Bank of America slashing overdraft fees l ABC News – Car Mod Pros Portal

The major U.S. bank will cut overdraft fees from $35 to $10 after pressure from consumer advocacy groups.

#ABCNews #BofA #OverdraftFees #BankofAmerica


By carmodpros


45 thoughts on “Bank of America slashing overdraft fees l ABC News”
  1. I Left Bank of America 15 years ago because of their excessive fees which I always found ridiculous.
    Especially an overdraft fee charging an account holder a ridiculous amount who is obviously having financial difficulty.

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  3. I didn’t know BOA authorized ach or debit transactions and charged all of these crazy fees on peoples accounts without them knowing 😒

  4. PNC bank has NO overdraft fees if you replace the cash in two days! They alert you by email every overdraft; then you get two days to cover the fee.

  5. Yes Lord! BOA is awful! They have the nerve to thank me for having an acct with them for 27 years! Right after they charged me two overdraft fees of 35×2 for a overdraft amt of $4.00. I have always taken care of the overdraft. They know I am disabled the SSDI direct deposited into said acct. Before I got sick I worked full time and same said acct had direct deposited my checks! I am poor in resources but I am sorry BOA that I was stricken with Multiple Sclerosis no fault of my own! Be nice if they refunded our money! God bless everyone. Thank you for listening!

  6. Yes Lord! BOA is awful! They have the nerve to thank me for having an acct with them for 27 years! Right after they charged me two overdraft fees of 35×2 for a overdraft amt of $4.00. I have always taken care of the overdraft. They know I am disabled the SSDI direct deposited into said acct. Before I got sick I worked full time and same said acct had direct deposited my checks! I am poor in resources but I am sorry BOA that I was stricken with Multiple Sclerosis no fault of my own! Be nice if they refunded our money! God bless everyone. Thank you for listening!

  7. All of this time wasted for something less reasonable no offense, I'd rather spend that much on digital currency analysis.some persons assume and fail, while few assume and achieve, making the right decisions is not influenced by your thoughts,…. positivity does.. be positive enough to be successful with opportunities at all times…

  8. I Left Bank of America 15 years ago because of their excessive fees which I always found ridiculous.
    Especially an overdraft fee charging an account holder a ridiculous amount who is obviously having financial difficulty.

  9. I Left Bank of America 15 years ago because of their excessive fees which I always found ridiculous.
    Especially an overdraft fee charging an account holder a ridiculous amount who is obviously having financial difficulty.

  10. I Left Bank of America 15 years ago because of their excessive fees which I always found ridiculous.
    Especially an overdraft fee charging an account holder a ridiculous amount who is obviously having financial difficulty.

  11. Would be better if they returned all the late fees to people who needed that money 🤦🏻‍♂️ hopefully they don’t go bankrupt. Those fees make them millions

  12. Yes Lord! BOA is awful! They have the nerve to thank me for having an acct with them for 27 years! Right after they charged me two overdraft fees of 35×2 for a overdraft amt of $4.00. I have always taken care of the overdraft. They know I am disabled the SSDI direct deposited into said acct. Before I got sick I worked full time and same said acct had direct deposited my checks! I am poor in resources but I am sorry BOA that I was stricken with Multiple Sclerosis no fault of my own! Be nice if they refunded our money! God bless everyone. Thank you for listening!

  13. Yes Lord! BOA is awful! They have the nerve to thank me for having an acct with them for 27 years! Right after they charged me two overdraft fees of 35×2 for a overdraft amt of $4.00. I have always taken care of the overdraft. They know I am disabled the SSDI direct deposited into said acct. Before I got sick I worked full time and same said acct had direct deposited my checks! I am poor in resources but I am sorry BOA that I was stricken with Multiple Sclerosis no fault of my own! Be nice if they refunded our money! God bless everyone. Thank you for listening!

  14. Bank of america has a partnership with China construction bank. So if you bank with BofA you bank with china 🇨🇳

  15. Yes Lord! BOA is awful! They have the nerve to thank me for having an acct with them for 27 years! Right after they charged me two overdraft fees of 35×2 for a overdraft amt of $4.00. I have always taken care of the overdraft. They know I am disabled the SSDI direct deposited into said acct. Before I got sick I worked full time and same said acct had direct deposited my checks! I am poor in resources but I am sorry BOA that I was stricken with Multiple Sclerosis no fault of my own! Be nice if they refunded our money! God bless everyone. Thank you for listening!

  16. Would be better if they returned all the late fees to people who needed that money 🤦🏻‍♂️ hopefully they don’t go bankrupt. Those fees make them millions

  17. I brought legal charges against a WI credit union over just these issues and in just this time frame. The settlement, once the lawyers were paid, was modest for me, but I got away from them and my loan with them; the attorneys? Doubtless big smiles, and I did not care. The CU did not care when I pleaded poverty; one paycheck, they took it all against ratched up fees, and when I pleaded poverty, the CU cited the guidelines it must observe. Prior to being a CU,it was a religious bank.

  18. Please have commentary. You could put this on your website if you're not going to verbally discuss it. We don't come on YouTube to read.

  19. I've been with BOA for 15 years, every over draft fee I got was deserved. If you can't balance a check book, then put your money in your mattress. Stop winning and looking for a free ride.

  20. B of A was the first bank I ever used. Did away with them a few years later because of all their fees and nonsense. They should have done this in the 1990s. They would have more customers today.

  21. The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom: and the knowledge of the holy is understanding. Fear God, who has the power to kill you and then throw you into hell. Yes, he’s the one to fear. For God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control. For, behold, the LORD will come with fire, and with his chariots like a whirlwind, to render his anger with fury, and his rebuke with flames of fire. For the gaze of the Lord is a consuming fire! Praise His Holy name.

  22. I Left Bank of America 15 years ago because of their excessive fees which I always found ridiculous.
    Especially an overdraft fee charging an account holder a ridiculous amount who is obviously having financial difficulty.

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