At least 234 people have been diagnosed with coronavirus in US, according to CDC | ABC News – Car Mod Pros Portal

All passengers and crewmembers aboard a cruise ship stuck off the coast of California will be tested after 21 people on board already tested positive for the virus.

#ABCNews #CDC #Coronavirus


By carmodpros


42 thoughts on “At least 234 people have been diagnosed with coronavirus in US, according to CDC | ABC News”
  1. Texas Media Reports Successful COVID-19 Treatment by Dr Richard Bartlett.
    His therapy includes using an inhaled corticosteroid called budesonide used with a nebulizer.
    Budesonide is an FDA-approved medication that decreases inflammation in the lungs.
    Budesonide can be prescribed by any doctor or nurse practitioner for respiratory symptoms.
    As of July 2020, many institutions and countries are starting to study inhaled budesonide for COVID, including the
    NIH, France, Spain, Oxford University, and Queensland University of Technology.

    He has a website with his full protocol:

    John 14:6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.

    Luke 10:27 And he answering said, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy strength, and with all thy mind; and thy neighbour as thyself.

  2. Bidon n his son paid for Coronavirus in china democrats try to get POTUS sick by sending infected ppl to White House Democrats did it lock them up

  3. This crap started in China and they didnt say anything outlaw the country no trade no nothing Chinsa should pay for all the deaths

  4. There is no case without testing, and the American people have to bear a high testing fee if they are tested. Therefore, the average American will never test at all. This will inevitably make the number of confirmed cases of new crown pneumonia in the United States very small! American flu has killed so many people, who can tell clearly how many of them died of new coronary pneumonia! The United States has been weakening the harm of the new crown virus. In addition to stabilizing their economy, the important thing is the new presidential election. They have to get votes on the street. They have to gather millions of people to build momentum! A bunch of businessmen and politicians in the Trump administration only have dollars and power in their hearts! Treating the virus has been concealing, passing, and passing, whether the new flu or the new virus Trump can't tell, and in order to gain political capital, it is shameless, the American people are sad!

  5. Again 8billions released for the nations health and look how many billions the pumped out during the financial crisis over 800 billions

  6. Now over 600 people have in the us.. and this was posted like 4 days ago. It’s spreading.

  7. Soy Europeo 🇪🇺 Español 🇪🇸 a 11 de Marzo aquí los casos de coronavirus superan ya los 1.622 y hay 35 fallecidos hasta la fecha. Han suspendido los vuelos, cerrado colegios, universidades, comercios, suspendido fiestas importantes, la Liga de Fútbol con partidos a puerta cerrada y más. Para que no pase la magnitud que tiene Italia aunque ahora se empezará a poner la cosa más seria. La suerte es que tenemos un Sistema de Salud Público y Universal con buenos profesionales. Esperemos que allá tomen las medidas oportunas. Importa más la salud pública que la economía en este momento

  8. Even before the virus people on cruises drink their own urine to survive while sewerage cascades down the Lido deck.

  9. Probably got $100 cruise specials going on. Hey we got a doctor on board. No worries… stupid, win stupid prizes.

  10. I'm not understanding why people are going on cruises know this Corona Virus is infecting people all over. Father please stop this virus and have mercy on us.

  11. Imagine if the positive meant that they weren’t infected and if you weren’t positive you were infected we would all be screwed then

  12. Look if u have cancer and/or u know coronavirus can kill u then I think it would be a good idea to NOT go cruise somewhere. Who I’m there “right” mind would think going on a cruise while the coronavirus is here would be a good idea?

  13. Overreaction bullshit by the media as they spread their doom and gloom over a nothing burger. A freaking virus that's been around for year's that won't even touch the number of people that die everyday from the so called common flu. Just democrat politicians/media weaponizing anything they can vs President Trump cause there's zero chance he's not reelected this November as their desperation continues to show their cold hearts and zero platform for America.

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