Dr. Anthony Fauci said it appears the U.S. is headed in the right direction.
#WorldNewsTonight #COVID-19 #omicron #pandemic
Mainstream media FAKE NEWS.
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Is all this ppl fault for letting the virus to spread, not wearing mask not getting the vaccine all this ppl r just as stupid as Donald Trump.
I think it’s completely hypocritical and tone deaf when I see conservatives holding up one sign that says “My body, My Choice†when it comes to vaccines but when it comes to abortion they don’t want women to have the right over their bodies. How stupid! Then they say “Pro Life†and “protect the unborn!!!!†But then they don’t want to mask their children or get them vaccinated and now these kids are ending up in ICU.
Can all the vaccinated people that got horribly sick please stand up!
I’m confused 🤷 if situation looks optimistic, then why experts said cloth masks aren’t good and we should wear N95; many months ago when Delta (which is more severe according to the experts) is in charge, almost everyone wears cloth 😷.
Stop bringing that dude on 😡
Allarity Therapeutics, Stenoparib, demonstrates pre-clinical antiviral activity against new variants of Coronavirus. Since stenoparib inhibits a host protein, the antiviral activity of stenoparib should inhibit all variant strains. Results indicate that stenoparib possesses strong antiviral activity against SARS-CoV-2 and other coronaviruses.
The current study explored the activity of stenoparib against four SARS-CoV-2 strains including the SARS-CoV-2 67 Germany/BavPat1/2020 wild-type strain, as well as the Alpha, Beta, Gamma. Read Stenoparib effectively inhibits SARS-CoV-2 variants By Dr. Shital Sarah Ahaley Ph.D,
1 John 4:18
Dont understand need but vaccine plus use b12 for boost imune system me use b12 injection
Be careful for the cold symptoms….. headaches are horrible
How would you know which states when they don't report on weekends ?
germs are transmitted by unsanitary surfaces and conditions then touching your face. Washing your hands regularly is more important than a stupid mask that is doing nothing for you.
Good Morning. May God bless you comforting you from all sadness and angels help you. Job 42:5: "Before I knew you by hearing, but now I see you with my own eyes.' Jesus wants to reveal himself to you. To give you experiences with his love and compassion. His death on the cross is proof of this immense love. But He is risen. He is the way, the Truth and the life. Seek Him with all your heart and will find him. You are precious to God. Pray. Always read the bible. Jesus Christ will return. Greetings from Brazil.🙋ðŸ™ÂÂÂÂ🌺🌺🌷🌷🌹🌹🌺🌺🌷🌷🌹🌹
Mathew 24. Yeshua is coming back very very soon
Stop with the narrative. You don't care about anybody in America. You're a monster
Mainstream medias ratings are WELL past their peak……
Obama said, Joe's not smart enough to be president. Guess he was right……
Democrats desperately trying to twist the narrative and distract America from what a mess they are making of our country………..
In my home town we just saw a drop in 100 in one day in the seven day average per 100,000 cases…. That’s incredible impressive.
Year 2 of 14 days to flatten the curve.
By the time u get the test you're either well or dead.
Omicron- " I haven't even begun to peak, and when I do, I'm gonna peak all over everybody."
I sure hope not. We need humans to start dieing off quickly & in mass numbers. & Stop fucking breeding while you're at it you fucking animals!!!
Wonders what the WW1 generation would think of these pussies
Untill chn releases a new virus to be far ahead of the economy
In my home town we just saw a drop in 100 in one day in the seven day average per 100,000 cases…. That’s incredible impressive.
Your agenda is done. Draagons over USA on my channel
Omicron will peak in mid november…..just in time for the next "variant" to get rolled out.
Keep jabbing, sheep!
In my home town we just saw a drop in 100 in one day in the seven day average per 100,000 cases…. That’s incredible impressive.
Fake News bs is peaking.