They claim the company knowingly allows sexual predators to transport vulnerable passengers, while Lyft said it has designed safety policies for drivers and passengers.
so sad..these women are with their friends at bar, wavie goodbye as they leave, doors lock and cell phone scrambled and they are stuck pounding the window as driven to remote area and forced to submit to dirty driver and hope they can live. Driver then says "they initiated it" and some (not many) get off. Women are just hoping to live. This is like the hen willingly walking into the fox den by deception
I don’t get why there are no cameras in the car anyway. Protects the passengers AND the drivers.
Frivolous! Crisis actors and tragedy profiteers are at gold mining mission again. America is really pitiful. Rideshare cos already get rid of poor dtivers on minute matters, and these kinds of "victim play" will make these rideshare cos use even more heavy handed approach towards even good drivers for minor something
Funny how all of these lawsuits, complaints, and scandals are all over the news now that election season is around the corner ðŸ§ÂÂÂÂ
This will f it up, because they will scrutinize drivers that been to prison yet are not sexual preditors.
A fucked up world because I wouldn't so much as flirt with a passenger and simply keep it 100% professional.
Rideshare uber and lyft do not care about anything or anyone the government needs to get involved
103 Uber drivers and 18 Lyft drivers were accused in 2018.
In 2016, a Kalamazoo, MI Uber driver ended up killing six people.
His attorney planned insanity but Dalton plead guilty to spare families of trials, the one good thing he did.
“I’m a victim, I’m a victim, pay me†that’s what I here
The deal about pretty scary about to know that women's would find that type of situation..😨😵😫😠👿💩
I don't know why people would still use services like this, common sense would tell you not to do it, but fuck me for thinking like that, right? Either get a car yourself, take public transportation, or walk, but don't pay to get in some stranger's car. Taxi cabs maybe shit service, but I never heard of a cab driver who wanted to rape his customer.
well, take responsibility for yourself… dont leave yourself vulnerable … remember, people WILL committ a crime or actions they believe they CAN get away with.
I wouldnt ride in a car with ANY stranger, PERIOD> I cant say that I feel sorry for anyone else, just that I feel bad they didnt know better.
I watched a Lyft driver get the shit beat out of him the other day it was funny because he was a toad
DRIVER: "That's it… LYFT your skirt up and drop those panties!"
Ladies, times have changed no one is going to protect you except yourself. If you have to kill a motherfucker you kill a motherfucker. Get a pocket knife get pepper spray take a boxing class protect yourselves because no one will! It is ridiculous how lenient the laws are for rapist sometimes. They let them out after 7 to 15 years. Hello a rapist will always be a rapist! Protect yourselves people at all means if you have to kill them to protect yourself fucking do it! Don’t let yourself submit to any situation!
There are just to many bad actors in America.
Lol it's funny. Predators get hired by them but if you have a weed charge it's a big no
Not adequate background checks ? I don't understand how this happens because they are basically hiring strangers. Can someone explain this to me?
What you spect from this people who drive lift and Uber you get what you pay for.. y’all don’t hear this about taxi 🚖 I won’t never let my wife or my family use this crap 💩…UBER AND LIFT ARE NOT SAFE TRANSPORTATION..specially for women
Anytime you have men and women alone things are gna happen I'm sure regular cabs have the same issues from time to time I mean look at the white house!!!..The President grabs women by the pussy!!! Another President had oral sex inside the oval office with an intern!!!!!How about Hollywood and what Matt Lauer banging women at work over his table and he works for a major news network!!!!
Seth McFarland you beast you did it again lol