An army veteran was given a ride by police to his doctors appointment | ABC News

An army veteran was given a ride by police to his doctors appointment | ABC News

This act of kindness was coordinated across 3 counties in Alabama to get Gerald Baldwin to his doctors appointment.

#ABCNews #Veteran #Police #Doctor


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29 thoughts on “An army veteran was given a ride by police to his doctors appointment | ABC News

  1. If you have state insurance and live in WI like i do you can get free medical rides thru MTM especially if its that far. A free bus ride if its in the city. Medical transportation takes me a round trip of 98 miles once a week.

  2. This great to see. It took me about 4.5 hours to walk 12 miles once when i had my car break down and it wasn't fun. I was 33 at the time and in good shape. This guys on oxygen old and it's winter. He may not have made it if not for the help.

  3. This is a prime example of why things need to change when it comes to caring for our veterans! We have become a society we toss aside our veterans and elderly like trash when they are the ones that built and defended this country. What kinda example does this broken system set for the young recruits going in is this the future they have to look forward too??

  4. I am so irritated with that son of his. However, love this story! No veteran should EVER lose any benefits they recieve. None. We owe them so much.

    Happy veterans day. 💙

  5. I don't understand if his son says he is his hero how in the world you didn't talk to him for 5 years????? I feel guilty when i not call my mom everyday

  6. THANK YOU SIRS for giving this kind Veteran a ride just to keep his funds and Insurance. 👏👏👏👏👏👍👍👍👍👍😍❤😍❤😍❤😍❤😍❤

  7. No story about the fact if he didn't show up he loose his benefits???!!! WTF! THAT'S the STORY, fucking Vet. Admin making it difficult for old disabled vets. You recruits paying attention?

  8. Tbh – and before watching – this title sounds like my worst personal nightmare; usually the cops escort you for all the wrong reasons, specially to any kind of doctor.

  9. 🙌 Amen 🙌❣️ Two Blessing In One 🙏❣️

  10. Awh so touched by this story, I could not help but cry😢. And what a happy ending😭

  11. Yeah, sure, I needed an ambulance once in California and the airport cops asked me if I thought they were a taxi service. They threatened to arrest me. I'm a veteran. Ring that bell a little louder cops, I'm not sure everyone heard about your one good deed.

  12. ❤️☀️👍🌈 veterans really need a ride to doctors. Some can’t even walk. Thank you for doing that!😊

  13. اصيل مثنى:انا اصدقك انه قد يكون حصل لك نوع من غسيل للمخ او تنويم مغنطيسي او ايحائي، تستطيع الاستفادة من خبرة الدكتور خالد سعد الدين الشريف، ايهاب صالح حسين اليماني، واخ زوجته محمد… انهم يتقنون هذه العمليات رالخلايا تعتمد عليهم في ذلك.
    سعود القحطاني واخيه سلطان، احياء ولايزالوا متسترين علي زهرة وزوجها وعهرهم السيبراني، شكرا. It's all about AL-QADA 11-9, 7-7-2005 andisis and alots of 28-10-19evidence.

  14. Don’t let Trump know that these Deputies helped this man…We all know how Trump dislikes Veterans that served for our country…

  15. Nice story, however they not all like that, soldiers are society’s cannon fodder still, surgically removed by police and doctors in the population number control spin for power. Don’t go near em, seriously.

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