Authorities shift claims in investigation of Texas school shooting | WNT – Car Mod Pros Portal

The Uvalde School Police Chief Pete Arrendondo, who allegedly made the call for officers to wait outside the classrooms for more than an hour, said he is talking with state investigators.




#uvaldetexas #schoolshooting #arrendondo #investigation


By carmodpros


43 thoughts on “Authorities shift claims in investigation of Texas school shooting | WNT”
  1. No one needs a semi auto rifle or 30 round magazines for defense, sport, or hunting. Tired of children paying with their lives so morons that never grow up can pretend they’re Rambo.

  2. But you gotta wonder. If it had been their own kids,.. would they have risked their lives then? Or would they have done the same thing?

  3. Gunman: I'm shooting innocent children. Police: We're outside the building, will come inside in about an hour." Police chief: "He should be out of bullets by then and then we can enter safely."

  4. The school police just said what my dad said in the 70's: "If it's wrong, I didn't do it. If it happened, it wasn't me. And always point to the next guy to blame."

  5. She unlocked the door and failed to check and see if it relooked. So were the School classroom doors Bullet proof? Why did the teacher who left the door unlocked not call the school office and report an “ACTIVE SHOOTER” so the front office could issue over the PA system “ACTIVE SHOOTER” so all teachers could lock the classroom doors. It was 8 minutes from the time she said she locked the outside door until the shooter entered unlocked doors for rooms 111 and 112 and then locked himself inside that horrible kill zone.

  6. So were the School classroom doors Bullet proof? Why did the teacher who left the door unlocked not call the school office and report an “ACTIVE SHOOTER” so the front office could issue over the PA system “ACTIVE SHOOTER” so all teachers could lock the classroom doors. It was 8 minutes from the time she said she locked the outside door until the shooter entered unlocked doors for rooms 111 and 112 and then locked himself inside that horrible kill zone.

  7. Let’s get this right! The left wants to disarm the our law biding population when law enforcement won’t protect the children of the civilian population, that’s rich!

  8. many are saying there was 'no reason' to wait an hour to enter that room,;how about they didnt want to go into a room with a gunman hell bent on killing people wearing body armour armed with an assault rifle!!! it seems that any sane person would look for reasons not to enter. It is madness to concentrate on the minute reactions of individuals in this mad situation where you arm children with powerful weapons designed to kill humans. youre so far into this gun culture, that you are loosing perspective.

  9. 😮👎😡 LE‼️ ~ 😢💐🕊

  10. 50 people were in that building if 30% had firearms he would have never made it through the door. and what makes you think even if that door was locked he wouldn't have started shooting through the windows or shoot through the door.

  11. Four police officers are in prison because they stood there and watched George Floyd die a dangerous convicted criminal. Little kids calling on a cell phone asking for a man with a gun because they're being slaughtered and 19 police officers are listening to it and there's no outrage?

  12. 1# 40% of the staff and teachers should be armed and have body armor at their disposal. 2#
    Every class should have a statue with a gun inside and a sledgehammer.
    3# just like fire extinguisher cabinets (hundreds of them) have gun boxes with a firearm and a bulletproof vest. Does it mean they have to be in there. But if you're in a building and you see one in every room not knowing whether there's firearms in there or not it will scare you. goes without saying if you open it all hell will break loose and only authorized guardians can open them and like I said only they know which ones have emergency a parking lot full of cars but you know 40% of them will explode.
    4# Every single teacher needs firearm training whether they want it or not. (Does it mean they have to have a gun just know what they're dealing with). Imagine a liberal teacher hitting the shooter over the head but doesn't know how to disarm the firearm or use it against their attacker so what's the point I've trying.
    5# Every single teacher needs to go through active shooter training non-weapon. You should take it yourself at your local Krav Maga dojo. Active shooter with a weapon is like playing a video game you don't learn anything. Active shooter without firearms you learn so so much. Kind of like the difference between hang gliding and flying an airplane.
    6#instead of giving Pakistan 80 million dollars for gender studies they can spend it on enhancing teachers that participate in the guardians program to 100 Grand a year. And all those that don't not even get firearm training will get 40 Grand and no special privileges. the days of wimpy liberal teachers are over we need teachers up to the task I'm sure back in the cowboy and Indian days the school marms carry gun (rifle) in class to fight against the Indians, evil men or a bear.
    6# most schools you can equip every room with an escape door. But make sure there are protective barriers outside just in case the shooter or partner is outside too open fire on the crowd like Las Vegas.
    7# establish two sided security fences like prisons that way if the shooter goes over one wall they still have the other to worry about.

    If you made it this far you realize we haven't even talked about security guards or metal detectors or clear backpacks. Just what I have described alone will scare any potential threat if they know this is true. Walk into a pawn shop and look at the employees same thing as a gun store. If they know 40% of the attention of the employees in their building is on how to kill you before you kill them is a beginning deterrent.
    now you can talk about all the fluffy bunny things to make you feel better security guards and metal detectors blah blah blah. Hi

  13. It's almost as if the liberals orchestrate these events. Too many coincidences. Too much obvious incompetence. Some dark agency is carrying out their agenda.

  14. Mass shootings are up 6100% since Brandon was installed. Stolen elections have consequences. 📺🐑 #LGBFJB+ 📺🐑🐑🐑

  15. They need to find something that the people will believe. But it’s getting harder. But they will eventually get a story straight and then all will be well.

  16. incapable to handle the School Security before (back door locked), “during”, and after (refuse to talk). He should be removed from law enforcement job for not cooperating until he is clear and explaned WHY ordered no entry to rescue for 77 minutes, Lie detection test, 3rd party investigation are necessary. Taking the 5th? My 1-man opinion.

  17. nothing these bumbling, uniformed cowards say should be believed and a proper thorough investigation handled by people with no association to texas should happen.

  18. So Dominion voting machines can be hacked !! Say the leftist globalist movement in June of 2022. Now America, how does this work ?

  19. 1
    Proverbs 14:34

    Righteousness makes a nation great,
        but sin degrades any people.

  20. Stop blaming guns. Stop blaming the gun man. Start blaming America for being UPSIDE DOWN AND BACKWARDS. Bulling, racism, The Deep State One PERCENTERS and the MILITARY COMPLEX, and one small example Joe Biden!!! Gave Chinese a Anti Hate Bill his first weeks in office. Black People for 70 years have been asking for. Until you take care of God’s Elect Chosen you haven’t seen nothing yet until America experience THERMO NUCLEAR FIRE then it’s to late. You Catholics,Christians, Mormons, Jehovah Witness, and Muslims all are Charlatans hate! God’s Words and God’s Chosen People.Don’t get on your knees and pray stand up like a man. Tell the truth that all of you hated us black Hispanics, Native Indian we people are not Africans for almost 7,000 years you murder us while the whole world got rich off of us 12 Tribes Of Israel.

  21. Are you kidding me, can't believe they allow this clueless, incompetent, donuts eating mf clown to be in charge. Weak ass coward. Had those Border Patrols not overrule him and made entry, this moron would waited until the shooter kills the whole entire school before he sent people in.

  22. School shootings only happen in America.

    Uvalde was the 27th school shooting this year.

    The rest of world think Americans are Stupid like Trump.

    American parents protest at school meetings about? A: 27 school shootings B: Masks.

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