Amazon fires create respiratory issues for people of Brazil l ABC News

Amazon fires create respiratory issues for people of Brazil l ABC News

As fires in the Amazon continue to blaze through Brazil, the smoke is affecting the respiratory health of the people living there. READ MORE:

#ABCNews #News #Amazon #Rainforest #Fire #Brazil


38 thoughts on “Amazon fires create respiratory issues for people of Brazil l ABC News

  1. I wonder if we will be able to see undiscovered tribes 🤔

  2. KKKKKKKKK! Stupid people! There is nothing wrong with our forests, it's the season and it's normal. But the stupid media thinks they can influence our conservative and strong new president. Fuck you all with your stupidity!

  3. 😂😂😂😂 hold this L Brazil

  4. most of the people feeling bad for the fires eat beef. try to stop eating beef please! this is why they are burning it!! if you like burgers, try turkey burgers if you’re a meat head

  5. If you eat meat but also care for the Amazon rain-forest, then you're just ignorantly hypocritical. The Amazon gets SET on fire by farmers to clear land for cows and for crops like soy beans to feed the cows. This makes you culpable for the destruction of the rain-forest via supply and demand. GO VEGAN!!

  6. oh come on. it's so obvious. beef is just like illegal drugs. the more americans eat beef the more brazillian farmers will turn to cow bussiness the more amazon will die. just like drugs. the more americans take illegal drugs the cartels in mexico will never die.

  7. Blaming each other but no even a single person could claim the guilt (action and intention) been committed. This is a crime to the millions of innocent animals that has died in the Amazon Forest. Nature will strike back and soon It will be pay back time. We Humans has never learned a lesson, untill it's too late.

  8. Please God save the nature humans destroying ur creation it will show very bad effect on coming generations. Pls God save it 😭😭😭

  9. who brings the red flower? of course people.😢

  10. We need to bring attention to this. Not only is the amazon suffering, but the whole world. The corral reefs are dying, our trees are dying, are oxygen is being ruined. And no one will do anything about it! If only trump would put some money into this. He has billions of dollers. Please just give some of it to help our earth. Our future generations are counting on us. The earth has helped and given us so much. Now it is our turn to help and give back to the earth.

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