Andrew Cuomo chats with his brother during coronavirus press briefing – Car Mod Pros Portal

The New York governor invited his brother Chris to the briefing to share what it is like living with COVID-19.

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By carmodpros


40 thoughts on “Andrew Cuomo chats with his brother during coronavirus press briefing”
  1. Flaunt your family on TV and in public. Who cares about how your affluent bro is doing when 1000s of people are dying of the disease.
    It’s almost vulgar-this SHOW

  2. these are two sociopathic brothers, one of which thinks he is a big tough guy to younger and elderly individuals. He has a pair the size of a baked bean

  3. Cover your mouth and nose with a cloth face cover when around others

    You could spread COVID-19 to others even if you do not feel sick.

    Everyone should wear a cloth face cover when they have to go out in public, for example to the grocery store or to pick up other necessities.

    Cloth face coverings should not be placed on young children under age 2, anyone who has trouble breathing, or is unconscious, incapacitated or otherwise unable to remove the mask without assistance.

    The cloth face cover is meant to protect other people in case you are infected.

    Do NOT use a facemask meant for a healthcare worker.

    Continue to keep about 6 feet between yourself and others. The cloth face cover is not a substitute for social distancing.

  4. Chris looks up to him so much, it’s so heartwarming to watch their love for one another. You can tell, Andrew would do anything for his little brother and vise versa.

  5. “New Yorkers are compassionate” hahahahahajahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha.

  6. Listen I'm not a fan of CNN and I wasn't a fan of Governor Cuomo or his brother but I was brought to tears. All politics aside. They love each other. Their really good people you can see that. I would never wish anything on anyone with this dangerous virus!!!. My husbands co-worker just lost his best friend March 15th from this virus. None of us knew. The Co-worker never returned to work. I found out by searching for the co-worker and found him and well it all unfolded. He didn't return to work because of probably a few things. One for sure he lost his best friend and loved him and he went into depression two he probably felt he couldn't return to work thinking he would not be able to because of the circumstances. My husband works for a defense company and they have to continue working. He works from home and goes into the company to perform other tasks. This co-worker lost his best friend. That young mans mother filmed his funeral I heard the weeping. It was horrible! I would not want to see your family or any other family go through this. You both obviously love each other as siblings. I wish you well I'll pray for you and your family! Chris I watched your brother the Governor most of the days he was on and he was a comfort to me at the time. Calm and comforting. I am a Trump supporter & I love our President. Your all doing a great job in dealing with this. You had me in tears and also laughing with you Chris mentioning you saw your brother the Governor in a too too lol I loved his face. What a lovely family you have and God Bless you and you are are all in our prayers!!!

  7. 4:46
    how could you laugh like that with all this “pain” in your lungs??

  8. Chris Cuomo, my heart goes out to you and your suffering.  I happen to know that this virus can be easily cured with MMS.  (Master Mineral Solution)  This Solution helped healed me of my virus.  While stuck in the basement, take the time to watch listen and learn about what helped me and how it can help you.  go to @t  Please know that youtube has removed the trailer so click on the Full documentary as the makers of the documentary are it's owners.  To obtain this product go to @t. I am a witness.  This helped me.  I hope and pray that you take the time to research and  listen to witness who have been healed of many diseases with this product and use it to save your life so that you can re-unite with your family again.  P.S.  If you choose not to believe my testimony, you can probably confirm it's healing powers from a celebrity who also used this solution to heal her dis-ease and discomfort in her body.  here is her testimony:  @8j5Q

  9. Coumo, the stupid Governor of New York had let Chinese who live in NY loaded 3,000,000+ masks from New York to China during January – February. They also loaded an unaccountable ventilators during that time. Not only at NY, but Chinese around the world followed CCP order did the same to other countries. Welcome to Democrat China Town

  10. There are many COVID-19 sufferers who are young, single, not insured who can't get tested or treated, can't eat or are too sick to get food. Shame on the USA for not having a free public health care system. For profit health care does nothing for people who don't have the money to buy their health remedies.

  11. Why can't we have an articulate, compassionate, intelligent man like Andrew Cuomo as president, instead of the orange, soulless narcissist we are stuck with…?

  12. It's so nice to see Gov. Cuomo smiling and relaxed talking to his baby brother❤❤. I love the love you have for each other❤

  13. CoV is the common cold. It’s in Merck manuals
    62k people died of FLU… < 4K died of this cold
    99% of dead had severe med issues that killed them.
    Look it up: Test kits are CONTAMINATED with CoV! So don’t get tested!

  14. Some are fortunate to get the test results so quickly. Where I live, there are people being tested who have not received test results still after one month which was reported on the local news. The facility/Lab said they were inundated & that the tests were sent to another state.
    All of those who have not received results are in self-quarantine.

  15. I’m a republican and don’t agree with some of the decisions Cuomo has made, but I will say he’s really stepped up to the plate and has taken care of his state since the outbreak. I can also appreciate this particular interview because anyone with a sibling can relate to this banter back and forth. However, I can also see how some think this “interview” was more personal than what it was supposed to be. Either way, I enjoyed it.

  16. In the middle of chaos and fear…this interview really has brightens and strengthen it mentally…family love and goals is on another level..!! May God intervene and sweep away the fears from this jesus mighty name.Amen..

  17. Gov… A lots of love from UK… I hope your brother gets better soon… You are a legend… I saw your press conference… You really care for humunity… God bless you…

  18. He has the virus and Worried about his hair,, what a joke, I bet he doesn't have it, and using for political purposes and a promotion!

  19. I've stopped watching all the bad news….with exception on checking to see how Chris is doing. He has really took the mystery out of the mess…its helped to make people feel less panicky, concerned but not so fearful! I think you are sweet to share, its great to see you and brother…:)

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