same corruption he's fighting against?

  11. Brennan, Comey, and Clapper all lied to congress: no charges. Brennan's CIA hacked the senate and submitted false referrals to the DoJ on Senate staffers: no charges. McCabe lied under oath 3 times: no charges. Wolfe leaked Carter Page FISA with help of Senate Dems: no charges. Crossfire Hurricane required multiple lies to a FISA court, including falsified evidence: no charges. General Flynn broke no laws. There was no Russia collusion and Mueller's team KNEW IT when they interviewed Roger Stone. Barr thinks these prosecutions based on falsified evidence and prosecutorial misconduct are all "righteous", but no prosecutions for an attempted coup?

  12. Why doesn't ABC tell all the news instead of picking a little here and a little there and obvious that your channel is biased the only reason I watched this was I wanted to hear Barr a very patriotic ethical man I should have known not to watch ABC

  13. Trust Barr, Trust Trump 💯 #wwg1wga #Trump2Q2Q AG Barr will bring justice to the corrupt. That's for sure and much of the "background commentary" that makes his job hard is for corrupt Democrats screaming for him to resign, threatening to impeach him.. the Attorney General. Let's put this in context. And if you haven't seen it, go to Rudy W Giuliani on YouTube. Rudy's channel is great. May just change your mind. Check out episodes 2-6 then you'll understand some things. Also, x22report. My fav channel. God bless to ALL 💯🙏

  14. Trump is right, very unfair! It's 4 yrs for rapists but 7-9 yrs for lying? Then all of LEFT hypocrites deserve 1000 yrs each because that's all they do for 3 yrs plus!! Don't think the left clowns are getting away, JUSTICE IS COMING SOON!!

  15. If that’s a blast Everyone Run for your lives!!!! He’s gonna blow!!!

  16. When the entire Russian investigation was built on false predications why should any of Stone’s charges be held up?

  17. Too late Billy boy. Fake news. Hoax. The pressure is not going to go away because of this obvious bull chit interview. Your motives are too transparent. You legacy will be that you were nothing more than trumps flunky. You made your bed, now you have to lie in it.

  18. Barr, cupcake just want Trump to shut up so you can sneak in and do your job to please Trump on the hush, hush.
    How is it New sanctions against Russia have suddenly disappeared?
    Barr your speech pattern says it all your a lair and fill of BS!

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