Historic public impeachment hearing underway: Live updates and analysis https://abcn.ws/37uzZky
Gordon Sondland, U.S. ambassador to the EU, testified before Congress that the $400 million in military aid to Ukraine was believed to be a condition even though Trump never told him that directly.
#ABCNews #ImpeachmentHearings #Sondland #QuidProQuo #Trump #Ukraine
Rudy represent tRump, not he American public. Directed by tRump.
If i were a democrate after seeing this shame, I would flip sides very quick.
Wow, ABC You are taking a liberal view, i watched the entire event and the way you make it sound is they have damning evidence, I just wanted to see how you would report this to see if what Trump and others have been saying. You may not out right lie due to being able to use parts and pieces but its clear this is nothing more than a shame to waste Americas time on hearings with Trump in order for America to get tired of seeing hearings in which the past administration should be sitting in rather than trump.
Trump wants what we the people want, corruption rooted out meaning every single government employee to get fired that uses power to enrich themselves. bribery to get justice is just not looked the same way as bribery for personal financial gain.
A gang member ain't scared 2 go 2 JAIL that's his 2nd home. Trump changed the people that would NOT LIE that's what criminals do
Dear Ambassador Sondland, today 80% of Americans Love your Sweet Ass! . . .
This is the biggest BS I have ever seen. Every politician sitting in office and every president has committed a quid pro quo. Apparently, people helping each other out is against the law now? By definition a politician just doing what he promises the people he will do is a quid pro quo. This is all a ruse people. Don't fall for mainstream news.
All politicians and news sources are corrupt, no exceptions. We need government reform quick before either “side†keeps taking our money and our freedoms. Stop arguing about what the blonde businessman, who wants to take your money, said. Stop listening, start seeing! pay attention to the world around you!
Lol this title is 100% wrong. I mean the guy literally said he assumed everything. Yet another "news" source that is now about as useful as a fishnet condom….
I call BULLSHIT 💩 anyone still trust abc after they covered for Epstein for 3 years?
Its funny because he explicitly said there was no quid pro quo
Bombshell,blowtorch….Democrats need to go to work before there is no Democratic Party.
ABC sounds as if we never watched it.Lies!
watch the full hearing before coming to the media for the answers.
Fake news! There was no facts said yesterday that implicates trump, in Fact it only vindicates Trump.
These guy are clowns. The guy said there was no quid pro quo. Stop lying!
#epsteincoverup Boycott Disney’s abc fake news! Un-subscribe now, please!
Fake news.
There's no quid quo pro. He said it from his own mouth.
Is ABC News going to report real news or are they going to keep makong things up?
Want the REAL truth about impeachment? watch this. https://youtu.be/si-vMj-FB88
Those wily republicans, always pouncing on facts.
2:05 proves the point
How did he say there was a quad pro quo when he said there wasnt one
Listen for yourself before you believe any media!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EnEWYilDgcg The rest of the story
Stop with fake news you people is a disgrace