An American’s 19-hour journey fleeing Ukraine l ABCNL – Car Mod Pros Portal

Petro and Ola Rondiak, an American couple who raised their children in Ukraine, talk about Petro’s experience fleeing Ukraine after the Russian invasion began.

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By carmodpros


42 thoughts on “An American’s 19-hour journey fleeing Ukraine l ABCNL”
  1. Calling everyone who knows a little bit of Russian. Google for institutions in Russia that have a digital guest book. Publishes there short messages about the situation in Ukraine. With pictures of destroyed buildings, desperate people, etc. In this way, Putin's censorship can be circumvented. 🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦

  2. I'm cured completely from a deadly disease known as HSV1&2 by the help of Dr Itepu on YouTube, you can also contact him for all kinds of disease.

  3. Whatever country is with America, it has never been good, on the contrary, there has been a deficit. What NATO used to say we will give to Ukraine has just been said. And all the countries are giving weapons while the population there is less, who will fight with the Russian soldier. There is no deceiving country like America yet on this earth.

  4. Your American government stired this war. Do you remember the US making predictions and telling their citizens to get out? Because they planned it and knew it would eventuate. Yet their people see their government as some saviour. Shame on you hipocrites and arrogant people

  5. “Yay we escaped and got out of Ukraine!” Hmmm. That’s like saying “Yay we don’t have cancer!” …Amidst a cancer ward.
    Not appropriate.

  6. There is a load of information that seems to picture all the suffering of a Nation under Fire.
    Any discussion of how this happened or even why seems to be trampled by media Hacks who stampede to get a photo of a displaced cat.
    The weapons the US has delivered to Kyiv to shoot up Babushkas in Donbas seem to now be forgotten, like Biden bragging about 200 million worth odfthings that go boom to Kyiv.
    If the US had not deployed equipment and planes to Kyiv, after setting Zelenskyy up in office, would we now be dealing with this "Crisis"?
    If NATO had not demonstrated their methods of overcoming Russia, on March 16 2021, would Putin have left Troops where they were previously stationed?
    If The US had not sent Planes to Poland and Romania, would Putin have continued to deliver fuel to Europe that might be cheaper than products the US seems overjoyed to deliver to Europe?
    Will the bill for US LNG bother the Citizens of Europe ?
    Does media ever do any investigations of Corruption?

  7. Because of economic crisis and the rate of unemployment, now is the best time to invest and make money💯

  8. You don't get to do the news anymore. Remind us how "everything" is Trump's fault losers! Altogether Bull Crap network. Russian Operative. LMAO. You lost all credibility, and we are watching you FAIL. We Love it. LOSERS! You would triple your viewership if you did real news like investigate that lying cheating Hillary. Russian Operative. Losers all of you who Hate Trump. You didn't give the man a chance because of "ALL" the horrific and TRAITORIST lies. He hurt your wittle feelwings.

  9. Germany didn't remember the man who respect Germany people, he who never spy on Germany leader and his friends. The man who corporate with Angela Merkel bring Germany to become rich nation also bringing the Russia from poor to rich. Now many countries around the world want to bring him down, Because he use his force to protect his country and his people from his enemy. They want to destroy him and his friends, just like Greek trojan EU crisis when outside power stolen EU money out of people pocket. They had read the bible but keep ignore it. They never know why God protect Noah when the whole world attacked him. Just keep pushing him then we gonna see the new Noah day coming too soon than we thought, this is what people today asking for.. 🙂

  10. Someday our children will see the nation of Ukraine with one of the strongest defensive military on the planet and Ukrainians children will sleep peacefully

  11. Ukraine should immediately surrender long live russia 🇷🇺

  12. "Call on the Lord in the day of trouble,
    and he will deliver you "
              -Psalm  50: 15

  13. Petro could have picked up some black people at the train stations trying to get out. The Ukrainians are not allowing them to leave based on skin color.

  14. Joe Biden has turned America into a PARIAH Nation because he is buying Dirty Russian Oil..
    Biden is breaking his own Laws by using SWIFT to pay Russian Banks for their oil..FOLLOW THE MONEY
    ABC News will remove my comment because they are covering this up….

  15. The coup in Ukraine happened with the help of US and UE countries what caused moving Ukraine into Nazi country and starting civil war and genocide in 2014. Russia is going to fix this. Ukrainian army makes artillery strikes on Donetsk city and other captured by Russians towns right now while Ukrainian army retreats. Ukrainian nazi army will be defeated. BTW, why don't you ask yourself why US and UE help Ukraine only with the weapons and not humanitarian needs? They want Slavic people kill each other, they don't care about civilians.
    How hatred for Russia and Russians was fomented in Ukraine.
    – Russian language outlawed
    – Russian-speaking schools in Ukraine were forcibly transferred to mova
    – Russians are excluded from the list of indigenous peoples of Ukraine
    – All textbooks with positive ratings of Russia have been rewritten
    – Children from school are taught to hate Russia
    – Russian-language TV channels are prohibited
    – Russia is officially declared enemy #1 in Ukraine's military strategy
    – Politicians who advocate friendship with Russia are lustred or imprisoned, or killed
    – In Odessa in 2014, more than 40 Russian-speaking people were burnt alive
    – Eight years in a row shelling of the Russian population of Donbass

  16. You couldn't make it up, but the mainstream media propaganda war machine most certainly do just that ☠️

  17. I want that land.
    “I want that land! “ Shouted the king.
    “In fact I want the owners and everything!”
    He called for his advisers, who advised him to ask nice.
    So the king sent a letter asking the owners price.
    The owners said, “We are not selling at this time.We like our freedom to live here, so we wouldn’t take a dime.”
    “I offered you a deal,” Said the King,”for you and your land,
    But if you don’t take the deal, then I’ll just take the upper hand”
    “I refuse to let you prosper! I will throw bombs at you! I’ll drive away your people and smash your buildings too.”
    So the King waged war upon this peaceful land.
    He vowed to live in the owners palace so grand.
    And when the war was over he ran to claim his treasure.
    Then the King proclaimed, “There is nothing left here to give me pleasure…”
    Poet Smaloney

  18. 💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺

  19. AZOV terrorist losing the war. "Putin may circle Kyiv with tanks, but he'll never gain the hearts and souls of the Iranian people." Joe Biden. Biden's State of Disaster speech. He's real sharp. Putin and his enemy AZOV the Ukrainian far right terrorist's are empowered.

  20. But the dangerous thing is that Putin may use nuclear weapons to strike Kyiv at any moment, and it will be a message to Europe and America that Russia 🇷🇺 is not playing with the national security of its country.

  21. Putin began his online attacks long ago, and you see the results in comments containing pro-Putin and pro-Trump sentiment all over the internet. Don’t be fooled. See the commenters and bots for what they are: pro-communist fascist propaganda.

  22. Putin is leading a genocide of the inhabitants of Ukraine. He is introducing more and more military equipment and soldiers into Ukraine to defeat us and occupy our homeland! Therefore, Ukraine urgently needs to get even more Stingers, Javelins and NLAWs to protect itself and defeat this treacherous invader! They are necessary to protect our people from Putin's fascist troops, so that he could not surround and seize our cities, and could not shoot their inhabitants with rockets and tanks. We wholeheartedly want to defeat him and push his troops back to their territory! This is a wonderful weapon that allows us to successfully destroy Putin's military equipment! However, the war zone is so huge that only a small amount of it goes to specific units of our army! We ask for an increase in the supply of weapons, as they are necessary both to protect our country and to maintain security throughout Europe! Thank you for the help you have already provided! We really appreciate you and are incredibly grateful to you!

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