Alec Baldwin speaks out in exclusive interview with ABC News

Alec Baldwin speaks out in exclusive interview with ABC News

Alec Baldwin is revealing new details about that deadly movie set shooting, telling ABC News George Stephanopoulos someone is responsible, but I know its not me. ABC News Andrea Fujii has more.

Watch the full exclusive interview on Hulu:

#ABCNEWS #AlecBaldwin #Rust


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29 thoughts on “Alec Baldwin speaks out in exclusive interview with ABC News

  1. How did she get shot if she was a producer?she wasn't even in the movie.then they stage this interview just to make people sympathetic towards baldwin.he tweeted that he wondered what it would feel like to accidentally murder someone and it happened,coincidence?

  2. It was a preventable tragedy but he needs to take accountability for what happened versus claiming he didn’t fire the trigger. Everyone on that set is directly or indirectly tasked with practicing workplace safety. Prayers to the deceased/injured and their loved ones.

  3. "Someone put a live bullet in the gun" lol. Annnd…someone pulled the trigger. Someone didn't treat the gun as though it was loaded. What a fucking turd….lol…. "I didn't pull the trigger". "Someone is at fault!" Who ….who………who on earth is DUMB enough to believe that someone else magically pulled the trigger while it was in Baldwin's hand? LOL. Guns don't just go off. But the liberal is sooooo blatantly stupid, that he doesn't even realize that the only people that will fall for "I didn't pull the trigger" are people equally as dumb as him…and those folks don't count.

  4. Alec Baldwin should’ve spent more time taking firearm safety classes than mocking Trump. Can you imagine if Trump started doing skits on SNL dressed in a cowboy outfit and carrying a 45 revolver while mocking Baldwin?

  5. A Narcissist doing what they do best. Lie. And his way too young for him wife that has stair step kids is just as bad. Maybe he thinks if he denies and lies enough it’ll be true. Nope 👎

  6. RABID anti "2-A" MOUTHPIECE Alec Baldwin MUST FACE

    Involuntary Manslaughter charges: The act of unlawfully killing another human being unintentionally.

    Most unintentional killings are not murder but involuntary manslaughter. The absence of the element of intent is the key distinguishing factor between voluntary and involuntary manslaughter. In most states involuntary manslaughter results from an improper use of reasonable care or skill while performing a legal act, or while committing an act that is unlawful but not felonious.

    Many states do not define involuntary manslaughter, or define it vaguely in common-law terms. Some jurisdictions describe the amount of Negligence necessary to constitute manslaughter with terms such as criminal negligence, gross negligence, and culpable negligence. The only certainty that can be attached to these terms is that they require more than the ordinary negligence standard in a civil case. With this approach the state does not have to prove that the defendant was aware of the risk.

    Other jurisdictions apply more subjective tests, such as "reckless" or "wanton," to describe the amount of negligence needed to constitute involuntary manslaughter. In this approach the defendant must have personally appreciated a risk and then chosen to take it anyway.

    There are two types of involuntary manslaughter statutes: criminally negligent manslaughter and unlawful act manslaughter. Criminally negligent manslaughter occurs when death results from a high degree of negligence or recklessness. Modern criminal codes generally require a consciousness of risk and under some codes the absence of this element makes the offense a less serious Homicide.

    An omission to act or a failure to perform a duty constitutes criminally negligent manslaughter. The existence of the duty is essential. Since the law does not recognize that an ordinary person has a duty to aid or rescue another in distress, a death resulting from an ordinary person's failure to act is not manslaughter. On the other hand, an omission by someone who has a duty, such as a failure to attempt to save a drowning person by a lifeguard, might constitute involuntary manslaughter.

    In many jurisdictions death that results from the operation of a vehicle in a criminally negligent manner is punishable as a separate offense. Usually it is considered a less severe offense than involuntary manslaughter. These jurisdictions usually call the offense reckless homicide, negligent homicide, or vehicular homicide. One reason for this lesser offense is the reluctance of juries to convict automobile drivers of manslaughter.

    Unlawful act manslaughter occurs when someone causes a death while committing or attempting to commit an unlawful act, usually a misdemeanor. Some states distinguish between conduct that is malum in se (bad in itself) and conduct that is malum prohibitum (bad because it is prohibited by law). Conduct that is malum in se is based on common-law definitions of crime; for example, an Assault and Battery could be classified as malum in se. Acts that are made illegal by legislation—for example, reckless driving—are malum prohibitum. In states that use this distinction, an act must be malum in se to constitute manslaughter. If an act is malum prohibitum, it is not manslaughter unless the person who committed it could have foreseen that death would be a direct result of the act.

    In other states this distinction is not made. If death results from an unlawful act, the person who committed the act may be prosecuted for involuntary manslaughter even if the act was malum prohibitum. Courts will uphold unlawful act manslaughter where the statute was intended to prevent injury to another person.

    Criminal Negligence;

    The failure to use reasonable care to avoid consequences that threaten or harm the safety of the public and that are the foreseeable outcome of acting in a particular manner.

    Criminal negligence is a statutory offense that arises primarily in situations involving the death of an innocent party as a result of the operation of a motor vehicle by a person who is under the influence of Drugs and Narcotics or alcohol. Most statutes define such conduct as criminally negligent Homicide. Unlike the tort of Negligence, in which the party who acted wrongfully is liable for damages to the injured party, a person who is convicted of criminal negligence is subject to a fine, imprisonment, or both, because of the status of the conduct as a crime.

  7. This is not a complicated case. There were professionals on staff who had literal RESPONSIBILITY for the firearms.
    Baldwin was doing what he was told to do by others, including those professionals.

    Making a case against someone for NOT believing the professionals who are hired to have responsibility (for any task) is a difficult case to make.

  8. Don’t Believe The HYPE!!! Alec Baldwin is 🤥 LYING!!! That particular revolver will never discharge without a (Finger) on the (TRIGGER). Proper USCCA training is extremely important for any person(s) utilizing a firearm. First & Foremost!!
    1. Always assume that a firearm is loaded.
    2. Never point a firearm at any object that you don’t intend to kill or destroy.
    3. Never place your finger on the trigger unless you’re going to discharge that firearm.
    4. The person who discharged the firearm is responsible for any projectiles – DOWNRANGE.

  9. Reminds me of “I shot Marvin in the face” “i dunno man the gun just went off!”

  10. What a piece of work! I will never watch a movie with Baldwin in it again. Guns do not kill, Alex Baldwin does! Take responsibility! I’m sick of these Hollywood lefties thinking they are something special, and that their opinions matter more than you and mine!

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