Author Michael Lewis: ‘We’re playing Russian roulette with evolution’

Author Michael Lewis: ‘We’re playing Russian roulette with evolution’

ABC News’ Linsey Davis speaks with bestselling author Michael Lewis about his book, “The Premonition,” that looks into missed opportunities to combat COVID and the possibilities of another pandemic.


37 thoughts on “Author Michael Lewis: ‘We’re playing Russian roulette with evolution’

  1. The Chamberlain versus Churchill analogy is a poor one; Britain won in spite of Churchill, not because of him. It was Chamberlain’s government that invested in Fighter Command for the RAF with enabling radar development and coordination centers while Churchill obsessed with bombers. Those fighters were mostly acquired between Munich and Sep 1939. Had they followed Churchill’s timeline, they’d have been still with biplanes.

  2. Outbreaks are inevitable. Pandemics don't have to be. It is about the response to the initial outbreak, reporting and sharing the information across regions and countries.

  3. By choosing not to get vaccinated those who are covid-infected as a result should forfeit their right to health care priority by default. Seems quite wrong that those desperately needing critical health care for non-covid issues are now being denied that priority as the recklessly unvaccinated covid-infected overwhelm healthcare systems.

  4. How about you go jump in line and take the jab. Be my guest go ahead by all means ok🥱👌

  5. Evolution? Humanity hasn't evolved since the prehistoric era.
    Humanity has spent centuries upon centuries separating themselves from nature by changing the environments around them to suit their needs instead of physically evolving to adapt to the environments around them and because of that the only way for humanity to evolve at this point is by physically changing their bodies through gene splicing and cybernetic augmentations.

  6. Covid|9 is accumulative and permanently stay at human body's T-Cell then cause it malfunction to replicate, destroy and spread even you have fully recovered from covid infection or fully vaccinated. 
    Covid|9 has the structure of HIV whereby vaccine to deceive your immunity system to create T-Cell perish together with the virus just like overclocking immunity system temporarily but unable to deceive the new variant.+3

  7. Anti intellectualism is the huge mental virus. Flat earth, EVERYTHING is communism, pot belly old farts are being oppressed, Politics liberalism and conservatism is the new science of Truth, passive aggressive old wanna be Paul Reveres.

  8. .LETS GO AMERICAHHHH 👍🏿💯🙏🏿🙋🏾‍♀️

  9. “Charm people into taking a vaccine” Russian roulette in GainOfFunction research.

  10. Don't take his book seriously ! It is just for monetary gain !

  11. Why are Americans writing books on Covid when they are Earth's example of WHAT NOT TO DO?
    Who buys the books from people with the least experience?


    Population: US 333M NZ 5M American population is 66 times larger than New Zealand.

    Covid deaths: US 759,932 NZ 28 American Covid deaths is 27,140 times larger than New Zealand.

    WTF: US parents protest about? A: 184 school shootings in 10 years B: Masks.

  13. The Moderna vaccine focuses on the spike proteins. It will be effective for any evolution of Covid.
    If the virus changes its spike protein at all, it won’t be able to infect humans.
    Bring it on!!

  14. The first vaccine came from a scientist in Turkey I think. Britain also produced one around the same time you guys did. You did produce some, but it wasn't just you 🤦

  15. Yes, next pandemic is inevitable. Read about viral studies, books, and science tells you it's inevitable for the reasons he's cited, environmental degradation on a grand scale and population encroachments on nature including man-made interactions like wildlife trade.

  16. Shout out to George Floyd on eighteen months of sobriety. It took some tough love but he did it. Say his name liberals🖕 .

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