American woman claims diplomatic immunity after killing UK teen | ABC News – Car Mod Pros Portal

The woman, who has been accused of killing Harry Dunn in a car crash, has left the U.K.

#ABCNews #UK #CarCrash #American #DiplomaticImmunity


By carmodpros


44 thoughts on “American woman claims diplomatic immunity after killing UK teen | ABC News”
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  2. Claiming diplomatic immunity.. just roll around and kill everyone? even the Queen of England kept her f**** mouth shut because she has no power. And she is responsible to make things right

  3. I live in the uk and now I hate America 😡😡😡😡😡

  4. if she stayed an took it on the chin the family probably would of forgiven her. as driving on the wrong side can happen anywhere and be an honest mistake. I reckon she was probably under the influence of alcohol or drugs and that's why she fled the scene and country because she knew she'd be screwed

  5. She is very cowardly and supported by the USA government! Unbelievable, Americans are supposed to be our friends.

  6. Should she be locked up? No. Should she pay a fine? Yes. It was a accident I Don’t think she intentionally tried to kill the kid hopefully both sides get some closure.

  7. Her claim for diplomatic immunity is null and void, glad to hear she's now wanted for her crime.

  8. Come on if she gets away with this everyone who has ever killed anyone once in a car crash should be released. And grieve like shes says she's doing.. Send her too UK! Even my grammar should get away with this just 1 time!

  9. Shameful.

    If she and the American government don't take responsibility it will tell me everything I need to know.

    And, in that case I hope she rots in her guilt and shame

  10. Her name is Anne Sacoolas and she's 42 years old. Why is everybody trying to keep her name a secret? She has been charged with causing death by dangerous driving in the crash that killed 19-year-old Harry Dunn. Anne Sacoolas is the wife of American diplomat Jonathan Sacoolas and records show that Sacoolas and her husband are both Republicans. They are some of Donald Trump's friends.

  11. This is so sad. She should face the consequences. If it was an accident, then it’s an accident. If she was drunk or something, then jail.

  12. “No man Is above the law, and no man is below it” teddy Roosevelt 26th president of the USA

  13. ABC has become an anti- American globalist rag. It was an accident! It happened as she turned onto the main road. The kid the kid didn't slow when approaching a main intersection. So there wasn't any time to avoid a collusion. She flagged down help and stayed with the kid until help arrived comforting him. It 41 minutes for an ambulance to arrive from the town close by. This is probably why he didn't make it. She cooperated with the police fully. The US state dept. decided to send her and her family home under their diplomatic immunity. This is normal procedure and it is rarely waived. Also if you think the UK justice system is fair, just ask Tommy Robinson!

  14. It's clearly an accident, and would at worst be manslaughter charge. I do think she should come back and face a a trial, however if that trial is anything to go by what Tommy Robinson faced it won't be fair in this country, and that's worrying for us all. Diplomatic Immunity in regards to all countries is complicated.

  15. Why should the British Police now have to travel to America on a little holiday trip, to interview this woman. She should be handcuffed and sent back to the UK to face trial.

  16. Ship her back! We don’t want her on USA land. They should’ve detained her and not let her leave.

  17. Shame. Disgusting.Killer. Very very unjust. The UK police failed miserably. The Russians evaded them too. RIP Harry

  18. this happens more than anyone knows ,with our diplomats and diplomats from other countries here !
    But, she is not a diplomat, her husband is !
    Either way,she should face what she has done .
    karma does not forget your sins,and she will pay !

  19. I’m American and I am embarrassed! No matter what there is No immunity for man slaughter!! I’m so sorry to the family 😞. The idiot should pay with her freedom and money!!

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