Barr said he was paying for the 200-person party at the Trump International Hotel in Washington, D.C., with his own money, according to the Washington Post.
#ABCNews #WilliamBarr #Trump
Barr said he was paying for the 200-person party at the Trump International Hotel in Washington, D.C., with his own money, according to the Washington Post.
#ABCNews #WilliamBarr #Trump
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Don't worry Trumptards, Mexico will pay for it.
Bill Barr spends that much on his wigs of made synthetic hair.
You think Trump would reward him with a free room. Wonder why he didn’t ðŸ¤â€ÂÂÂ
Trump 2020!
Mr. Barr will Save Our Country ! Buy him the most expensive Scotch in the world.
HAHAHA Sources Say show me the signed receipt. Then show me the law for liable.
And in real news, Joe Biden's son got $80,000 a month with no experience or portfolio in Ukraine when the average wage was $200 US a month.
Ya, lets play pretend…
Wow, it's a good thing Trump is not profiting off of his Presidency! And SUPER HONEST Bill Barr would not put up with that crime! (not)
Funky crooked dirty media.
Nice! Sounds like fun! Afterall, is it Christmas! Merry Christmas!
I love seeing you deep state swamp creatures cry wait till the law starts arresting you Demon-rats ! what a day it will be 😂
BFD!!!! It's his money to spend where he pleases
Barr, probably the most poisonous creature in the child president’s ensemble. A fascist who looks like the child of Elton John and Jerry Lee Lewis. He will shit his pants in 2020!
3ok … okay … so not 8oK ? You know that's cheap right ? Like when you figure in the cost of staff,food,drinks, the regular cost of venue, he probably go this one for free, cars, security, music,decor … and who they are ? How come you're all acting like that's a lot ?
Interesting how you can no longer put in a title to a video and get the actual video! More proof these are all left wingers trying to rig any and all with negative photos
id die for barr or trump
-an independent.
Secret wide-mouth-frog convention.
$30,000, wow! LOL! Come on ABC, It's his family gathering. He can have it where ever he wants. Slow news day.
After letting Comey off, I see Bill Barr as another Democrat plant, a complete fraud. Worse than Jeff Sessions. It’s a sad day when Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi win because the whole government is a fraud.
$30,000 for over 200 people is only $150 each. In DC that's cheap. Dinner at Marcels is $170 without drinks.
So what? Not public money, why do I care? Fake news.
The rule is: only $10 can be spent from Barr to Trump on a gift, so he is breaking the law.
Trump will not give discount rates. They may need a special card for parking and getting in.
Dear America, This is called getting ahead of the IG report w slander and propaganda.
This is the only reason this is "news"
So much for Trump cleaning up the swamp!! He just changed it over to HIS swamp!! By the way that DOJ OLC Memo is illegal. It's a criminal act of obstruction!! It obstructs Article 2 Section 4 of the Constitution. It is also criminal evidence in the Nixon Watergate fiasco and should be removed from the DOJ regs.
What is a holiday party?
He paid with his own money who fking cares!!!
This isn't even news worthy. Bill Barr can spend as much money as he wants to on any hotel that he wants to. Why don't you guys go after real news? Only the delusional left would even give a shit about this. NO ONE CARES!
Fucking criminals and traitors
This makes perfect sense in the age of Trump…..lying, corruption, greed is the order of the day.
I want them dead this week. FBI, CIA or secret service agents need to take out your service revolver and shoot him right between the eyes. You will be pardoned later.
Comrade president Donald-vich did drain the swamp…because the critters that were in the swamp weren't corrupt enough for him. He refilled the swamp with absolutely corrupt monsters like himself. 🇷🇺
Wowow this is a bombshell………
He paid out of pocket after trying to book at the other hotels. Why is this even a story and people wonder why they don't trust the MSM.
Imagine Obama being involve in 10% of the crap Trump has pulled.
If it's his own money then fine. But if it's taxpayers footing the bills then it's another proof of open corruption in this administration. Moscow Mitch should investigate this but I doubt if any Republicans would check on this.
Yup that swamp is clean & clear as mud! wickedness in high places, no wonder Epstein choked and re-dressed himself. Sickening!
Wonder who in this media company was associated with Epstein ?
Drain the swamp !!! The Attorney General is supposed to be somewhat independent from the president. The Attorney General is supposed to be America’s top cop. He is not the president’s personal lawyer. How can the AG make sure that the president doesn’t break any laws when he is giving the president money ? He is definitely not impartial.
This is news? Make Democrats Cry Again. TRUMP IN 2020.
What happened at the holiday party?
How the heck much does a US Attorney General make?
Fake news Hahahahha
Bias News ABC ??? Screw you !
Come on u know it's free, for him being a good old orange minion.
When only the best will do.
Are we gonna start questioning Barr's ethics NOW?! 🙄