Americas small businesses try to pick up the pieces

Americas small businesses try to pick up the pieces

A Texas barbershop owner opens his doors two months after laying off all of his employees.

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25 thoughts on “Americas small businesses try to pick up the pieces

  1. Street level small businesses in America are done. Trump destroyed it all. First, he took the fruits of Obama's Economic plan and called it his own when, in fact, it was Obama, not Trump, who set America up for a long and prosperous economic future. When the deadly virus struck, Trump allowed it to spread unchecked and unchallenged among the American people. He then, instead of taking charge, dumped the responsiblity of figuring it all out on the States. The States acted immediately and chose the side of trying to save the lives of its citizens. They ordered a shutdown so they would be better able to fight the deadly virus. Trump allowed the shutdown to last only long enough to anger the mentally unstable Republican base enough to strap their guns on their backs to go out into the streets to threaten and intimidate their local communities. Then he slithered behind the backs of the States that he himself empowered to make decisions and he had the Supreme Court strike down the "stay at home" orders believing, like the incompetent buffoon he is, that the people would flock to the streets and the Obama Economy would once again kick in. It didn't and it won't. Trump destroyed it all.

    Of course, on the other hand, Jeff Bezos is making billions with his online society of shoppers while Trump has destroyed your street level mom and pop operations and the small business that were being run by young entrepreneurs with the American Dream in their hearts that they would survive. Sadly, Donald Trump killed the American Dream. He infected it with a deadly virus and if even one young entrepreneurial heart is left beating and gasping for breath with the hope of surviving, of getting up and running again, Donald Trump will stomp it to death.

  2. We been in the city of Nashville 34 years have never seen anything like this before but you have to be careful because you don't know who's going to walk through those doors or put you or your barbers at risk

  3. Please donate to Judicial Watch as they are doing more in the fight
    against the deep dark state than Congress. I contribute a modest $5 per
    month but will contribute more once the economy opens.

  4. This comment is not about for this video.. It's about your interview with maria ressa of the Philippines. Let me remind you all that she's the queen of FAKE NEWS!
    80% to 90% of the Filipinos hates her. Check the dislikes of the video you uploaded about her.

  5. I work at Lou Manati’s and I’m a dishwasher so it’s going to be so weird going back to work

  6. I have a hard time understanding why people have to have a haircut,their nails done so bad..They are willing to risk serious illness, passing it on to family members and friends..etc..and a very good possibility of death…Over a haircut and polished nails ! These are things you can do yourself easily at home..
    Vanity is seriously one of the deadly sins…No kidding !

  7. If the businesses have to operate at a small capacity won’t they end up spending more money than they make?

  8. I learned how to cut my own hair and have been doing well. It’s helping me save more money.

  9. I can see both sides of the argument. Obviously we should value life more than than the economy but if the economy get too bad people will die anyway. We all know that the businesses have to reopen, but the question is how do we do that safely. The White House/CDC gave guidelines on how to reopen safely and every state basically ignored it.

  10. As the entire world calls America insane for doing so while cases and deaths continue to rise in this country. But heaven forbid someone's constitutional rights be violated by a hoax (according to Trump and Trump supporters).

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