At 14, Emmett heads to Mississippi | Let the World See l Part 2

At 14, Emmett heads to Mississippi | Let the World See l Part 2

Emmetts mother warns him about the rules of the Jim Crow South, where violence is boiling over by the time he arrives.

#lettheworldsee #theboyfromchicago #emmetttill


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23 thoughts on “At 14, Emmett heads to Mississippi | Let the World See l Part 2

  1. Always been intrigued by this story. So tragic! 😔💯

  2. Wow I never knew this part of this history. That his father went through this. I’ve always thought that Emmitt Tills and his Mother were very important in our history. Any until this day I still cry when I hear the story since a kid

  3. Imagine educating your child on the dangers of The Devil and they say we are violent. It’s so sad

  4. The of Justice will come for every Wicked Racist White Men And Women. They shall rise out their graves to face Justice from a Frowning Judge with Absolute Power. They shall all be found Guilty and cast in the Lake of Fire 🔥 in the Depths of Hell! Even the Racist Cops Prosecutors And Judges who destroyed the lives of countless innocent Black People have their Part in the Lake Of Fire 🔥 in Hell for Eternity as the Punishment of their Wickedness. Wicked People who thought they got away will get the biggest surprise!

  5. What can I say even the Us Military Did my people dirty to the point I don’t feel proud serving it at all, such a shame how they treated the Black Men like Mr. Till with absolutely no dignity.

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