Amy Coney Barrett hearings underway, 2 women take opposing sides on her confirmation – Car Mod Pros Portal

Barrett faces questions about whether her religious beliefs will play a role on the bench. Critics and supporters alike believe that she will strike down the Affordable Care Act and Roe v. Wade.


By carmodpros


26 thoughts on “Amy Coney Barrett hearings underway, 2 women take opposing sides on her confirmation”
  1. Your beliefs are not her actions. Your facts are twisted. But, when we look into your beliefs and actions, then we will probably file charges. OH WAIT… HAHAHAHA HAHAHA HAHA

  2. Pareciera que solo importa si su fe va a afectar su decisión cuando que toda ideología o filosofía afecta. Los no creyentes en la Biblia creen en algo y nunca son neutrales. El problema es que aunque Trump pueda no ser el mejor candidato moralmente, la plataforma demócrata es de lo peor, apoyando solo políticas de muerte. Desde cuando el asesinato de bebés es "libertad". Evidentemente las raíces sobre las que nació esa nación son tan fuertes que irradian hasta hoy, pero aún así se han desviando detrás de una mal entendida libertad que es más que nada hedonismo

  3. What about CIA Whistleblowers accusations against Biden regarding killing of Seal Team 6 members to cover up political screw up with OBL?? Is it real or not?? Hearing rumors documents are being released ..

  4. That bbbbbtch must go. It was HER CHOICE to have 7 kids. It should be every women’s CHOICE to decide whether or not to have children. 🌊🌊🌊

  5. Biden has had TWO BRAIN ANEURYSMS!!!
    Media, please investigate this mind blowing’ issue.
    At least ask Biden the question, so everyone knows the reasons he thinks he’s running for the Senate!

  6. – With 8 Justices: Court would most likely vote 4/4 in which case the appellate court ruling (which the Dems have appealed to Supremes) would stay law of the land.
    – With 9 Justices, including, ACB:The result would likely be the defeat of the leftists’ appeal.
    So most likely same result either way. The Dems/socialists are blowing hot air, again!

  7. VOTER FRAUD : Democrat mayoral candidate Zul Mohamed arrested in Texas on 109 felony counts of voter fraud last week.
    Texas & L.A voter fraud City of Carrollton – Denton County, TX. Fake Media won’t tell the truth. 😮 😣
    Fake Media and Dems say NO Evidence of Voter Fraud.

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  9. Do not be afraid because the constitution does not dictate the number of members of the High Court. Once Trump is voted out, hopefully with the worst result for any candidate for a second period ever, the Democrats can appoint a number of progressive judges who will obey the law also, as any judge should do.

  10. “I want you to use my words against me. If there’s a Republican president in 2016 and a vacancy occurs in the last year of the first term, you can say Lindsey Graham said let’s let the next president, whoever it might be, make that nomination." Let The American People decide in the elections. Let the next president fill up the seat.”

  11. your religion if supposed to control YOUR life not the life of people who dont subscribe to your religion. Talk about forcing something on someone.

  12. CDC's Redfield stated to Congress that a fully distributed vaccine will take 9 to 12 months. Trump is for HERD IMMUNITY. This involves exposing seniors in massive numbers. 10% of seniors die from covid while survivors are debilitated.

  13. These self proclaimed religious bigots and their " churches " are the furthest thing from the founding peoples intent . It is about time these hippocrates and their "churches" start paying taxes . Just because republicans want to stay in power , they are willing to let the country sink into right wing violence and religious bigotry . These lying creeps must be stopped . Believe me these people are the furthest thing from patriots . The fact that republicans cannot abide by any of the great strides President Obama brought about just reinforce their well earned image of religious and race bigotry . Yeah , just what we need , another holier than thou phony " Christian " trying to enforce their phony "christian" agenda . Christianity has been dragged into a dark place by these criminals . There is nothing Catholic or Christian about this bigoted women's agenda . Another dishonest politician and not a fair minded jurist . Sorry about the rant , but this is important .

  14. 1 has to ask WHY, WHY do you think the Republicans are pushing so hard and so fast.. look at all of Trumps previous hirings, look at how she looks during opening statements of everyone pleading .. cold and heartless…. she wasn't listening to ANYTHING being said her mind is made up nothing said mattered

  15. This judge is not going to take away Roe v. Wade. Come on people grow up.
    Only thing a supreme court judge will do is make sure laws abide with the constitution already in place.

    She single-handedly can’t change the laws that are already in place. Don’t let the Democrat party convince you otherwise. Come on people grow up.

  16. He has every right to fill that seat!!! HE IS STILL #POTUS 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

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