Attorney General releases redacted version of Mueller report

Attorney General releases redacted version of Mueller report

The Justice Department’s release of the redacted report comes just weeks after Barr wrote a four-page letter summarizing the special counsel’s “principal conclusions.”

5 key takeaways from special counsel Robert Mueller’s report



#MuellerReport #Trump #news #ABCNews


50 thoughts on “Attorney General releases redacted version of Mueller report

  1. And as my comment was meant to relay….it goes both ways. Hillary is also innocent until proven guilty. Investigations of her doings have been going on much longer than trump's and there have been no convictions. The have not even been any charges filed.

  2. What people do not understand is Russia did not try to help Trump because they liked him. They actually feared him, but they, like everyone else was sure Clinton would win. The most chaos was created by pushing Trump. Trump is as hard ass as they feared on them. They had the goods on Clinton and knew they could coerce her later.

  3. I felt a great disturbance in the Force, as if millions of Mainstream News voices suddenly cried out in terror and were suddenly silenced. I fear something terrible has happened…to their ratings.

  4. Remember!!? They the Senate 2000 plus year's or so back in time ,did to their own leader of backstabbing of many different senators and members of Congress poor Cesar they all stabbed him with daggers like the wild dogs of feed and love for money and riches to cover and rule the world and control the people,,wow what shame ,or they don't have shame ,,,.some government officials need to get it real ..🤔🤔🤨😎

  5. Wow ,10 points of !!!??? All is alie by attorney general on all fronts including opinions about bad mouthing of the,,so called justice warlocks of white clan kkk members who all lie down and dirty like the dogs of hell they are so so so wronged done against the people and the president, how sorry ass they will be delt with individually according to their own works,,,,!!!!???? It's in the future and in the the book truth ,,,,,,???? Not one human being knows what the hell truth is all about,,,,!!?? Soon enough all will happen,,,,and the world will be delt with individually all humans brothers and sisters will know all about our own lies of our selves,,,so get ready or not ,we aren't ever safe in this worldwide government,,!!?? Corruption scandal will never end ever!!!!$$$$$$$greeeeeeed!!!!????$$$%%#&$$%%%????? The author of lies and greed will try and make sure of it,,,,,,,we the people of this world and we are many of the collective voice our opinions and statements as of one and for all of one who serves our Father/Mother God and holyspirit,,,,,the law of one,,,,,,0010110 ,,,soon all will see the will of God and holyspirit and saints and our lord and king of truth will prevail,,,,,,mark my words enough is enough,,,so try and tell the truth about some of our lies or we will get the short end of the stick ,,,,fare warning to all humans brothers and sisters,,,,,one who is of the first wave of alfa indigos and serves the lite of love and justice and the will of God our creator Mother/Father God. That is all for know. 🤔🤔🤨🤨😎


  7. Tabloid news doesn't get what they want and suddenly redacting documents in accordance with the law is suspect. Pathetic. Now Muller will have to go before Congress? Sure, he's just going to repeat what's already in the report.

  8. Everyone screaming fake news was the same people who all of sudden say wiki leaks is not a reliable source but was happy to jump on it when it supposedly had Hilary emails to put her in jail.

  9. I think the "results" speak for themselves, this was never about "Russian collusion," it was a smokescreen to enable the misuse of DoJ resources for a McCarthy-esque witch hunt and I daresay the payoff was hardly worth the time, effort, and money spent on this wild goose chase. Which only serves to vindicate the so-called obstruction of the investigation. This is voting machine hysteria all over again. LET. IT. GO.

  10. Republicans, at this point, I wouldn't worry so much about that caravan of asylum seekers from South of the border. Right about now you should be a lot more concerned about really big caravans of people heading towards DC from all directions across the US. The majority of the American people have indeed had enough of Trump's corruption! Trump and all of his co-conspirators have got to go now!

  11. mostly All the presidents have criminals ties to the mob and other nations to get there puppets in office Like Trump he's the CEO of America its one big pool of corrupt Vipers that don't have the best interest of Americans and humanity as a whole

  12. No matter how they spin it. It was a witch hunt. They took the fucked comment out of context. President was talking about how it would hamstring his presidency. He was right.

  13. This is a joke, everyone is waking up to these lies, Muller had no reason to protect Trump, had he found anything he would of made it "Known", it seems like the people in Muller side are not happy so they are trying their very best to sell it off to as many people as they can.

  14. "This is the end of my presidency…" then state the rest of the paragraph you coward! He was pissed the investigation would derail his presidency. And it did! With your help.

  15. 👍🏽

  16. Nothing. It’s nothing.

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