Ballerina from Russias Bolshoi Ballet takes stand against war in Ukraine I WNT

Ballerina from Russias Bolshoi Ballet takes stand against war in Ukraine I WNT

International star ballerina Olga Smirnova quit Moscows renowned Bolshoi Ballet after publicly denouncing the Russian invasion in Ukraine.




#WorldNewsTonight #RussianBallerina #Ukraine


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41 thoughts on “Ballerina from Russias Bolshoi Ballet takes stand against war in Ukraine I WNT

  1. incredible. major artists and athletes are particularly beholden to Putin and the government, so it’s always huge and risky when they speak out. I hope her family is safe.

  2. As a ballerina myself I am so proud of her for standing up for what's right. I know it was a tough decision to leave a company that you've been with for so long but it was the right decision. Also the fact that the Dutch National Ballet welcomed her in just makes me so happy, I'm so glad she still gets to do what she loves.

  3. Смирнова одна из не многих, кто поддерживает сторону Байдена и фашистов Зеленского !!! Мы верим и поддерживаем Путина и его решения!!!

  4. Smirnova is a fine dancer — but not a great one. No one in the world had ever spoken about her or her talent before she “stood up against war”. She is completely fine now and completely safe, enjoying her newfound publicity ready to debut in Dutch National Opera, trained by another emigrant. She also was eager to receive President’s Prize in 2020. 
    This media is just using Smirnova and escalating the situation for the sake of propaganda, which is completely disgusting, and more than half of the commentators can’t even spell Ukraine right and don’t know a thing about the conflict.
    This comment is going to be deleted anyway but, honestly, I do not care — it will prove again how corrupt Western media are.

  5. It is hardly surprising that Olga Smirnova left the Bolshoi Ballet because of the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Surely, as a Russian, she must know about Ukraine's shelling of the Donbass, with over 14,000 Russian men, women and children killed by the shelling to date, as the Russian Army encircles the nazified Azov Militia to neutralize it to stop the shelling. She may or may not have known that crucial reason for the war, as dancers tend to be insularly focused on dance, but it is hardly surprising she left. Her husband works for Goldman Sachs.

    And, by the way, this war was not started by Russia. As Biden's threats against Putin escalated, Putin and Lavrov consistently asked for diplomacy to stop the Ukrainian killing of Russians in the Donbass and stop the infusion of US/NATO on Russia's border. Their calls fell on deaf ears. You can watch the sequences. They all played out on the internet, so shame on those who either don't bother to learn the issues, or deliberately cover them up to support the uninformed, vitriolic hatred against Russia and Russians. This is Biden's war with Russia, using Ukraine, from which he has done his share of plundering, as a proxy. Hunter Biden/Burisma $83,000/ month for a no-show board seat is just a very small example of Biden theft — and, now, news that Hunter Biden invested heavily in the BioWar Labs in Ukraine where does it end.

    The loss of balanced, fully-true, professional journalism at media outlets, such as ABC, is one of the worst crises we face today, the dire aftermath and destruction of which will play out long after Putin defeats the Azov Militia, rescues Ukraine from corrupt oligarchs, US/NATO profiteering and foreign aid, much of it siphoned into US bank accounts.

  6. The director of the theatre has also published an antiwar letter… I wish strength to the Russian people to eliminate the cancer of hatred, violence and false values from their country. They deserve better

  7. Bravo!!!! Mujer valiente, alza la voz, ante una guerra ridícula, donde sólo hay muerte y destrucción, Rusia ya debe parar y dejar de matar mujeres, niños, ancianos, casas, teatros, escuela. El mundo es de todos, y gracias a que a fuerzas quieren invadir un país, matan todo, es absurdo y detestable!! Así que bailarina, te admiramos por tu determinación en contra de esta matanza , que por cierto Rusia no respeta el código de guerra, guerrea muy sucio. Dios salve a la sociedad Ucraniana!!

  8. Молодец, Ольга! С большим уважением к Вам!

  9. I love her for standing up for her beliefs, and for her incredible talent. I look forward to seeing her with DNB💓💯🙏🏻🕊She is so right in saying war is no longer an acceptable form of resolving conflict in today’s world.

  10. Thank you OLGA – SMIRNOVA🌹🌹🌹, you’re a LEGEND🏆🏆🏆🌹🌹🌹🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻.


  12. Ольге Смирновой пожелаем успеха' интересной работы' апплодисментов и всегда помнить о той великой Балетной школе' о педагогах' потрясающей' лучшей в мире сцене Большого Театра…очень повезло европейцам' хоть что то прекрасное' величественное увидят…Маленькую жемчужину ВЕЛИКОГО КЛАССИЧЕСКОГО РУССКОГО БАЛЕТА.Знайте 'Ольга' Ð’Ñ‹ будете жить в Европе' а это значит Ð’Ñ‹ будете жить в королевстве кривых зеркал..я тоже здесь задержалась на много лет' но не навсегда…Вас ждет большой успех! Но у него есть своя ЦЕНА…ПОЙМЕТЕ ПОЗЖЕ..ВСПОМИНАЙТЕ МАЙЮ МИХАЙЛОВНУ ПЛИССЕЦКУЮ…Ð’ добрый путь..

  13. 러시아🇷🇺 & 벨라루스🇧🇾 의 국민들은 푸틴과 루카센코가 외부와 차단시키고 우물안의 개구리 가 되었답니다! 북한식 공산주의 으로 빠르게 가고 있음을! 방송에서는 북한식 선동하는 선전용 방송 뉴스을 매일 해대고 있습니다! 뉴스를 안 하는 시간에는 전에 방송했었던 프로그램을 가위질 하고 편집해서 재탕하기를 반복하고 있습니다 사회주의 사상은 공산주의 사상으로 가는 지름길 입니다 한번있는 인생을 헛되이 살지 말라는 겁니다! 러시아 🇷🇺 & 벨라루스 🇧🇾 는 경제 제재로 국가 부도! 파산 하기 일보직전 입니다! 러시아 🇷🇺 & 벨라루스 🇧🇾 의 모든 국민들은 나라가 어떻게 돌아 가는지와 세계도 어떻게 돌아 가는 것을 알아야 할 권리가 있습니다! 푸틴과 루카센코는 나치 히틀러 추동자의 이상으로 전쟁 범죄자 이고 특수 살인 범죄자 입니다 러시아 🇷🇺 & 벨라루스 🇧🇾 는 살인 범죄 국가가 된 겁니다! 푸틴과 루카센코이 전쟁을 일으킨 장본인 이기 때문에!!! 사형집행을 할수 있는 법안을 만들자고 푸틴과 루카센코가 측근들, 정치판에서 행패를 부리고 성질내고 난동부리고 있습니다! 그외에는 사생활인데 상상에 맡깁니다 가짜 지도자한테 나라를 맡기지 말라는 뜻 입니다!! 나라를 살리는 길은 국민들한테 있습니다! 푸틴과 루카센코는 탄핵과 실각해야 합니다!!!

  14. Kudos to all the Russian people who are speaking out.
    Two UK-based Russian stars have raised funds for Ukraine – Natalia Osipova & Vadim Muntagirov. Dangerous for these individuals, under Putin Russia has killed or has attempted to kill Russian dissidents in western Europe.
    I hope they stay safe and their voices help end the horror in Ukraine soon. Bless them all.

  15. This move says a lot. Russian Ballerinas have long been used as weapons during the war to show the world the greatness of the Russian culture. Such a brave, dignified and a compassion spirit. I wish all the best for her, health and safety. 💗

  16. She must be supporting ukro-nazis that killed thousands of Russians including children bombing Donbas. Her dance lacks perfection of the Mariinsky’s ballet dancers such as Uliana Looatkina, Galina Mezentseva and others anyway. Big mistake not to join Mariinsky on her part and now it’s too late Bolshoi spoiled her

  17. Olga Smirnova is a self-interested person. She wants a big career in the West. She does not know the real issues involved in the Ukraine conflict–how Putin was driven to take this measure by NATO expansion eastward, by the existence of 30 dangerous US Defense Department funded bioweapon laboratories in Ukraine right on Russia's border, by Nazi Azov bombardment of Russian-Ukrainian civilians in Donbass , killing 15000-30000 civilians since 2014.

    Olga Smirnova is a fine dancer, but perhaps she thought this was her last chance to get to the West to start a big career there. She is not knowledgeable abut the real issues involved in Ukraine.

  18. All the culture, intelligence, money is leaving. How much "brain drain" can they withstand? They are killing themselves for decades to come not withstanding all the murder in Ukraine, of course.

  19. This is Olga Smirnova.
    A Russian ballerina.
    About her the BBC writes.
    Because Olga finally had enlightenment, and she declared that she was "against the war with all the fibers of her soul."
    Then she left Russia to join the Dutch National Ballet.
    Who received her immediately and with warm embraces.
    Now she will dance beautifully in Europe.

    And this is Artem Datsyshyn.
    A Ballet dancer of the National Opera of Ukraine and winner of international competitions.
    He will never dance again.
    He died at the hands of the Russian occupiers.
    That's all you need to know about culture outside of politics.
    On the prospects of unity under the auspices of culture.
    And about the price of war. Which we pay.
    And which they (Russians) use.

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