Andrew Yang drops out of 2020 presidential race l ABC News

Andrew Yang drops out of 2020 presidential race l ABC News

The entrepreneur has ended his bid for the presidency during the New Hampshire primary. READ MORE:

#ABCNews #BreakingNews #NewHampshire #Primary #Yang2020 #Politics


49 thoughts on “Andrew Yang drops out of 2020 presidential race l ABC News

  1. I’ve still not forgiven you, Yang. I was rooting for you from the very beginning ;(

  2. Took y’all’s money and left lmfao. Every Democrat did this and will continue to do so

  3. Andrew yang is ahead of his time. I agree with him that if tech companies are doing well, we the people should be rewarded. The thing is when AI hits everyone will be out of the job, so that means no one will have a salary. How can we the people make a living? Not everyone is a entrepreneur but even if everyone is, 1/100 companies will be successful and the rest is s a failure. Also I like the idea that any company that does well should give back to their people, otherwise you got someone like Jeff Bezos

  4. And I miss Andrew man😔

  5. The only good candidate the US has had in a long time. Instead we are stuck with two morons—Trump and Biden.

  6. People thinking that 1k a month is impossible, but doesnt it come from taxes? Like, in some countries free health care and education is available because government is paying for the monthly salary of the public workers.
    Like in Japan i got a monthly allowance for my first year as a foreign student to help me get used to the life in Japan. I also got government issued health & housing insurance.
    And I know in China if you have a second child now, the government gives you a monthly pay till the child is of age. Which caused a bit of contraversy since many took advantage of it, but i hear the policy is still intact. I also experience getting almost free check up in Shanghai when i studied there, it cost me like $1 for the check up as a student.

    For a first world country you guys have the same problems as here in the Philippines.

  7. Disappointed that he couldn’t run for longer. I liked him.

  8. It’s sad. Maybe he didn’t have the right marketing. I didn’t know about him until it was too late 😭😭😭😭 andrew please come back we need you!

  9. AmeriKa, you disgust and disappoint me… 🇬🇧

  10. TRUMP 2020 🇬🇧

  11. What is this announcement he is making on the view tomorrow…?
    It better be that he is endorsing Bernie Sanders or I’m done with him…

  12. how ridiculous😤 literally just watched the npr interview so intrigued and motivated for my future and find out hes losing🥰

  13. Guys let's be honest here. You are not voting for Andrew Yang. If you truly care about America you are going to vote for ANYONE who goes against Trump. Don't let democratic division get you, the real enemy is still Trump

  14. Fortune cookies sold out ?? 😃😄😁😀

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