ABC News’ James Longman joins a team of researchers as they make their last attempt at collecting crucial data from a native whale before the water turns to ice.
Antarctic whales an indicator for world environmental health, scientists say: Part 2

ABC News’ James Longman joins a team of researchers as they make their last attempt at collecting crucial data from a native whale before the water turns to ice.
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we are suppost to trust a fat guy and a stones dude? 12 years lol!
BOYCOT. Japan and China !!
Pigs in Space?
No! No! No!!
Hollywood Hippies on the Ice.
Ugga Mugga Wugga!!
We need more people on the planet to care about where their garbage goes. Care about recycling and understand they can help right from home. Not just seemingly not care because it affects us all. And wildlife as we know it. Our grandchildren are affected by our decisions today. Wake up earth dwellers.
Proof ….. You Can't Fix Stu.p!D !!! (see: video)
They need to shut down H.A.A.R.P and stop the damn CHEMTRAILS is what the f*k they need to do.
Cuz this just happened when Trump came to office…
Is this documentary sponsored by AOC
Things need to change 💯 great video
When they say 2030 add at least 10 yrs to it. That seems to be how deadlines work for all international treaties/goals
We should eat em
Thought it was going to say Antartic whales moved to the North.
This guy did his hair before they went out? omfg.
Hippy environmentalists are teaching whales gay sex. It’s killing them.
They need to just leave the whales alone.
The world isn’t going to end because of climate change it’s fear mongering propaganda created by the Democrats to get support for bs like the Green New Deal
Okay we get it global warming global warming the world's going to end we're all going to be underwater in 10 years or we're supposed to be underwater I guess according to Al Gore or whatever the hell. We get it Trump's fault.
Osm 😙