Italy reported 250 fatalities in the last 24 hours as it struggles to contain the disease.
#WorldNewsTonight #DavidMuir #travel #europe #america #travelrestrictions #fatalities #italy #coronavirus #covid-19
Just last month the idiot liberal Democrats were lecturing the planet on how borders, walls and privacy was Immoral and xenophobic. So does this mean no more gay pride parades at Disney??? Lmf@0
It's probably worse in the US, we just don't have the tests to prove it.
It's to late for this
$8000 for 3 tickets .. this world is a Scam…
The world is a vampire….
We over here panicking about getting it but we probably already got it and didn’t notice
lol cowards
Can people who see this tell each other to stop being stupid. And calm down the idiots are making this worse
The people that still traveled knowing the virus was a thing they are the ones that think chocolate milk come from a brown cow
Rush to home hmmmm ya soon as they arrived ship them in a a boat
One side effect of the corona virus is it makes you want to travel the world….
Those girls who wasted all their money, well that's what you get.
Naw man stay y’all asses where y’all at
The government should put the hoarders in prison for risking other people's lives for profit
How long do Americans travel to Europe for? A week, maybe two? Two weeks ago, y’all made a selfish mistake. I don’t feel bad for them if they’re stuck 🤷ðŸÂ»â€ÂÂÂÂ♀ï¸ÂÂÂÂ
Be strong all Americans who are still abroad, especially American soldiers overseas.
No! No!
Don't come here !!!
We don't have enough toilet paper for you!
I feel sorry for the people who have it! God bless them!
Great! Some new about the virus! Oh! Let's just travel all over the place! Now I want to come home!
47 Æฯ
I really hope this is all as serious as it’s being portrayed as many business will close, and a recession will start.
Forget economy money all that bs. Get ahead of curve everybody self quarantine
Self quarantine everybody
Stay away from contact with people. Stay home.
People need to be cool. And contain themselves at home. Need to get ahead of curve and burn this virus out inside of the house.
Don't let them in!
Ppl need to be more open in telling a doctor they have traveled to these countries in the time of the virus instead of staying quiet and get ppl sick. That is selfish. People need to be held responsible for traveling.
Yes people keep travelling
what's with the orange face
When they come home to the US I hope they bring some toilet paper.
Already scored flights for Hawaii
Hahahahahahahahhaahah rushing back home why don't u rush back home when there was no virus …travel restrictions ? Are u all dumb? The whole world is infected now .what " travel restrictions" are you talking Bout?.until its too late then oh …people must not travel
Why insisted if you are not sick you shouldn’t wear mask. Look who’s sick now. Smh
So they are going to hurry home before the travel ban takes effect?! Why didn't they stop the flights back in January!?!!??! They are way late and then they act like only Europeans have this virus. These American's are probably effected already.
All these people better get quarantined smh