Barcelona concert could help bring back large events

Barcelona concert could help bring back large events

About 5,000 fans packed an arena in Barcelona where masks were required to attend and on-the-spot rapid tests were included in the price of the tickets.


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21 thoughts on “Barcelona concert could help bring back large events

  1. Let's be real people, this is not the solution . Period.
    Who would want to go to a concert with fear of getting infected and with masks on their faces?! It just doesn't make any sense!
    Let us all wait a tiny bit more and then come back the good old way!
    No masks, no tests, no fear! Stay safe in the meanwhile.

  2. Masks aren’t going to be useful at an event like a concert with thousands of people.. 😅

  3. Maybe worry about…
    70 percent of black children are born out of wedlock.

    Being a Bleeding Democrat with HATE is more important!

    Grow up.

  4. Of course they could but very risky at this stages… the best options will be reopen schools, businesses, borders, workplaces and let’s take measure but still i don’t think it’s wise to hold big events like clubs and etc…

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