Authorities say at least 10 people were killed, including a city police officer, after an armed man with a rifle, opened fire in a supermarket parking lot on Monday afternoon.
Boulder shooting: 10 killed, including police officer Eric Talley; suspect charged:
Senate lawmakers debate how to curb gun violence in wake mass shootings:
#Boulder #BoulderMassacre #EricTalley #GMA
God bless Dr OSABA on YouTube for curing me from herpes virus
God bless Dr OSABA on YouTube for curing me from herpes virus
B.e.S.T f'u"l'l D.a.T.i.n.G h.o.T G.i.r.L's â€â€ÂÂLâ€â€ÂÂoâ€â€ÂÂVâ€â€ÂÂeâ€â€ÂÂSâ€â€ÂÂeâ€â€ÂÂXâ€â€ÂÂ..â¤ï¸ÂÂÂ⤵ï¸ÂÂÂ
在整個人類æ·å²上,強者,富人和具有狡猾特質的人æ•食部è½,æ°ÂÂÂæâ€â€ÂÂÂÂ,城鎮,城市和鄉æ‘ä¸ÂÂÂ的弱者,無`'守和貧窮æˆÂÂÂ員。然而,人類的çâ€ÂŸå˜æ„ÂÂÂ願迫使那些被拒絕,被å‰ÂÂÂ奪或摧毀的基本需求的人們找到了一種çâ€ÂŸ活方å¼ÂÂÂ,並繼續將其DNAèžÂÂÂå…¥ä¸ÂÂÂ斷發展的人類社會。.說到食物,ä¸ÂÂÂè¦ÂÂÂ以為那些被拒絕的人åªåƒ垃圾。相åÂÂÂÂÂÂ,他們å¸會了在被忽視的肉類和èâ€ÂÂÂÂœä¸ÂÂÂ尋找營養。他們å¸會了清æ½â€ÂÂ,切塊,調味和慢燉慢燉的野èÂÂœ和肉類,在食å“ÂÂÂ市場上被忽略的部分家çâ€Â¨èâ€ÂÂÂœ和肉類,並ä¸â€ÂÂå¸會了使çâ€Â¨芳香的木煙(如山核桃,山核桃和豆科çÂÂÂξϬ 來調味食物煮的時候 1616992507
Honestly if they don’t change gun laws to be stricter or allow us keep a gun in our pocket
Do not electing Democrats otherwise shooting people multitude
Democrats become in power shooting people magnitude
So many Deaths , So many Police officers with weapons and the mass murderer walks out alive into hands of his Lawyers.
There's too many guns and so easy to Buy one
A comprehensive study which included mass-shootings from Columbine to Boulder has shown that the shooters are WITHOUT FAIL practitioners of receptive bestiality. Which is really weird, when I heard this I had to look it up myself to confirm it. I don't see the connection, except low self-esteem, shame issues?
I had faith that Trippy Joe would defeat the NRA and end mass shootings. It's sad he failed the American citizens. 🙁
When Trump was the president, how come none of that was reported?????
In other news, another tantrum by a grown ass man ends in human casualties.
Well, i guess good ol thoughts and prayers always works huh.
Really AMeriKKKa?
white male?..oh well he was probably having a bad day!
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The naughty hydrofoil ideally float because team intralysosomally land beneath a knotty cave. same, somber error
I remember a few years ago just after a mass shooting, I forget witch one there have been so many. A reporter visited a firing range found a thirteen-year-old kid firing a long gun with scope, the reporter asked who owns the rifle, he replied I do, it was a gift from his father. It has to be noted, his kid is not yet old enough to legally buy or drink alcohol, is not licensed to drive a car, can and do own a rifle with scope, and if so desired, could become the next mass shooter, having been given one of the tools of avocation to do so.
Pausing the video at 0:04 shows the location (near the stop sign) where one body was laying. Amazing that the area is completely dry with no sign of either blood or any cleaning material that would've darkened the pavement.
All of this is a tragedy but am I going to have to be the only one who brings to mention that all the news keeps mentioning is the officer who signed up for a dangerous job & off duty or not wether he was or not, what about the other people. I get tired & hurt when the news elevates certain people above others. I've seen news cast after news cast & even radio & of all that were victims all they personally mention is the officer. There is a growing outrage in this country that officers lives are worth more than others when every life should hold the same weight. I am ashamed to say I'm an American when EVERY NEWS MEDIA ONLY MENTIONS one person & not others especially, not to diminish the individual in any way because loss of life senselessly under any circumstance is a tragedy, but if I were a family member of ANY of the others I would feel as though the news, as always, is diminishing the loss by comparison & we wonder why there's a growing outrage against the news & police when both entities place their loss above all others. Mention the others as you have the officers life & tribute to the others lost will at the very least not add further hurt to the families by feeling neglected by the media & law enforcement. Honor everyone equally or generalize otherwise you give the impression that the officers life meant more when they ALL meant something equally to someone. Have a heart media for once!!! Come on!!! Are the regular citizens just nothing, expendable, not worth mentioning? That's what hurts me is that it's not reported equally!
Americans love their guns.
Inside job to pass gun control law
Only if many more sane citizens had guns themselves – crap like this wouldnt happen as often..
GUNS GUNS GUNS……CHANGE THE GUN LAWS AMERICA, you are not the wild west colonials anymore
PROP AGENDA r.i.p to all the minds lost to the brainwashing
People who are able' and chose too' need to carry! Stop this BS' the more armed the less these crazies will come out //
There is no mention to the terrorist name whatsoever. The media is definitely part of the problem as they trying their best to cover up the shooter identity
38,000 people are killed in Auto accidents a year in the USA ? more bike riding should go on ?
Most people that die by guns are from suicide sad but true, suicide is also from drugs knifes ect,,,
Allow open carry throughout the US. Criminals have guns. Let good people defend themselves and others. Good people defend themselves and others in states with open carry laws. Make open carry universal to end these media stories. peace