Authorities investigating mysterious deaths at VA hospital

Authorities investigating mysterious deaths at VA hospital

The family of Felix McDermott, 82, who died after someone injected him with insulin even though hes not a diabetic, says in a wrongful death lawsuit that others died under suspicious circumstances.


35 thoughts on “Authorities investigating mysterious deaths at VA hospital

  1. First, it was "Angel of Death", Kristen Gilbert, a mass murderer, later 40 dead
    in Phoenix VAMC. There are, no doubt, many more. The Progressive Left
    is killing in the name of Diversity/Multiculturalism whose ideology maintains
    that "If White then racist". They are killing under ideological malice.


  3. Treat hospital staff like shit you’ll be treated like shit

  4. I don’t known how a country brainwash people to fight for them only to treat them like shit. You break someone down,rebuild them to do your dirty work, then send them back with no assistance or any type of reintegration and then when they get sick or old age put them in the worse piece of shit place to die. Everything from poisoning our soldiers in the Marshall Islands and then claiming they aren’t atomic victims … to just everything … this country really doesn’t a fuck about us.

  5. I use to ask my dad why he nevers go the VA. He told me that much better to go doctor and pay for it then go the v.a. cos they treat the People from the arm forces bad and give too meds some people don t need . My dad is rigth he service army 1970-1980 . He is rigth they should treat the people that where the arm forces with respect and get real doctors from hospital .

  6. They killed my dad in the Indianapolis Indiana V. A hospital they said he wasn't bleeding and he was and they had a hepatitis cure and didn't give it to him..They knew he had hepatitis and they knew they had to the cure but didn't bother to offer it..

  7. They should have hired the same medical examiner for J. Epstein. 🤔🤔🤔

  8. I once had a uber passenger who was in charge of several nurses. I asked her what's the worst thing that her nurses had done and she said because they weren't doing their job correctly that people died.Maybe in a third world country I would expect that but not as much in the USA but maybe it's more common than we realize…

  9. They’ve got an “angel of mercy” on their hands. Of course it doesn’t involve an active employee, they left before anyone caught on. I wouldn’t be surprised if the person returned seeking to come back though.

  10. I'm alive because of ARCHANGEL MICHAEL 911.
    The way phenol works… You are given phenol over the span of your lifetime. You will build one or more calcium deposits somewhere in the body, where ever it may fall who knows. Doctor's will claim it's cancer and you will believe them. Phenol causes extreme fatigue, swollen lymph nodes and all the other symptoms of cancer! Phenol causes all auto immune disease's! Sounds unbelievable, but the body can't get sick! Age and gender play a big part of this! This is a test of your faith to GOD! This depends on how much you get if they're greedy you will get a diease that will change your life! This is why dogs get diabetes, hip problems and other health issues! Phenol is under different names, in majority of everything we eat and touch! Example: tires, charcoal, colonge, toothpaste, mouthwash, etc… I'm just listing a few items you can read the rest for yourself! I was given phenol for four years and six months. I was told I had MS, neuropathy, brian infection, part of my brian missing and on my way to being diabetic! I'm almost 100% back to being healthy! Doctors call it a disease when really all you have is nerve damage! The man upstairs won't be mad if you belive what the doctor told you because the doctor may or may know what's going on. He is just doing what he learned from the school this is where learning "practitioner"comes from! I've had multiple disease's! Just a few…swollen lymph nodes, impotence, no sex drive, blind in left eye, extreme fatigue, dragging of my leg, swollen head, depth perception, thick toenails, arthritis, eczema, psoriasis, incontinence, constipation, deficate blood, urinate blood, short term memory loss, long term memory loss, weight loss, anxiety, deafness, fluid leaking from ears, thick dry elbows, crooked toes, receding gums ,lazy eye, dry mouth, excessive wax in ears, spots on fingers and bottom of feet this is just some. Geneva police department has some of this on file! This has been given to you through out your life and you don't know it! Phenol will take four to five years to get out of your system! This is how kids grow out of allergies! Think about this! Age and gender play a big part! This is in vaccines, immunization and meds. Comes in three forms powder, liquid and solid! Causes (supposedly) Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, dementia, diabetes, high blood pressure, stroke, heart attack, schizophrenia, suicidal thoughts, MS, lupus, autism, ADHD, impotence, eczema, psoriasis, arthritis, renal failure, extreme fatigue, cancer, HIV, anxiety, deafness, bone structure changes, swollen head,speech problems, blindness, deafness, depression, dehydration, anorexia, starvation, constipation, PMS, weight loss and weight gain, numbness, chest pain, suffering, loss of appetite, dark patches on skin all auto immune disease's! Come to find out I have been getting this since birth!!! The human body needs no vaccines or immunization!!! The nerves run the body! I will not argue with anyone about this! Please look this up I'm not lying to you! They were experimenting in death camps! GOD put you here to live not struggle! There are three labs in America; ALK Labs, Labs of Oklahoma, Greer Labs and one in Canada. I'm NOT AFRAID! You fucked my life up since birth and I'm going to repay the favor! All the babies, kids, teenagers, adults, grandparents and pets lives you have taken will be redeemed! Maurice Montez Battle of North Aurora, Illinois. I'M NOT AFRAID! JESUS WALKS

  11. Investigation not involved to any employee.
    Matter rip father died in hospital due to lack of info of my dad records.came from overseas was peferct healty.
    Food virus to death.
    Nurses and show late docter was doing him like if he was the next ac unite to be repaired.
    And when i asked.and my hall familky did questioned.
    Replied was mixture of medical term language that non of us umderstand.
    To keep that comfusion between and let us free with out fighting at the court…

    Medical and pharmaceutical biggest mafia and specially in united state.
    Sad to say.

  12. Six years ago I was sick and each time I'd make an appointment and wait, & wait & finelly was soposed to see a doctor …..'that doctor' wasn't there,.." Sorry, ya have to make another……. appointment," ….THIS HAPPENED many times in a row and I just stopped going.
    I've super needed dental care then and NOW… BIG TIME but unless you're some big officer or you've lost two legs or something a Vet doesn't get dental care…A simple filling a long time ago couldn't be done now almost the whole tooth is gone and will be very painful and one can die from infection.
    I have 3 double hernias and all they say is if you move wrong and are in alot of pain get to a hospital fast or you'll die. Right now I couldn't afford the AMBLANCE RIDE let alone medical care.
    I would never do it but do you wonder why so many VETS commit suicide a day?!! THIS IS PART OF THE PROBLEM WHY!

  13. The government does this that’s how they pay those who serve their country I mean who serve the rich!!!

  14. They are supposed to take care of the military vet's not kill them damn the vet's already begging when they shouldn't that is so wrong they served you didn't have a problem with that so don't have a problem taking good care of them

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