American details coronavirus on cruise ship as passengers are quarantined l ABC News

American details coronavirus on cruise ship as passengers are quarantined l ABC News

Rebecca Frasure is one of at least a dozen Americans of the 135 cases from the Diamond Princess cruise ship in Yokohama, Japan, under quarantine.

#ABCNews #Coronavirus #DiamondPrincess #PrincessCruises


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20 thoughts on “American details coronavirus on cruise ship as passengers are quarantined l ABC News

  1. diamond = 4+9+1+4+6+5+4 = 33 (Reduced) The Simpsons episode April 2012 "A Totally Fun Thing Bart Simpson Will Never Do Again" Features a Pandemic hoax started by Bart Simpson on a cruise ship. Simpson = 1+9+4+7+1+6+5 = 33 (Reduced)

  2. Terror terrorTerror. What’s new ? It’s been the case since Aids and SARS and The Spanish flu, bird flue. Those that do die have agreed to go. Death is that simple if you care to learn about it.

  3. How genuinely Happy this clueless thing reporting is. Such false caring drama speak!
    Welcome to NwSpeak 21- complete with resplendent falsetto caring "philoso-phytes" posing as breathless "reporters" such trash.

  4. Oh so she has the virus but not I dont really notice it the doctor that got it could barely breath on his own and couldn't get out of bed okay she has the virus for shure makes sence

  5. U just don't get it. Japan has like zillions of uninhabited uslands. Use some of them ti set up make-shift hospitals fir everybody? It would be much better than this floating air conditioner

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