Author Julissa Arce on rejecting assimilation in US despite cultural pressure l ABCNL

Author Julissa Arce on rejecting assimilation in US despite cultural pressure l ABCNL

ABC News Linsey Davis speaks with author Julissa Arce about her new book You Sound Like a White Girl: The Case for Rejecting Assimilation” and the unrealistic expectations faced by people of color.

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29 thoughts on “Author Julissa Arce on rejecting assimilation in US despite cultural pressure l ABCNL

  1. Nice video very engaging from the beginning to the end, 👌 I recommend a professional broker for you guys sometime ago, can I get people who invested with him… Comments below.

  2. ….. well people need to do that when moving to any new country. This isn't just America, Japan doesn't even consider people who get their citizenship as actual Japanese people. Stop this whole "America is racist" notion, we have issues, but compared to other countries we don't have issues at all.

  3. ….. well people need to do that when moving to any new country. This isn't just America, Japan doesn't even consider people who get their citizenship as actual Japanese people. Stop this whole "America is racist" notion, we have issues, but compared to other countries we don't have issues at all.

  4. This growing hatred for America is amazing. Anywhere you go in the world you'll have to learn their culture and assimilate somewhat. Stop blaming this country for all your personal problems and move elsewhere.

  5. "Call on the Lord in the day of trouble,
    and he will deliver you."
               – Psalm 50 :15

  6. As a Mexican, many of my teachers encouraged me to speak both of my languages. I'm not a fan of people always bringing up race to get noticed. As kids we try to belong, " Mrs. Arce 'losing her culture' is a family issue not a society or white issue." I just feel that many white people are censored or their call racist when they have pride of their culture or race and that's not right. Shut, I have worst English with this lady and many people have accepted me for me and pulled ' victim card', I just put my head down and work and educate myself.

    Not trying to offend her but like I said, as a Mexican, nationalize 🇺🇸 , this brings the growth of Mexicans because 99% of us are hard workers and do things others don't want to do as jobs and other Mexicans become business owners, this country really provides opportunities if you grind. Can't find a job or career, keep it moving.

  7. Hello everybody, today I have one hard challenge for you that is answer this question: What Joe Biden and Kamala Harris made of good for US since january 6, 2021? At least one answer please. ❓❓❓❓❓❓❓❓❓❓❓❓❓❓❓

  8. So whites moving to Mexico and other nations shouldn't try to fit it in those communities?….Sounds kinda racist either way u slice it…Millions of Americans are not White but somehow American culture is labeled as whiteness???

  9. As a Mexican, many of my teachers encouraged me to speak both of my languages. I'm not a fan of people always bringing up race to get noticed. As kids we try to belong, " Mrs. Arce 'losing her culture' is a family issue not a society or white issue." I just feel that many white people are censored or their call racist when they have pride of their culture or race and that's not right. Shut, I have worst English with this lady and many people have accepted me for me and pulled ' victim card', I just put my head down and work and educate myself.

    Not trying to offend her but like I said, as a Mexican, nationalize 🇺🇸 , this brings the growth of Mexicans because 99% of us are hard workers and do things others don't want to do as jobs and other Mexicans become business owners, this country really provides opportunities if you grind. Can't find a job or career, keep it moving.

  10. Well, so much for " … to form a more perfect union … " There really IS a defining difference between being a Citizen of the United States and merely living here. There's no need to be a clone, but certain shared values, goals and priorities are essential for the U.S. to function. I think Donovan articulated it succinctly ===>
    ( )

  11. What I just don't understand is if America is such an oppressive white male patriarchy "system," why do so many people want to permanently relocate here, seek "better lives here" and demand to be included in "predominantly white institutions?" At what point will the demonizing of whites going to stop?

  12. This is a huge problem in America. In Europe we have immigrants too but we believe that integration is good and beneficial to everyone but assimilation is wrong on so many levels.

  13. They don't have to assimilate, but the US don't have to let them in in large numbers either. A quota for all immigrant groups. No cutting in line.

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