Authorities crackdown on churches, parties where stay-at-home orders are ignored | Nightline – Car Mod Pros Portal

Police are breaking up parties, issuing fines and even arresting people found ignoring emergency orders to stay home, including two pastors who held services within the past week.



#China #PresidentTrump #MikePence #covid19 #ShelterInPlace #Quarantine #CoronaVirus #Health


By carmodpros


34 thoughts on “Authorities crackdown on churches, parties where stay-at-home orders are ignored | Nightline”
  1. Since all of these bible thumping evangelicals love the Bible so much. Why don't we use the Bible against them:

    Romans 13: 1-2 (ESV, NIV and NKJV)

    "Let every person be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and those that exist have been instituted by God. Therefore whoever resists the authorities, resists what God has appointed, and those who resist will incur judgement"

  2. You cannot force people inside like prisoners under house arrest. Christians have every right to meet. Stop letting your rights being eroded by tyrants, who won't even wear a mask themselves 3:11.

  3. Why aren’t we seeing a huge majority of church goers sick? One choir practice does not an accurate example make. There’s been so so so many gatherings with none of this, no sicknesses and outbreaks at all. If there was a church that had an outbreak, the news would be all over that like stink on a skunk.

  4. The world need more of God not less that's the problem now .People aren't dying anymore from this virus than any other virus .Its government control
    It's politically driven
    This is an evil driven thing

  5. It's funny how they are arresting pastors and last week the world was condoning people who went to crowded beaches and parties for Memorial Day. But NOW no one is talking about the Pride parades and parties and protests everyone is attending. Covid-19, where?

  6. 6:05 now the science is that it does NOT spread easily. CDC says masks don"t help either now…. COVID deaths were intentionally inflated and money incentives were given to doctors for using ventilators essentially murdering some of the patients. WAKE UP PEOPLE – this is not about a virus it's about your FREEDOM

  7. IT IS ABOUT MEETING AND GATHERING AND SHARING IDEAS AND SPACE. THIS PASTOR IS DOING THE RIGHT THING not only for the members but also for the country – these offended people are actors or insane!!!

  8. Iam very sad why many pastor swindler people, it’s a cult don’t use God name for your sake, and people very crazy in worship yuck, I prefer old traditions than hyper doing crazy

  9. They continue to make a lot of money while those assholes believe that's what God wants from them. They should arrest them all.

  10. Pretty sad that he can't even make a temporary adjustment so we can get the virus under control. What about the rights of others to be safe from his flock going back into society and jeopardizing our health.?

  11. I don't know what's worse these greedy preachers or the dumb people who fall for these scams….Open your eyes people these people don't give a damn aboit you….

  12. I don't know why this faster does this. Whether it is for money or getting attention. Notice also the people who attend the church are also disobeying like him.

  13. Let them all go to church as long as anyone who tries to leave the church are shot dead so they do not get to contaminate all the mentally healthy persons.

  14. He will not admit it.Yet Dr. Tony Spell is really a Jew. Let those heathen lie.Yet they are Nazies and antisemitic.The governor there and the local heathen government are antisemitic. Do we have a repeat here of Nazism? Yes we do.They lock a monotheist Messianic preacher up in prison for his religious beliefs.

  15. I believe in God, but I stopped going to church as soon as COVID-19 broke out. Use common sense, people! Besides, God is everywhere. I can worship God just as freely at home as I can at church. I’m not going to risk dying from corona virus.

  16. He,'s liable for those people infected due to sick people gathering in there, he's only moved by the money not for spiritual reasons, he has to remember ROMANS 13:13

  17. Jackass who is sanctimonious and greedy. Of course they always are but now it is more evident. You do not need a con man to tell you about God. You already know more then they do.

  18. People work at the church so they can hide their crime they get their hand slapped by the law hang in there big Tony I hope you count the cash

  19. Well Tony's got expenses she's got two properties in the Cayman Islands you see the women he's got their 20 …women… I've been helping Tony carry the cash to the bank bags and bags the suckers at the church keep giving Tony keeps taken God will give back if you give I know I'm waiting for that day for him to give me so the deal I got me but Tony is God me and Tony carrying all the cake to the Cayman Islands we're going to retire in 5 years we got to handle 30 women there gee whiz can we count all the cash deal with the women we're going to be tuckered out

  20. Imagine all these suckers going to church and give him that character all that money big Tony 5 years from now you going to be in the Cayman Islands you're going to hide your head under the sand because you're blind as a bat Tony you need a ham me and God will help you carry that cash did the Cayman Islands for you

  21. Boy it's an easy scam you just work at the church and you're you got it made big Tony will help you out God will give back I'll bet he will I'm waiting for my check in the mail where is he I told him I want a rich woman he hasn't even give me that I told him I want a place in the Cayman Islands no no no no it's me and God's we only could have big places there people that have churches they're all lined up at the Cayman Islands you see them at the bank they got a dress on and a wig on two big suitcases

  22. Yeah Tony you have rights the God has rights that for a guy what is he Chinese I don't even know for what colour is he for a guy I bet you Toni counts of cash in the back of all by himself I bet you he gets mortgages out from the church there too and you going to see this Tony character gone and five years he's going to be on his way and the people are naive and say what the hell happened well I'll get your pen and pencil paper out this is easy math

  23. Big Tony he wants people to come because he needs to cake and God will give back you give me your check and I'll guarantee a God will give back what we're still waiting where is the big guy he's too busy sleeping he doesn't even know there's a virus out there he's all tuckered out he's got 20 women to take care of poor guy nobody gives the big guy any credit up there

  24. The church is open because Tony needs his money he's got a mortgage payment on to Cayman Island properties in the Caribbean he has to have the cash I'm the one that helped him carry the cash to the bank me God and Tony poor guy… and you got 20 women he supporting in the house each house these guys are tuckered out can we count the cash deal with all the women we're tired poor Tony it's God's way hides behind the church and do his crime

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