Apple pulls the plug on iTunes

Apple pulls the plug on iTunes

Apple announced that iTunes will be turned into three separate apps that will handle music, podcasts and video.

#ABCNews #Apple #iTunes #Tech #News


42 thoughts on “Apple pulls the plug on iTunes

  1. ☠️

  2. If anyone can answer these questions:
    1. Can I still buy music and movies and tv shows once ITunes is gone?
    2. Will the music that I purchased still be there?
    3. Is it necessary to be a member if I want to download the music on Apple?

  3. This is terrible reporting. They're not getting rid of the iTunes store…it's in the new Music app. They just moved podcasts to it's own app, movies and tv shows into the TV app, and now you sync devices with Finder.

  4. Boooo!!! 😠😠😠😠 Also what about apps??

  5. Should have mentioned that we don’t lose anything we’ve bought over the last 20 years. Just about crapped my pants when I heard they’re doing away with it. Whew!

  6. iTunes? More like ByeTunes

    I’ll go now.

  7. Is this new app going to be accessible to those who are visually impaired? I can’t really watch television shows or things like that but I do like podcasts and music.

  8. Wow I’ve had iTunes forever!🤷🏽‍♀️. Okay let’s see what we’re going to get now. Apple just taking over everything 🤔

  9. Let's go back to the good ole days when we cave people played stone records with a woodpecker beak needle, like Fred Flintstone used to the doooo!
    🎼🎤Twist Twist in Bedrock …

  10. I guess I’m the only one who is happy about this because Spotify and Pandora and Google Play Music has completely free music

  11. Making all iPods obsolete, and literally stealing back all the music you’ve paid for.

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