Anthony Fauci says novel coronavirus ’10 times deadlier than the flu’

Anthony Fauci says novel coronavirus ’10 times deadlier than the flu’

Harvard epidemiologist Dr. Eric Feigl-Ding answers questions in regard to the coronavirus, such as how many more times deadlier it is then the flu, the rising infection rate in Italy and more. BREAKING NEWS UPDATES HERE:

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35 thoughts on “Anthony Fauci says novel coronavirus ’10 times deadlier than the flu’

  1. LoL this didn't age well.

    10x… lols…

    Flu is worse by every measure except the 2x death rate of Covid, and that's only because we didn't know who it targeted and didn't keep them safe even when we did…

    Media and Government, complicit, and negligent, garbage humans.

  2. Fauci is the same fucking idiot that told us not to wear a mask. At least now assholes like Jay Inslee of Washington state can steal the media spotlight to enhance their future political careers. It's a wonderful life.

  3. Also Fauci on 26th of March in The New England Journal of Medicine: "the case fatality rate may be considerably less than 1%. This suggests that the overall clinical consequences of Covid-19 may ultimately be more akin to those of a severe seasonal influenza"

  4. The flu kills 650000 people annually, what the hell are they talking about. Look it up. At current corona deaths tally as of today it is 165000. Where are they pulling these numbers from??? 10 times worse than flu? That puts it at 6.5 million deaths. Wake up everybody from this plandemic. We are being played here like fools. We are loosing our basic freedoms because of this exaggerated claims.

  5. It's too soon to calculate information about Covid 19. We'd have to compare it to the flu in a different way, meaning the first year of Covid-19 has to be compared to the first year of the Flu (without the vaccine) or the 5th year of life of one to the 5th year of life for the other with similarly available medications. This makes the true R0 value (spreadability) difficult to determine — it is like having a 3 month old with ADHD race a 45 year old world traveler on CBD. Which flu virus strains are included in the current R0 value for the flu, what time period is being calculated and which locations? Do we have accurate numbers from China regarding Covid 19 or do we need to scrap what we got from them and start over because they were talking about a Wuhan pneumonia a while ago and people in Hong Kong were calling it the Chinese Disease, not just Trump? If China's numbers are accurate, as of today per WHO, 266,073 worldwide are known to be infected with Covid 19 and there are 11,184 deaths…that is a 4% death rate without a vaccine, but for almost 2 months only one section of one country, with a unique culture was affected and they make up 1/3 of the deaths. Of the 3-5 million severe ANNUAL cases of flu WORLDWIDE per WHO and 290K – 650K worldwide deaths, that is 13% death rate using the upper end numbers and comparing only severe cases (even with available vaccines). There are a total of 1 billion TOTAL estimated flu cases (keep in mind, WHO says ESTIMATED) which would completely change the death rate to less than .001%. Severe cases are more likely to have accurate numbers due to medical documentation. Cultural practices and hygiene as well as people density and vaccine availability play a huge role in the spread of viruses so the R0 value for a disease can be different in different countries or different in rural Utah as opposed to Atlanta, GA. Whatever the case, the Corona family (cousins, sisters, brothers and friends) will change life as we know it going forward. Covid 19 is a new kid on the block and is getting a lot of press so everyone is scared, like when HIV came out, but where is the press about the 650,000 other Covid flu deaths?

  6. Well it’s a 50 state epidemic now . 11k plus known infected. Unknown: N/A

  7. These health officials are taking averages so the “ten times deadlier” narrative needs context. People are so easily fooled by words without context.

  8. This is a side note obviously but I was really impressed with the female news anchor. She wasn't power hungry, she never talked over her guest, never interrupted (not even once), she truly listened instead of making the interview about her. I'm very impressed with her to say the least.

  9. Face Masks for sale,Disposable masks and KN95,I'm in China!Contact number:+8615981951505 Wechat:a846529

  10. Well now we can confirm that 2020 is surely going to be the end of human beings. 😑😐

  11. well it’s not

  12. Think about it…if you go to ER or doctor office and are positive you literally killed anyone who is there for other illness.
    Stay home and call doctor instead.
    They will tell you what to do.
    The media sucks today.
    A test is not going to prevent you from dying.
    Quarantine will.

  13. Anthony Fauci is stretching the numbers to spread fear and panic. There is no data anywhere in the world that shows its higher than 3% and most data points to it being at 1%, the normal flu is only lower due to a vaccine being available for most types of flu….before vaccines were available for flus, the death rates are at the same percentage as Corona. It was the same with SARS MERS and H1N1, all…are types of flu viruses.

  14. Obviously we have Corona Virus in the US so hide yo kids, hide yo wife and hide yo husbands cus it's infecting everybody out here! 

    You can run and tell that home boy.

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