ABC News’ Kyra Phillips looks at the rising discrimination against Asian Americans in the wake of COVID-19. Business owners and victims share what they’re trying to do about it.
Asians facing discrimination, violence amid coronavirus outbreak

Because America is a hate filled, evil, racist country that the world finds despicable
Asian live matter black live matter all are same
Nazi party hates america
All the Europeans should go back Europe for good 😤
This is Indian land.
Even if there is a possibility that the coronavirus was manufactured in a China laboratory.
The CIA is involved in its creation.
The American government, the CIA have done a lot worse. The CIA has started countless wars internationally all over the world and in America. Causing millions of death.
The world is angry and trying to blame China. When they should be angrier with the American Government.
CRINGE XRODEE : First Time Watching This And Liking On This Video May 29, 2021
MAY 30, 2021
Stop the Asian hate blame it on George Soro Wuhan laboratory is under his name the address is 666 look it up
I thought black people can't be racist?
Most people don’t even realize or remember the hatred towards Asians when the Chinese arrived to America in the 1800’s to build the railroad and getting paid $.01 a day. Most of those Asians were kidnapped and put on ships to come to be slaves but thought they were coming here for a better life. The violence that they had to go through were much worse then now, Asians are Americans we contributed a lot of building America. You cannot stop stupid people from committing hate crimes because they are stupid and ignorant. But now is the time to stand your grounds! Unite, or all fall
If Dylann Roof wasn't on Death Row, he would've Killed Asian for Spreading the Virus
The current rate of Covid-19 pandemic is alarming, but it wouldn't help to panic or blame its root cause to a particular group of people. Encouraging racism against Asian ethnicities in the USA is just a scapegoat from taking responsibility of the besetting trouble.
Below are some links that reported Covid-19 was already in the USA earlier than had been thought.
a) Click on
b) Click on
c) Click on
A question can be posed like "If SARS-COV-2 originated in Wuhan then why did China only got very less people contracted as compared to the USA?"
China was able to identify a new virus and it proceeded rightaway to isolate those who contracted it. USA on the other hand may have had already the virus spread wide, but kept those incidence treated as some kind of pneumonia or other known diseases.
No Asian should suffer for what that certain person
When I find out who did this, I hope he/she will have fun in hell
Picking on ethnic minorities won't make the virus go away
Damn lot usa people mad Asian
Shouldn’t have eaten dead and raw bats and raw animals
Chinese scientists have been preparing for World War III with genetic biological weapons, including coronavirus, for the past six years, according to a document obtained by U.S. investigators, the Daily Mail and other foreign media on the 8th (local time).
According to reports, the bomb report released by the U.S. State Department details the perfect conditions for using bioweapons and their impact on the enemy's medical system, along with claims that they will be key to winning the war.
The latest evidence that the Chinese government has considered the military possibility of the coronavirus since 2015 at the earliest has raised fresh concerns about the cause of the disease, prompting some officials to suspect that it may have leaked from China's laboratory.
The document, which was released in detail in the Australian daily newspaper The Australian, was written by scientists and health officials of the People's Liberation Army of China and investigated how to manipulate diseases to make weapons in an unprecedented way.
As a result, senior British government officials have expressed great concern about Chinese President Xi Jinping's intention amid growing concerns that the Chinese government lacks regulations on the activities of Chinese research institutes.
The authors of the document argue that unlike World War I and II, which are described as chemical and nuclear wars, World War III will be a biological war. Citing research suggesting that two atomic bombs dropped on Japan forced it to surrender, the researchers say bioweapons will be a key weapon of victory in World War III.
The document also describes the ideal conditions for maximum damage using bioweapons. Scientists say strong sunlight can damage pathogens and rain or snow can affect aerosol particles, so these attacks should not be made on clear days or in the middle of the day. Instead, it is said that aerosols can flow to the target area only when the wind direction is stable at night, dawn, sunset, or cloudy weather.
The document also pointed out that the attack could lead to a surge in patients in need of hospital treatment, destroying the pirate's medical system.
Another concern is China's "functions acquisition" at the Wuhan Virology Institute. In this study, virologists are creating a new virus that is more contagious and deadly.
Tom Tugendart, chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, said, "This document raises great concerns about the ambitions of some people advising the party leadership. No matter how tightly controlled they are, these weapons are dangerous."
"China has prevented all attempts to regulate and crack down on research institutes that may have been tested," said Hamish DeBretton Gordon, an expert on chemical weapons.
The existence of the document was first revealed on the 7th through the new book What Really Happened in Wuhan, written by Australian journalist Shary Markson.
The new Species of Man-Made Viruses as Genetic Bioweapons document explains that "developments in different scientific fields have made great progress in the delivery of biological agents and the ability to freeze-dry microorganisms has enabled them to store biological agents and air them during attacks."
Analysts say the authors of the document are 18 people working at a laboratory classified as high-risk.
Peter Jennings, director of the Australian Strategic Policy Institute, also raised concerns that China's biological research on coronavirus could be weaponized in the future.
"There is no clear distinction between research skills," he said. "This is because it is not a decision that scientists make whether research capabilities are used aggressively or defensively. "If you're building superficial skills to protect your troops from biological attacks, at the same time, you're giving your soldiers the ability to use these weapons aggressively," he said. "We can't separate the two."
Meanwhile, intelligence agencies suspect that Covid-19 may be the result of a leak from the Wuhan Institute. However, there is no evidence yet to suggest that the virus has been deliberately leaked.
Got your stimy checks?
Mistake coughing for corona virus? Dude its a simptom… Americans
I may hate all americans…
Pure ignorance.
Why government is not doing to reeducate people?
ngl this is my opinon but america and UK sucks honestly
This is not directed at all Americans far from it but let's be honest the USA is probably one of the most racist paranoid countries on the planet they're not happy unless they're demonising another country it's just so happens. Asians are there punching bag regarder sip of a born in America or not
If there is someone needs to be imprison, it should be Trumph the ugliest old man in US because he is the leader of this happenings. Period
The anti-Asian hate in the West is all China's fault. Not all Asians are Chinese, by the way.
2:14 Teacher at Walter Reed Middle School discriminated a 13 yrs. old Asian boy just because he choked on water.
When we say USA sounds wonderful the supreme power. Now, in my opinion no more. It is now the ROTTEN country in the world, with all its racism stories.
As the saying goes 'Every dog has its day". First were the blacks, then the Muslims, Now the Chinese! Life is a Bit-ch!
Covid was not caused by Asians! Stop blaming them.
They think asian american are spreading corona virus while racist americans are literally going out and having parties all day
Well i consider this kind of discrimination as 'necessary evil'
I’m Japanese. Asians are so discriminated against. Accept immigrants? Japanese people cold? I don’t want to accept such a stupid person.
I dislike Asians, but I wouldn't attack them.
reminds me, during covid march 2020 before schools closed, we had a substitute teacher(5th grade), she was Asian. Like 75% of the class was saying things like,"If she coughs once i'm leaving", and "why isnt she wearing a face mask." I kept telling them to cut it out. she was nice and quiet though. She gave us candy. and told us good morning and have a nice weekend, something 90% of teachers wouldn't say. but everyone was hating on her.
American $$$ funded the research in China “gain a function “ study of deadly virus. Unsafe practices lead to this epidemic,
America wake up,be kind & humble as Jesus is!
This racist man should be arrested
The vaccine is Weed you'll feel better and more peaceful this is sad for our Chinese people that have helped our own military projects equipment ect and were here back stabbing well established in this country for generations
Its good self defense, to have a gun also ! We as Asian not a sitting duck to kill us for racism . If I have money, maybe I gonna buy also . I wish people will change to have compassion 🙠Everyone wants a life with peaceful environment ⤠You you what I'm saying ðŸ˜ÂÂÂÂ!
RACIST BASTARDS! The Asian community is a hard working community. They never interrupt the peace and are quite reserved. Breaks my heart to see varies hate crimes in the news.