Ambassador Sondland gives bombshell testimony, contenders face off at Dem debate | Nightline

Ambassador Sondland gives bombshell testimony, contenders face off at Dem debate | Nightline

A huge day in politics included Gordon Sondland confirming a quid pro quo in Trumps July call and 10 Democratic presidential candidates sparring on the debate stage ahead of the Iowa caucuses.



#Nightline #Trump #Sondland #Impeachment #Politics


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32 thoughts on “Ambassador Sondland gives bombshell testimony, contenders face off at Dem debate | Nightline

  1. Show the whole thing. At the end of his testimony he says it's all just his opinion . And president Zalensky said there was no Quid Pro Quo. And no pressure and Sindland don't recall anything lol

  2. You're story is an edited lie, i watched his testimony and he ended up admitting that it was his assumption and that when he directly ask Trump to clarify that Trump said, he wanted nothing from Ukraine no quid pro quo! Jack! Com on man! Quit spreading fake news!

  3. I’m confused. Why would they leave this video up? They must know how stupid they look by now.

  4. It is so inspiring to see the vast majority of people that commented were pointing out that ABC news is manipulating their readers by presenting this as a bombshell and then manipulating the full coverage of the hearing with Sondland , eliminating the damning point that he admitted he never heard President Trump discuss anything close to quid pro quo except when he emphatically said to Sondland — no quid pro quo.
    The media is duping the public. ABC isn't the only one.

  5. Blame the Russians for election interference ? What do you think ABC, CNN, and other news network are doing everyday. They take a piece of things and try to make it into something its not.

  6. Omg they edited this shit! Lol they didn't put in sink and saying Trump said in the phone call he wants no quid pro quo lol they are skipping out after he said yes he then said i assume lol

  7. What an amazing example of propaganda that can be reflected on in the future. This is hearsay at absolute best, hearsay is a “bombshell” testimony?

  8. Bombshell testimony? For the Dems, like the rest of what we've heard so far, absolutely. Love the gas-lighting of the MSM. I guess they really are that stupid to think that folks out there can't look at the actual coverage rather than trusting this partisan representation of the facts.

  9. Can you cut, paste, trim, and edit his testimony anymore? Like the 50 times he said there was no direct mention of quid pro quo, or the many other times he stated he testified already there was no quid pro quo.

  10. He said clearly said it was “ my presumption” lol. That shows he has zero evidence

  11. PRIME EXAMPLE of FAKE NEWS he clearly said there was no quid pro quo the president never said he was told this had to be done for any favor he said he assumed you all know what that gets you

  12. ASAP ROCK? Here’s what is truly disappointing about his testimony, among OTHER things. As it was purported by Holmes, this guy advised the president to let rocky get sentenced, play the race card afterwards, and tell the kardashians you tried? Now, I do believe that rocky deserved his punishment, but I do wonder what truly happened. As Americans, it is impudent to show little regard for domestic as well as international laws that govern our societies. However, to formulate an approach like this is very manipulative because it shows that all involved truly didn’t care about the proceedings or the outcome, but the appearances. The race card? How divisive can you get? As a person of color, I definitely feel cold towards the Republican platform and trump as president.

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