Entrepreneur Andrew Yang, who ran to become the Democratic nominee in the 2020 presidential election, has endorsed Joe Biden.
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#AndrewYang #DemocraticPrimary #JoeBiden #Endorsement #2020Elections #ABCNews
"Not left. Not right. Forward." – the Green Party of Canada said that in the first place before you, Yang.
Why are y'all acting like just because he supported Biden who won he's going to go against everything and I'm pretty sure he hasn't been bought but we will have to see next election
Damn Andrew. I get it. But damn
Anyone who endorses Biden is committing political suicide.
Oh dear….sold his sold to the devil for power
He would be vp until biden goes senile and steps in as president. Sanders would push through the 4 years and thrive
Yang gang you guys need to chill
Biden who forgets stuff ? And Yang who sounds asian really bad plus he is culturally inept
What a disappointment 😆you really sold the people out Yang. You were one of the only two people in the race that we thought we could trust. We should have known the only one we could trust is the one with a lifetime record of integrity and fighting for the people. I Hope all the people that will die and starve and Never get ahead no matter how hard they work with someone like Biden and Trump in office was worth your place in the elite establishment. It's not even like if you didn't do this that you would have struggled to take care of your family cuz your above the middle class already so you weren't even choosing this for your families survival. We down here in the real world, we are fighting to survive. We suffer from mass inequality of all kinds and bad things happen to us but we don't have the platform you do to have our voices heard and we Finally have a movement fighting for us and with us and you and the elite just can't let us have justice. Shame ðŸ˜â€ÂÂÂðŸ˜â€ÂÂÂ😆I thought you were all about MATH? The numbers just aren't adding up, and you know it Yang. Thanks for nothing.
Y tks am love ..+*(*+*+*+""("+"+"(""(("+"("+"+"+_+_+$+$_859848484847485(_+"+"+"(__89__88$+""+,+*+**++*+*+*+*+*+""("8_8_9&8585858&(_848584488848_87_+$8$8__88$8_8_$7$88_8_8_8$8$8$7$_88586969668868686689696699688668696696858585858558856$59955885$8558$85$85$$66_6$6$6$$7_77_7_7$7_7_7_7_6$_77_7_7_7_8&8&85858585868686858558558855774747474747585855858858558869696969696969696969696966996966996966996969696969696968696969668869685689696856886969685858585858558&8558&87_+""++"7*"7_88'8'+*+'88"("("8'8'7"7"8'
He proabaly talked to both Bernie and Joe and Joe was probably more open to adopting UBI. Bernie probably was insistent that high corporate income tax was the way to go.
Sell-Out-Yang. The Math Says 💖nly Bernie Beats Liars Like Trump.
"Bernie Sanders was the ONLY 💖NE I didn't want her to pick (as her VP)."–Dump Trump
How much, Andrew?
Yang did this because he knows the alternative is trump
Welp, yang. Seems like a great president won’t ever be back again..
Mans dead to me
more of everyone vs bernie.
usa, you truly are fucked.
it's time for a revolution!
I feel very sad that Yang chose a job over integrity.
All the men and women and young people that went out to support Yang .. I feel worse for them ..
On the other hand, it is nice to know who you can trust and while a blow on many levels, better to know now than later.
Like Warren, Yang is now dead to progressives the world over.
Ugh! What a disappointment he turned out to be. Cheap.
Key phrase, he’s coming out with the establishment folks…
Yang, just another player in the game
To anyone saying hes just following the numbers, that's the problem.
A leader doesnt follow. He leads. And if he had any principles whatsoever, he would have endorsed anybody other than the one candidate that represents literally everything yang supposedly stood against. Yang had a perfect opportunity to endorse the one other candidate that represented his beliefs the closest and potentially swing the race back in his direction. But I guess a few months of working at cnn tends to trap you in that corporate bubble.
In light of this decision he went from being my second choice to a dodged bullet.
Andrew Yang vice president
Yang gave up all leverage and sold out…so he/we will be ignored by the Dem Establishment. He could have endorsed Tulsi for UBI and thrown full support behind the Dem candidate after the convention, for the sake of his ENTIRE PLATFORM! He bent over for the money!
The collective saltiness of Bernie stans warms my heart. Thank you, Andrew.
Not cool yang ……..
The yanggang felts betrayed.
yang gang all out of whip creamer.
I'm sure he's supporting Biden because so many Trump Supporters hate Sanders. And Biden isnt so left like Sanders. I'm disappointed though. He knows Sanders is the better candidate