At least 12 dead, 188 infected in US as coronavirus continues to spread | Nightline – Car Mod Pros Portal

As the public stocks up on supplies over fears of the coronavirus, some companies are telling employees to work from home and 4,000 people in New York are in precautionary quarantine.



#Nightline #China #CoronaVirus #Wuhan #CoVid19 #Virus #Health


By carmodpros


42 thoughts on “At least 12 dead, 188 infected in US as coronavirus continues to spread | Nightline”
  1. Hoo boy. I forgot I put this on my mammoth watch-later list and I'm just watching this now. Jesus Christ it's mind-blowing to see how freaked out they were about rookie numbers. It's been such a bad year…

  2. Estimates of deaths due to Influenza each SEASON in the US are upwards of 60,000, or 1 in 5,500 people; today (4-6-20), the total deaths related to Coronavirus WORLDWIDE is c.70,000, or 1 in 100,000 people. The government and many citizens are very hypocriticdal by not combating Influenza with even a tittle of the resources they are throwing at this Coronavirus. .

    We have a generally available vaccine for the Flu and there are still so many deaths.

    Why are c.60,000 US deaths per year not worth the response widely given to the CoronaVirus?

    Trust me, we don't need millions of people making videos to show people how to wash their hands- if you don't was your hands with soap throughout the day, after you wipe your poopy butt or your wet private areas, before you eat, after sneezing/coughing into your hand, etc. then you are helping spread many germs and require this instruction, similar to 6 year olds (Sorry all you 6 year olds, at least all of you have a LEGITIMATE excuse)!

  3. To all medical personnel and healthcare workers out there, especially those who are working long hours under inadequate conditions on the front lines fighting this deadly virus war! thanks you.

  4. America will not recover from the economic aftermath of this pandemic. We where finished anyway, this just speeds up our demise one thousand fold. Watch and see

  5. Cancer could have been cured years ago but they just don't want it to be cured because they would rather make trillions of dollars murdering babies with chemo and 90% of the people diagnosed with cancer dosen't really have cancer and know with the coronavirus they going to choose who lives and who dies guess who's going live rich people guess who's going to die poor people so if you get the coronavirus and you can't afford their cure that might work then you going to die so you are better off using marijuana because it is a miracle gifted to us by God the Father and creater of all things who loves us more than anything and it has been proven to work on everything they say that their is no cure for and how is it that Africa a third world country with no money was able to stop Ebola America one richest countries in the world can't stop the coronavirus because they don't want to and because it's ok for you to die but you better not get high

  6. Goverments shut these cruise ships down. These people are to dumb to make rational choices. They are a danger to themselves & the public.

  7. Are you in need of face mask or alcohol based hand sanitizers to keep you constantly protected? Are you having troubles with the long queues at the stores in getting your required items? Do you want to get tested at the comfort of your home with a scientifically designed Russia test kit and get result in 18 hours? Do you also need the chloroquine and Zinc Treatment Combo to keep your immune system strong and fight off the virus? If yes, then I suggest you contact this professional hacker to save you from the present world crisis. Prevention is better than cure so please stay home and quarantine yourself. I’m so happy that I got help from hacker Gavin. He is a professional online carting and medical hacker and I’m glad that I contacted him for my desired needs and necessary pandemic essentials to keep myself safe without leaving the comfort of my home. He also shipped a scientifically designed Russia test kit to my home and I got tested myself without having to go to any hospital. It is a big risk going to the hospital to get tested as lots of positive patients are out there making it easier to contact the Covid-19 virus at the hospital. All I did was share my home address with hacker Gavin and I had all my orders shipped to my door step conveniently. You can contact this great hacker “Gavin” via Gmail  (cyberhackinggenius) or text and speak to him directly on his phone and WhatsApp : +19256795146 and don’t forget to thank me later!

  8. Why don’t they create a new vaccine to fight a bad virus. Vaccine protein in the air. Antidote air.Put it in the air.Cover the whole planet with the antidote in the air.Breath in vaccines protein antidote.never get sick from any virus ever. Cover the atmosphere with the vaccine protein antidote.Turn it into an air breathable.

  9. 미국이 진짜 멍청한게 처음에 마스크 필요없다고 해버려서 그런지 마스크를 안쓰니깐 바이러스 다 처먹고 다니지. 지가 병에 걸리든 말든 무조건 마스크를 써야 자기 스스로를 보호할 수 있고 다른사람도 보호할수 있는건데. 다른사람이나 자기가 감염자인줄 어떻게 알고 ㅋㅋㅋ 검사도 못받으면서

  10. Being in quarantine and working from home is not so bad!!!! I’ve been a network marketer since 2013 and now full time at The University Of Network Marketing ( AKA UNM Online Systems); so working from home and working out from home is nothing new for me. During this time of crisis in the coronavirus, but YouTube fairly is so…. I thought it’d change things up as covid has confirmed change is inevitable. I’ve decided to meet some like minded others. I just made my YouTube account 3 months ago. I have a few videos out and am working on a life story introduction. I’ll be on a lot me in the coming days. So, I just wanted to meet some new fellow YouTubers. I’m obsessed with learning new things and maybe we can learn something from one another. Hope to see many around. Yes I feel it will be just like when the alpha was first found back in 1960’s… or like when the flue was first discovered. We as humans know what’s wrong from right. We just need a little bit better morals and respect for one another. Understand that we have bodily fluids and when mixing them it creates new germs. Not only us humans but the climate and many other things also. Like global warming. When the ice melts it releases air pockets and microscopic creatures & organisms and when they mix it can be bad or it can be good. In this case it’s bad and to fix it. I feel a global. mandated quarantine for a few days could solve a lot. The government is so worried about people dying from leaving but don’t care about them going to work still. That makes no sense. It’s not going to kill us to stop the cycle of man mad physical currency, but the coronavirus will. It’s not like people are not going to make money still while at home. If physical currencies can’t be used there is always cryptocurrency ☺️. Our here on the internet technology is so broad and advanced there is endless of opportunities for everyone’s specialties and needs. There’s plenty of room for everyone over at the University Of Network Marketing. Together we can make great things happen. Keep clean, Stay in quarantine, learn to do network marketing. Feel free to follow me🥰

  11. Tajniak z USA który mnie torturuje zachorował chyba na koronowirusa,dusi mnie i pyta jednocześnie,czy przeżyje??? Rozumiem że mnie to powinno obchodzić ?

  12. This was released by our government you idiots it is to get rid of all the old people that are on Medicare health care across the world you fools why is it affecting the middle as bad as the end???

  13. Amazon and Walmart are offering jobs to deal with the backup of orders to be filled. This virus is creating job opportunities for the unemployed …at the same time, we are being told to stay home… Retired elderly will stay home, but younger people who need a job will be at risk, unless employers furnish plenty of protection, like free hand gel and masks. Maybe showers before going home from work. Or maybe bed and breakfast so they can stay at work around the clock. Hopefully, the young and strong will hit the front lines and be the heroes this country has a way of creating. Americans don't run from trouble … they walk into the roar.

  14. Can I ask you a question? Why did China help Italy Not to help America. As keyboard man. Although all kinds of people spray on the Internet, But I really can't afford a mask or a disease. Why did China go to help Italy? Give the American people an explanation. Give us an explanation for keyboard man. Why have you been lying to us?

  15. The deep state taenia solium in obamagrad is scoring big time with this lame hoax. Let's see. . . . The deep state pansies suffer from gonadal agenesis. (Adefect which has become a prerequisite to profiting through governshit basking or. . . No balls, only bullshit.) They create a false catastrophe that they say only they can resolve. Then, in the midst of the chaos the deep state cestodes surreptitiously attach themselves to the American host confiscating and controlling as much as they can. In the name of good, through cleverly worded statements, they confiscate as many of the resources of the innocent, convert them into puss and use those resources to their sick advantage. Remember governshit knows better than you do about how to live all of life. They spew infectious cysticercus all the while pigging their zygotes like an ever festering vermin. Once drained of all resources, the worms push themselves out of of the pitiful host in search of fresh gluttony. Having squandered the resources of the host, the parasites perpetuate and grow the deadly infestation further. Sadly, they have achieved their goal. . . Or have they? No, these parasites have bigger plans in mind. We may think that once the sick, selfish and demented goals of the horde have been achieved, they'd be finished with the corps, but not these porcine. This is aparticularly rare and extremely treacherous daemon and they carry their plans to unimaginable proportions. You see. . . They're not satisfied with merely killing the host, in their own sadistically selfish ways the evil waste bring the now sickened host to as close to death as possible without letting it die. And let's not forget the misery. Remember the misery index of the seventies? They must make life as miserable as possible for the little insignificant. They must now control the host to comply with their every bidding so as to maximize the benefit to whom? Themselves! These insignificant pin worms perceive themselves to be elite and superior to the little ants they seek to dominate. They may have succeeded in accomplishing theirgoal but they will not win. The little guy has already won because almighty God has ordained it so and they can not tolerate knowing this fact. Guess what, taenia solium, God has won. . .God wins. . .The little guy wins and there is absolutely nothing the insignificant, worthless parasites can do about it

  16. The deep state taenia solium in obamagrad is scoring big time with this lame hoax. Let's see. . . . The deep state pansies suffer from gonadal agenesis. (Adefect which has become a prerequisite to profiting through governshit basking or. . . No balls, only bullshit.) They create a false catastrophe that they say only they can resolve. Then, in the midst of the chaos the deep state cestodes surreptitiously attach themselves to the American host confiscating and controlling as much as they can. In the name of good, through cleverly worded statements, they confiscate as many of the resources of the innocent, convert them into puss and use those resources to their sick advantage. Remember governshit knows better than you do about how to live all of life. They spew infectious cysticercus all the while pigging their zygotes like an ever festering vermin. Once drained of all resources, the worms push themselves out of of the pitiful host in search of fresh gluttony. Having squandered the resources of the host, the parasites perpetuate and grow the deadly infestation further. Sadly, they have achieved their goal. . . Or have they? No, these parasites have bigger plans in mind. We may think that once the sick, selfish and demented goals of the horde have been achieved, they'd be finished with the corps, but not these porcine. This is aparticularly rare and extremely treacherous daemon and they carry their plans to unimaginable proportions. You see. . . They're not satisfied with merely killing the host, in their own sadistically selfish ways the evil waste bring the now sickened host to as close to death as possible without letting it die. And let's not forget the misery. Remember the misery index of the seventies? They must make life as miserable as possible for the little insignificant. They must now control the host to comply with their every bidding so as to maximize the benefit to whom? Themselves! These insignificant pin worms perceive themselves to be elite and superior to the little ants they seek to dominate. They may have succeeded in accomplishing theirgoal but they will not win. The little guy has already won because almighty God has ordained it so and they can not tolerate knowing this fact. Guess what, taenia solium, God has won. . .God wins. . .The little guy wins and there is absolutely nothing the insignificant, worthless parasites can do about it

  17. I live in Nebraska and my city doesn't want to close schools and the stores have no toilet paper no caned food no bleach no medicine

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