Astronomers capture 1st ever photo of massive black hole

Astronomers capture 1st ever photo of massive black hole

The photo captured over 50 million light years away is 20 billion miles across and the image shows a ring of superheated gas around the black hole.

The first photo of a black hole is finally here

We finally know what a black hole looks like.

After decades of conjecture and simulations, an international consortium of scientists released the first ever photos of a black hole on Wednesday.

“We have seen what we thought was unseeable. We have seen and taken a picture of a black hole,” Shep Doeleman, Event Horizon Telescope project (EHT) director, said as he revealed the photos at a press conference in conjunction with the National Science Foundation in Washington, D.C.


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21 thoughts on “Astronomers capture 1st ever photo of massive black hole

  1. Ask yourself, did you see the camera and the computer zoom in on that point that they claim is the black hole? What everyone fails to realize and this includes most scientists, just because you computer enhance a zoomed-in area on a picture, does it make it factual. What is the basic argument and premise of a black hole? Gravity. You cannot use a theory to base your argument upon what cannot be proved. I urge you to Google gravity. It will describe what the fundamental result of gravity is, but will not give you any details to the makeup or how it works! So, how can you use gravity as your argument or your bases for your theory?! This very fact negates your theory. This includes any theory that includes the word gravity. There are a lot of papers that need to go in the trash! And for you naysayers, before you write your comment about me and my brains take a moment and read this again! Especially the part that describes you cannot use a theory that cannot be proven for the basis of your argument. Isaac didn't invent gravity he merely recognized it and since then no one has been able to solve the puzzle. Yes, I do have a theory and it's based upon principles and laws!

  2. Is it weird that when bored in class i closed my eyes and rested my head on my hand, and I could see something that looked almost exactly like that in the void of my closed eyes

  3. Lol I call bluff on this. Listen to the beginning very good. "PLANNED FOR" then "MONEY SPENT" 🤯 wtf all the problems in the United States and money was wasted for a blurry art piece that is identical to a picture on Google in 1991 hmmmm strange isn't it. My taxes paid for this bs 😠😠 😠😠😠. Money should've been used for the military veterans not this.

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