Eleven Marines and 1 Navy corpsman were killed and 15 Marines were wounded after two suicide bombers affiliated with ISIS-K carried out a “complex attack” near the Kabul airport.


By carmodpros


35 thoughts on “At least 12 US service members killed in explosions near Kabul airport”
  1. Allah sees everything.Including what the US. gov has done to me…..i am NOT forgiving them and they will NOT get away! My life is ruined,to the point,i can not even get a gf…..i wish evil to others for that.Also what is it with the US ARMS EMBARGO ON BOSNIAN MUSLIMS?This is very politcal it is to make only me look bad to everyone.Well here is my message.The US military is involved in this against me!

  2. Like September 11, 2001, this was an inside job. We, the USA, Destroyed the perimeter and blamed it on Isis. Why? So we could remain in Afghanistan and at war with the Taliban for the next hundred years and enrich the military industrial complex. Think about it, why would the Taliban try to make us stay by starting trouble? Now that the perimeter is destroyed and Marines have died, America is going to bring back troops and go even further into Afghanistan with more war.

  3. you may not believe this but, my brohter inlaw is in the us army sciops, and his army buddy had to go to afganistan and was the army man who died in the explosion. when i heard that my brother inlaw's friend died in that explosion i was really bummed out. respect to all the people who died in that explosion.

  4. I haven't heard a word from any of the Hollywood, Professional Athletes Elite on this, cat got your tongues. For supporting this ding bat Joe Potato Head Biden. Old Joe is 100 percent Accountable and you Democrat fools that voted for this idiot.

  5. Where is the proof that they claimed responsibility? What ate the names of those killed? How did we know who did it? How do we know their jobs? I say BS! No strike, no one killed! Where is the proof? BS BS BS

  6. Bidens whole administration is the biggest failure and biggest joke in american history now maybe yall see why people thought the election had to be rigged because how could anyone be dumb enough to vote for that idiot or anyone in that current administration 🤷‍♂️🤡🤯🤦‍♂️

  7. And you had to ruin the whole thing by putting our clown leader up there, cool. He’s making his voters real proud, he doesn’t even know where he is most of the time.

  8. ISIS K is an invented lie meant to protect Biden from the worsening conditions he alone is responsible for. This lie is meant to ensure that Biden does NOT look weak by not backing up his promise of retaliation for Taliban attacks.

  9. 10 years, what did you become?
    You look like a strong man.
    But you also look so exhausted.
    You thought you are the person defending the homeland.
    But now you stuck in the foreign desert with death and bullet.
    You saw your teammates blast by IED, killed by bullets from nowhere, and angry local people throwing rocks at the IFV.
    They call you bandits, thief, murderer. But you don’t know why they will do that.
    You went to the foreign land, aim to a person that you don’t even know, what all this for?
    Finally you leave that place alive, you saw your father’s picture that he took 40 years ago.
    He was just like you, a young private in the green hell.
    Now, you finally understand why your alcoholic father will be so angry when he knows you are join the army.
    When you getting old, your grand kids sitting on your thigh, asking you what did you do during that 10 years.
    You went silent for a while and told them “I DON’T KNOW.”
    Yeah, you look like a strong man
    But in the bottom, you are a SAD MAN

  10. Pls. Pray the rosary to free all countries from war, hunger, diseases, climate change, calamities, drugs, prostitution, abortion, divorce, corruption, vices, violence and all evil.pls pray for peace and joy in all families and home.,….

  11. David Muse and ABC news is responsible for these murders for being liars and helping a guy who was not elected become president. What a disgusting so called free press we have. David Muse did this. A murderer who likes men.

  12. Trump Biden idc I blame the bombers they are the ones that took their lives. This is so sad. My condolences to the families. I also hate ignorance why are these terrorists/criminals killing people because they want to leave and not have anything to do with them. Just let people leave freely but I guess that’s just wishful thinking on my part.

  13. This is what 81 million "votes" looks like. Would've never happened under Trump, not in a million years. The 2020 election was rigged. Remove Biden and all democrats immediately and put them on trial.

  14. If the currently serving Marines don't start taking the phrase "ALL enemies both foreign and DOMESTIC" more seriously then pretty soon we won't even have a country anymore.

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