Attacks against civilian areas in Kyiv escalate I ABCNL

Attacks against civilian areas in Kyiv escalate I ABCNL

Wendy Anderson, a former senior Pentagon official, discusses expectations if Ukraine refuses to surrender Mariupol and what a stalemate would mean for Ukraine.

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43 thoughts on “Attacks against civilian areas in Kyiv escalate I ABCNL

  1. What happen to the Animals at the Zoo in Ukraine?😩😩😩😩

  2. You don't get to do the news anymore. Remind us how "everything" is Trump's fault losers! Russian Operative. You lost all credibility, and we are watching you FAIL. You would triple your viewership if you did real news like investigate lying cheating Hillary. Russian Operative. You didn't give the man a chance and said horrific and TRAITORIST lies. We won't just blow this off. Now Hunters Laptop!!!

  3. Zelanssky knew that if some city start to surrender, all Ukrainian will surrender too. All Money will stop come to his accounts 😢

  4. 26 days of this war of Russia and Ukraine well see who wins .. but America was in Afghanistan and Iraq for 20 YEARS so time is way off and well see how Ukraine well be in 20 years from now .. Afghanistan and Iraq is still the same .. but well Ukraine be ??

  5. I know that everything that’s going on is bad, very bad, but at the big beginning of this video I can’t understand why the woman says it doesn’t look like the Ukrainians are going to be surrendering unfortunately. Why in the hell do people think that the solution is to surrender to Mr. Putin.? Unfortunately my ass.

  6. "Call on the Lord in the day of trouble,
    and he will deliver you."
               Psalm 50: 15

  7. Yeah, the 911 attack on the twin towers was a display of incompetence, no objective met. 10 million Ukrainians displased, cities in ruins, Russian Army unsuccessful. Sounds like Russia is peacefully protesting.


    $US1.7 Trillion was spent on the multiple failed F-35 fighter jets. That is enough to house ALL the US homeless 29 times over.

    2021 a F-35 was downed due to failure. 2022 a F-35 failed to land on a big US carrier and fell off into the South China sea.

    Just imagine if Americans could walk down the street without having to walk around makeshift homeless shelters.

  9. End this boring pinky war! Europe's love of killing and racism indicates a 'stupidity gene' within European DNA.

    Protest outside Oil company executive's houses and send threats to their family members .

    Poland, the land of Auschwitz Birkenau and Krakow Plaszow extermination camps helps Ukraine.

    Auction oligarch yachts, place multiple bounties on Putin and help black students escape this pinkies-only war.

  10. Obviously the Ukrainians believe that their life is worth the sacrifice and the Russians are as bad as I always thought. After the fall of the USSR we expected them to join a peaceful world. Not that it's ever really been peaceful. Guess we're suckers. Now what ? I say kick em on the nads now. Screw Putin 🖕

  11. Message to NATO, intelligence agencies and governments around the world:
    New Gog and Magog plan option to make a coup to overthrow Putin will be difficult, the elite must hire mercenaries and ruthlessly eliminate Vladimir Putin because he is a traitor, dictator and genocide the Russian president must be eliminated as happened with the president from Haiti
    this can happen at any time
    no comment

  12. Russia is deliberately minimizing civilian casualties, not bombing cities into oblivion like the USA always does in its criminal wars. The US media always lies to us about wars, this war is no exception, the USA provoked this war on purpose and the Ukrainian people pay the price. Russia uses a different military strategy. They’re not trying to take cities. They focus on encircling the enemy forces. They’ve succeeded in carrying out their strategy.

  13. Hear ye hear ye go tell it on the mountain's over the hills and far away. There will be an international Day of prayer for Ukraine and its people on the 22th of march 2022 starting at 12:00 midnight. we will pray to all the gods of the universe that the blood filled trenches in Ukraine will be come to be the rivers of the living Waters and drowned Philistines.

  14. Listening to this MSM-Crap propaganda – here is alternative from "Yet another dimension":

    Previous – "Ukraine Ministry of Truth": Ukraine Army successfully repelled Russian Federation Forces, counter-attacking on all fronts, rolling through the steppe eastwards. Capture of Moscow is imminent. Russians desperate, negotiations between RF and Ukraine are in full swing.
    After extensive negotiations Russians have finally given a way to Zelensky demands.
    Ukrainian army will spare, bypass Moscow and continue towards Ural Mountain range, in exchange Russia will dismantle "9th of May Victory Day Parade" and allow various NGO's to promote Radical and LGBTQ Ideology.
    Western military advisers share opinion that victorious Ukrainian Army will not face any obstacles between Moscow and Urals.China is concerned with latest battlefield developments.
    Ukranian central command lost contact with 60,000 strong army which is believed to be somewhere behind Ural Mountain Range. Pentagon blames Russia for destroying communication antennas and equipment.
    Finally got in touch with lost Ukrainian army of 60,000 men and they are in Siberia!
    In exclusive interview, Ukrainian Army Commander admitted that there are no people in Siberia, only elves, bears and donkeys running freely around.
    To fulfill mission army hoarded all animals to makeshift-barns, exposed them to CNN/ABC/BBC TV-news in complete darkness to teach them about freedom and democratic western values.
    After only two days donkeys and elves started nodding their heads every time they hear "Glory to Ukraine" ( Слава Украини ), bears did not comply.
    With additional 50,000 of ecstatic ideology driven donkeys and elves glorious Ukrainian army is much stronger now ( 110,000 beasts!), on the way to conquer Afghanistan and China.
    Ukrainian army is fighting difficult battles with Taliban but there is no progress. CIA Ideological officer, embedded with Ukrainian force give quick overview of situation:
    "In first wave of attack we sent newly created elf/donkey force, but two days of ideological exposure was not enough, donkeys switched side and now happily serving Taliban, Elves simply run-away.
    Ukrainian army lost around 10,000 against numerically inferior enemy thanks to 'SuperDuper-Wunderwaffe' weapons donated by US to Taliban.
    We had no choice but to pull-back, stay focused on our mission, move on and continue introducing Western-Democratic-Values in the East".

    Latest from somewhere in Eastern Siberia / The anonymous senior US administration official informed CNN: After Afghanistan tactical setback, Glorious Ukie-Army of 50,000 got lost in the Siberian Forest, wandering around they stumbled upon group of Russian Forest Rangers. Ukrainian commander shouted "Слава Украини" and Embedded-CIA agent shouted, "Glory to Ukraine".
    Well aparently it did not go well with Russian Forest Rangers, fierce battle started and after a while Ukie-Army+CIA Officers got kicked from the forest and lost another 5,000 troops.
    Immediately after skirmish Ukie-Commander got in touch puppet Zelensky who in return asked his puppet-master Biden on future strategy.
    After some time, message was relayed back, unfortunately Radio communication got lost only word Ukie-Commander understood is "China" before commutation was cut-off.
    Everyone's guess is that Glorious Ukie-Army of 45,000 is crusading somewhere around Siberia-Chinese border.

  15. Hear ye hear ye go tell it on the mountain's over the hills and far away. There will be an international Day of prayer for Ukraine and its people on the 22th of march 2022 starting at 12:00 midnight. we will pray to all the gods of the universe that the blood filled trenches in Ukraine will be come to be the rivers of the living Waters and drowned Philistines.

  16. I know that war has rules but since Putin and his soldiers are breaking it therefore I would take their capture soldiers to Kyiv and that area where the Ukrainian army got ultimatum and ties them up for them to feel what the poor women and children felt

  17. U$ M$M SELL WAR PROPAGANDA "if it bleeds it leads, but if it burn$ it earn$",
    Let the Nazis in the Ukrainian military (Azov battalion) and the Nazis in Ukraine's gov. (Svoboda party) fight their own war. You think Germany's reluctance to provide military support is a coincidence? Ukraine also voted against a resolution condemning glorification of Nazis at the UN along with the only other country to do so; the US.
    know how to do a web search???
    The Odessa massacre was the killing of between 50 and 120 people by fire, gun-shots and beatings in the afternoon and evening of 2 May 2014. Those who died were overwhelmingly people (including women, at least one child and the unborn child of a heavily pregnant woman strangled inside the building with electric flex) who had not taken part in any demonstration that day other than peacefully occupying three large tents in an encampment outside the Odessa Trade Union House throughout the preceding month. They fled and were herded into the Trade Union Building to escape a large angry mob of alleged football supporters who had earlier been attacked and goaded by a police-organized, briefed and tightly coordinated group of armed, red arm-banded men wearing St George insignia and chanting anti-Kiev junta slogans – in other words posing as pro-Russians intending to deliberately inflame a very large group of angry young men and herd them towards the defenseless encampment in front of Trade Union House.

    Putin is more stable than WMDjoe and the trumptard combined, are you joking? How many languages can Joe and Don speak, barely English. Putin on the other hand can speak Latin, Greek, German, Dagestani, Turkish, Georgian, French, Chinese, Tartar, Swedish, English, Croatian, Serbian and Polish to name a few.

    It's amazing what you can find if you know how to do a simple YOUTUBE SEARCH. Putin speaks English better than either potus too.

    Who is M$M Sec. of State for more war? Austin?
    This is the MIC shill who trained those Syrian "freedom fighters" "It's a small number, and ah, ah, the ones that are in the fight we're talkin 4-..4 or 5 in the fight" trained fighters for $500 MILLION of US tax payers money.
    YEAH! HE's Da One!

    The Ukrainian Military is abandoning their camps and leaving all their supplies in their dust.

    Russia Liberated Eastern Ukraine from the 8 years of murder and bombardment from the Azov nazi Battalion who were ethnic cleansing Ukraine.
    No mention of that on U$ M$M.
    As a 14 generation American, like before the divided states in the middle, I's like to call for an END to the MICorportocracy's NEED for constant war as their profit model. You kill everyone on the planet who you gonna sell weapons to?
    Eye for an eye leaves the world blind. As well as stupid. ***STUPID HUMAN TRICKS**** by a few, will kill us all….
    Those trolls crying for a no-fly zone want the world to end because their miserable lives aren't worth living. And IGNORANT of world affairs.
    Mine is, I'd like 20 years of peace in my life before I leave the planet. **GIVE PEACE A CHANCE**

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