Axon, major manufacturer of body cameras, unveils upgraded device – Car Mod Pros Portal

Cincinnati Police have already started using the new cameras, which will allow supervisors to tap into a livestream and watch police and citizen encounters in real time.


By carmodpros


29 thoughts on “Axon, major manufacturer of body cameras, unveils upgraded device”
  1. 3:29, “to eliminate the possibility of turning off their cameras” “so once officers turn on their lights” if this is to prevent a cause for the camera being put off the officers can just keep their lights off.. basically you’re admitting they fucked up day one of its release?

  2. To have a proper stream quality, the truck with the computers and stuff that links to cameras, must have a very powerful omnidirectional antenna. Or maby place antennas all over the country that run under 5G and ONLY to law enforcement. Like adding a Sim card to them but not renovable. That way you get max quality

  3. We utilize these same cameras within our EMS organization. I have no problem with someone else having access to what I do on a scene. I remain professional, courteous, and do my job. Those of us that do, don't mind the cameras. We were the first EMS agency to start using them, and the payoff for training and real life scenarios is amazing. It also increases our safety and accountability. And a side note, for those saying they can be edited, they cannot. I'd recommend you contact the manufacturer and learn about them more. This is a game changer for all agencies.

  4. The company wants to make policing bullet free? That's ridiculous. Do they think bad guys will just "give up" because they are on camera? What planet are these people from????

  5. yeah and if 5G is as successful as they say it will be this might well be awesome. I hope it records locally as well though coz chances are it will often lose conection

  6. Axon are pricks , i sent them emails to get a camera , because watching police is also legal , and axon snobbed my emails to purchase one , i instead found one with just as high quality and just as pricey as the axon online , guess axon does not want citizens to empower themselves as well and does not want the money , i could see axon going out of business with there only customers being government

  7. The officer lied period, even Ray Charles could see that. Drag by car straight Lie. I think everybody that owns a weapon should learn to shoot to kill not wound, just like the police do also. axon body 3 cameras sound great so when lights on camera on, no excuse afforded like battery dead, off on switch fail, the camera fell off during chase. AMERICA KNOW HOW COPS LIE PERIOD.

  8. I suggest citizens buy these as well to record police , they want to watch everyone watch everyone back !! I do not even trust my own family to be legitimate

  9. Yeh how about no off buttons. make what we need!!! Pulling people over is a wild card. Choose your battles. Not everyone is a criminal. Leave people alone. 📡👽🇺🇸

  10. What a waist of money. Let’s face it, the government will not pay to up keep any of the infrastructure rendering this project and the department uselessly leeching of the tax paying citizens.

  11. Just a matter of time before all or some at least of these street cops are replaced by drones and other surveillance systems. Multiple drones attached to one human officer.. With a AI, sensor technology it's just going to be cheaper that way.

  12. Why are cameras being used barely? I
    live in New Mexico and our police men have built in cameras in their uniforms. Recording right on scene. And they’ve had their body cameras on their uniforms for like 2 years now. It’s helped many civilian and law enforcement lives. If they’re barely doing this, their government doesn’t really care about how many civilian lives are lost. It takes hundreds and thousands of innocent civilians to die before action is takin.

  13. They should also make a 360 cam for cops wearing helmets such as police on motorcycle/bicycles theres a much better view.

  14. This idea sounds very interesting, but (even if it might be a small concern in my mind but) what if someone, a group of people or a certain organization gets read of this streaming system to possibly cause harm to the security and safety to the officers and neighborhood.

  15. When he said this is the most assanine thing a police officer could have done “he really meant the officer was stupid for getting caught not for what he did trust me …

  16. I see they made sure the jury was mainly white I'm sure that was a coincidence. Andy England 🇬🇧

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