Baby giraffe takes first steps at Santa Barbara Zoo

Baby giraffe takes first steps at Santa Barbara Zoo

A giraffe takes its first wobbly steps within an hour of being born at Californias Santa Barbara Zoo.

#ABCNews #Giraffe #BabyGiraffe #SantaBarbaraZoo


39 thoughts on “Baby giraffe takes first steps at Santa Barbara Zoo

  1. This is so sad they look like they’re looking for TREes

  2. Baby giraffe is so tiny next to his mama. So sweet, he’s walking like a pro. ❤️

  3. So adorable. 😍 I love the babies.

    Love from BC Canada

  4. Momma giraffe : okie, leaving the room now…”
    Baby: imma go this way, have fun momma.”

  5. Within an hour! That's nothing for on the plains new born Giraffes have to be up & running in under two minutes to beat the Early Bird Specials.

  6. I am glad to see the baby giraffe and mother cared for. They look so happy and cute. It is too sad that giraffes are endangered.

    Love from Canada ❣🇨🇦

  7. So adorable. 😍 I love the babies.

    Love from BC Canada 🇨🇦❣

  8. Everybody please don't let this moment pass please make the best decision of your life right now by allowing our God in heaven to come into your life by you praying to God everyday for his help in every decision of your life everyday and in every situation of your life everyday for I guarantee if you do this everyday then your life will get better, you will have more peace, you will be more successful, you will have more happiness, and all your dreams will come true that’s because when you pray to God then God will make all good things possible for you and you must not forget to read the “Holy Bible” everyday and a great place for you to start in the holy Bible is (Psalms 1) and everyday after that read a chapter in Psalms till you finish all the chapters in Psalms then after that start on (Proverbs 1) then everyday after that read a chapter in Proverbs till you finish all the chapters in Proverbs and after that read every chapter of the Holy Bible until you finish it for it will change your life in the most amazing way

  9. There is nothing more adorable then seeing baby animals and their Mama's 😍😍🥰🥰

  10. Look at those wobbly little knees! 😩😩

  11. So cute! 🐏🐄Animals!

  12. Omg 😍😍😍😍

  13. Shockingly horse riding scene in Korean historical drama broadcast ed weeks ago. The horse was killed instantly. People showed disgust for the process of making dangerous animal abuse scene.
    Real horse was instantly killed on the scene only for 2 second cut.

  14. 💗💗💗

  15. Sorry son you had to be born behind bars in our eyes you are the animals, and we will never be free . 🌍

  16. I like giraffes 🦒

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