As coronavirus cases spike, hospitals are on the verge of reaching capacity – Car Mod Pros Portal

President and CEO of Beaumonth Health, John Fox, joins us to discuss how hospitals will soon reach capacity for ventilators and protective gear.

#JohnFox #Hopsitals


By carmodpros


23 thoughts on “As coronavirus cases spike, hospitals are on the verge of reaching capacity”
  1. stop the fearmongering ….this is nothing but a MASSIVE fear mongering psyop by the media to scare the population into giving up our rights for a false sense of security and to crash the world economy and bring in digital currency….WAKE UP

  2. Our state is starting to climb pretty quickly in cases, the governor is set aside our big arena for hospital beds and shelters for the homeless. Please everybody stay safe sanitize everything you've touched your steering wheels in your car door handles things people don't normally think of. A lot of people up here are not doing social distancing we've had to put up signs to remind people and they still don't recognize that we need to come together

  3. NOT TRUE, I'm in the Health Care Industry and that is a Total Lie, Do not believe what the MSM say's, They should be Sued for Fraud

  4. Thanks Trumpy! Kellyanne just said on Fox News that you were briefed on all this in January and we also had all the insight from action in Asian countries, yet still you fail – deaths increasing exponentially every day now.

  5. You all are the media including Fox News duh the only difference between you and the liberal media is that you’re not liberal and you speak differently than they do. But some of you give mis information also. so how about all of you grow up, knock off the damn power struggles. I think all liberals and republicans are sick of this! we have the coronavirus on our hands so Msnbc cnn fox all of you grow up and work together or shut up. my last concern anymore is abortion and homosexual and equality. my concern is life and health and security and freedom actually i do want equality the rich should stop holding back from helping the lower class when we helped get them rich. without consumers and workers the rich do not get rich. it is common sense on basic economics.
    this is what i wrote fox and you all need to grow up too all of you. Get over yourselves. i know how you cnn news was paid by obama to hide information and you already been snitched on for bias. You are bias and so is most of the liberal media anyone extremist republicans and extremists democratic are biased. i’m not a lost sheep like many of you. You want to be woke as they say? then stop taking sides and look at all these sides from the outside. operate like a detective and you will find evidence for all that i claim.

  6. Beaumont nurses and doctors Michigan loves you and understands you cant do anything without the strongest backbone we thank you for holding us up and stand in aw of your ability to handle the weight while being delicate and beautiful

  7. Great news everyone, the virus seems to be non-discriminatory. It doesn't matter who you are or where you are hiding, it will find you and will most likely kill you (just a precaution)

  8. Could America build hospitals like China did? Or do we have to worry about Adam schiff Nancy Pelosi And Chuck schumer trying to add a bunch of democrat wish lists to every bill. Like we're on the same team now so we thought but somebody thinks it's funny to add quick sand to life-and-death situations

  9. Are… are they forgetting that tests are more available and thus an increase in cases is inevitable? Oh wait that's right it's spreading like wildfire, even staring at a hospital puts you in danger.

  10. I'm a numbers guy… The US is number 1 in amount of cases in the world in a short period of time with much lower death rates in comparison to others. The US has an obesity crisis and many with diabetes or heart problems. You guys are about to see an immense spike in deaths and extremely overwhelmed hospitals, that with the combination of mixed messaging and low stock of medical supplies, it will devastate the US. I wish you all the best of luck!

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