The presidential hopeful promised a freedom dividend to 10 American families in his opening statement at the Democratic debate.
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Why don’t we focus on paying off the deficit and our interest on the debt before we do an idiot idea like this one. Priorities people. Besides ideas like this have been proposed, enacted and failed. And is too expensive anyways.
Why should you get paid for doing nothing?
No body is laughing at Andrew Yang now. ASSHOLES!!
Crazy to think that they would laugh at a man ahead of his time and here we are in a pandemic about to use that plan. #yangwasright
6 months later and now who has the last laugh
Well this aged well… 💵
Who else is here after Trump proposed to do the same thing for WAY more than 10 families? LOL #whoslaughingnow
#yangwasright Coming back to these old videos and trolling these clowns.
It's not free money it's been worked for by american people
10 people? Wtf lol. How is that going to do anything for the entire country? Good chances, the people that get it wont even need it. What a dumbass idea.
Please vote for him
His Opponents: "HAHAHAHA, how ridiculous. Using money to win a presidential campaign. Who would do that? Haha"
If you even had the most basic sense of how the economy worked then you would realize how giving 1k a month to people is a horrible idea
1000 a month for one year only ? Or for 4 years
This guy is a f**** idiot he says…. I’ll give a grand a month to someone who votes for me.. yeah he’s isn’t getting close to winning
Anyone know where the clip of Yang being asked how to fund UBI is? It's the clip where the question catches him off guard and he can't answer.
Giving some people $1,000 a month while taxing at 10% would be taking more than giving in the long run
Take yourself and your extra taxes the hell out of here clown!!!!!!
Dumbest shit on YT right here
Yang got my vote
How about get a job. Anyone voting for Yang just wants the money and is too lazy to work.
This guy is a clown
YANG 2020!!!!
I'm sorry but the sound of fake passive aggressive laughter does not make me want to vote for you, Kamala Harris (out of the race now anyway). It just shows that you're mean and unlikable. Same with you, Pete. I don't care if you have any good ideas now, because you've just proved you're an asshole and would rather poke fun than point out real criticisms of Yang's idea.
$1000 will definitely get me a lot of weed!
So you get $1000 for only 1 year? Sounds like temporary solution just like QE. After a year everyone is lost and confused.
Came back to check in who else laughed
lol, Liberals at work. THERE IS NO FREE LUNCH. Something will always cost someone something. If this is too hard to understand, then you have no place in politics and economics.
Is the US still 22 trillion dollars in debt? If so where will the 1000 a month come from
Was that an evil laugh or what
spends money on TV ads and WHAT do you call this!
I'm gonna buy the latest iPhone every month!
High cost of Insulin is ridiculous!
UBI will guarantee no more hunger for all!!! For all middle class to the less fortunate, you will breath better when Yang becomes President. Please help make this happen for all of us. YANG2020!!!
Just pure absolute disgust for Pete and that girl.