AOC responds to GOP congressman in fiery speech – Car Mod Pros Portal

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez took to the House floor Thursday and delivered a passionate speech aimed at the Republican member of Congress who accosted her on the Capitol steps.

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By carmodpros


42 thoughts on “AOC responds to GOP congressman in fiery speech”
  1. Anyone who supports blm and defund the police like this clown is supporting the 100% increase in shooting and violence in USA cities. NYC is an absolute mess. This women and liberals like her destroyed a once safe City.

  2. Hahaha spoken to disrespectfully? Wow.. you're crying about your feelings being hurt and wasting our tax dollars doing so when you could be fighting for border reform, figuring out how to better the lives of the people in your district, I could keep going on.. its ok to say disrespectful things about people on the right but when it's about you or any of your pathetic delusional liberal friends it deserves media attention? You're a worthless human being AOC.

  3. Lol she's such a victim 🤣😂 she is one of the rudest people there. She won't be in office next term, there's no way

  4. Stupid people in power is dangerous.
    People who refuse to learn about the job they are doing is disgusting. Especially when there is a line of better candidates beating on the door to get in.

  5. This woman is a braindead loudspeaker with no idea what she is saying our how anything she says can be accomplished. She is a bartender turn radical leftist politician. That's it.

  6. How’s New York City going???? Oh wait it’s burning so worry about your city before you trying to solve all the countries problems

  7. aoc is an idiot. if you know history, this would be obvious. she makes our nation look stupid. vote her out! she is a marxist prop and does not care about history or america.. she is a propaganda tool. the filibuster is a wise rule to keep from having a one-nation state… which is what aoc wants… like china.. totalitarian communist regime of elitists trying to control their citizens trying to play gods. she should be put in jail for her lies. so many lies… but youtube allows it. facebook allows it. twitter allows it. instagram allows it. etc… she is a liar spreading complete lies and the media never checks her on it. she really needs to be sued and impeached. and maybe put in jail when they investigate where her money comes from.

  8. I’ll give Googlish credit as ‘AOC Tesla Whole Foods’ DID bring up Dan Bogino point out the “socialist” trifecta; Illegally parked, Tesla at Whole Foods… what ya wanna bet she was paying with “food stamps” (like the ‘poor’ people I see at upscale, overpriced food stores… afterall, either way, WE’ER PAYING FOR ALL OF THIS!

  9. Do you realize this woman is an idiot? She doesn’t have to be, she chooses to be. People who are educated, and choose to ignore their own hypocrisy, are making a choice, based on preserving their egos. She is selfish. She is motivated by a chip, on her shoulder, about something that happened to her, that she has not resolved, through her own self reflection, and hard work. She doesn’t study issues, and makes so many embarrassing cognitive errors, yet refuses to learn any key lessons about humility in her privileged position. I don’t care what side of the aisle she is, I cannot believe we are so stupid as a population to elect someone who cares so little about the country, the people she represents, to even bother studying the night before questioning a witness, or speaking to her colleagues. She is on stage, and is only interested in the jolt of instant gratification she receives by reliving her unresolved trauma as an elected official, lashing out at innocent people her endless well of unresolved, incoherent, rage, like a child. She is being praised by people who are doing the same, in their own lives and right along with her. But she isn’t a child, she is an adult, refusing debates she knows she can’t win, behaving as spoiled, privileged narcissist. She is clearly frozen in the state of whatever state of trauma the abuse she suffered, caused, and is in denial about resolving. No one’s pain is more or less than anyone else’s. She is afraid to listen to anyone who doesn’t think the way she does, for fear that she might have learn this lesson, like the rest of us.

  10. Like the one senator security guard who had his finger on the trigger when he killed Ashli Babbitt and was even pointing it at senators with his finger on the trigger. That one? With NO training who isn’t being charged? The BLACK MALE SECURITY GUARD who killed an unarmed WHITE WOMAN VETERAN? 1776 🇺🇸

  11. Oh of you can Throw a grown man out of a bar… How did you get accosted ? Oh brother… Like a child tattle tales… OH OM AOC… I GOT MY BOX OF KLEENEX READY….

  12. Does she know what the word accosted means? It means they physically restrained you or physically hurt you instead they had a conversation about how much of a whack-job you are and your decisions and your failure as a congresswoman a conversation is not being accosted what a freaking drama queen

  13. I agree you are not rude just immature and a danger to our republic with ridicules ideals foreign to the constitution trying to break it down with racism.

  14. Don't like AOC? Start a movement. AOC is Continually Unifying Narrative Talk. Tag every video, online article with Continually Unifying Narrative Talk.

  15. Good thing you censored the naughty words AOC spoke as part of a speech that was entered into the congressional record. We all know how much children love the watch C-Span. They just couldn't have handled it.

  16. “We’re going to make the electoral college tuition free!”— AOC the replacement for dumb blonde jokes

  17. AOC is a LUNATIC. She is absolutely Wicked and Dangerous. She actually thinks Planned Parenthood that kills over 1,000,000 babies annually, and somehow says that PP SAVES Lives??? Satan Can HIDE HER HORNS… EVIL

  18. AOC that little troll of a woman. She is disgusting, crazy and definently outta her mind. All honest comments. Just the site of face is enough tk make a person feel insulted

  19. One must love the patriarchy, being scared and shaken by women "finally" speaking up. Of course she was insulted; so have at least 90% of all women worldwide- and a few men will step up. The hidden sexism and ongoing racism of men venting their frustration on women is finally more and more surfacing. I applaud you 🙏🏻💪🏻♥️

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