Alarming Rise In Covid Among Children In Florida As Schools Reopen

Alarming Rise In Covid Among Children In Florida As Schools Reopen

Theres an alarming rise in the spread of Covid-19 among children as the state continues to battle a surge in cases. With many K-12 schools set to reopen for in-person learning tomorrow, theres a growing debate around student mask mandates.
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39 thoughts on “Alarming Rise In Covid Among Children In Florida As Schools Reopen

  1. There are many lies and they spread like Fire, These Are Satan's Lies, Now They Are Spreading to States Who Do Not Follow Government Protocols or Deceptions, No Rise Of CV-19 In Children In Florida, now the Government's Fire Is Here, DeSantis Will Put It Out and it is dying, All Media From the Government is Banned Here!

  2. As parents, we need to address the obesity issue. It is our responsibility to give our children the best odds in life and that includes a healthy body composition. Our children don’t need to barf up lunch or look like Barbie but they also don’t need to live on processed foods and sugar.

  3. Dont be alarmed. California is forcing parents to loose jobs cause schools are sending kids home till they bring a negative test. They dont even allow parent on campus for any reason. Florida be thankful. Unions ad school officials are acting like doctors.

  4. My nieces who 15 and 16 years old already vaccinated having COVID and they were just started school only 2 weeks. The parents already vaccinated still got COVID from them too. I just hope everyone should vaccinated if not things only get worse. 🙏🏻

  5. Take this seriously? How can anyone take anything seriously when the delta variant is being politicized? We have a more infectious with greater viral load virus in Delta yet everyone acts as if we are in one pandemic mode. ALL SHOOLS SHOULD BE CLOSED They will be a breeding ground leading to more infections and deaths

  6. Ron Desantis is the guy in the Grocery store licking food to prove he has freedoms and then getting attacked by Mom’s!!!

  7. Remember when Biden, Harris, Cuomo and others told us they didn't trust the vaccine when Trump was in office? Remember when they said two weeks to flatten the curve? Remember when they said masks aren't effective and then changed their minds? Remember when they said things will get back to normal if you take the vaccine? Remember when they said you still have to wear a mask after getting the vaccine? Remember when they told us the vaccine isn't as effective as first advertised? Remember when they said there's a new strain and we should shut down again? Remember when they said the Wuhan lab was a right wing conspiracy and then later acknowledged it was a likely source of the virus? Remember when they told us vaccine passports were another right wing conspiracy? Just trust the science and put the mask on your children you back water hicks. The government and media know best.

  8. CNN lies.. see for your self go on CNN Health and you will see the increase of covid cases by state..last up dated 8/22/2021.. I will do it here for the doubters.. AL rising 61%,AK rising 59%,AZsteady 4%,AR steady-1%,CA rising 28%,COrising 42%,CTsteady 7%,DErising 88%,DCrising 62%,FL rising 12%,GA rising 70%,HI rising 33%,ID rising 35%,IL rising 47%,IN rising 104%,IArising 60%,LArising 9%,ME rising 35%,MD rising 41%,MA rising 40%,MIrising 61%,MN rising 71%,MO rising 62%,NE rising 94%,NV steady 6%,NH rising 66%,NJ rising48%,NM rising 55%,NY rising 33%,NC rising63%,NDrising 121%,OHrising 72%,OKrising 16%,OR rising103%,SC rising 48%,SD rising 314%,TN rising 75%,TX rising 30%,UTrising 21%,Vermont rising 105%,WV rising 185%,WI rising 21%,WY rising 81% ..THIS IS OFF OF CNN YET THEY CONTINUE TO SPREAD LIES ABOUT FL AND WE ARE ONE OF THE LOWEST STATES WITH COVID CASES!!!

  9. Sacrificing your children at the altar of your "freedom" from the inconvenience of wearing a mask. I dare you to go to any of these hundreds of children in the ICU and tell their families that at least they don't have to wear a mask because of your "heroism". These doctors are the heroes. You are morons.

  10. Unbelievable how a Governer of a state that has the most covid cases wont make masks mandatory in schools!!
    This variant is affecting the children!! For Gods sake quit being so selfish!!!!

  11. DeSantis is wrong. Sorry. Just wait till school starts and the kids start bringing home the delta variant to people who didn't want to get vaccinated because for four years the major media stoked so much TDS and told them it was the "Trump" vaccine….

  12. Why can't they just up the supply of monoclonal antibody treatments ……Trump got it an didn't offer it to no1 else 🤔. #Selfish

  13. This is so disturbing! Optional masks means 2% are wearing them. This is foolish. Its playing public health Russian roulette with our children. Guess pro life isn’t after birth!!!

  14. Doctors it is time to form a federal union to fight these poor decisions being taking for doctors to fight this pandemic. If you were unionized, good, science-based decisions would have been made, and avoid all this confusion on covid, because doctors would not stand for all these poor decisions made by nonmedical personnel, and doctors are forced to work long hours and watch people die needlessly because of the consequences. Governors are the doctors of this pandemic. They have no license to practice medicine. Remember that.

  15. It's not surprising. It's not alarming. This is science. If you ignore a sign that says; STOP, Hot, DO NOT TOUCH. ARE you surprised if you get burned? MAGA morons continue to "touch" the "hot", and we all burn!!!


    Florida’s ethnic cleansing permissiveness is currently heading in the direction it’s elected officials are allowing it to go. Next Step:
    Mickey Mouse & The Governor will allow the self-decimation to commence & continue. 🤷🏽‍♂️ All healthy carriers are welcomed to give COVID-19 a piggy back ride home…to friends & family members with severe health issues. Come one Come all spread the 💕

    RIP…….Florida 🕊

  17. Now DeSantis is only allowing the release of COVID data relating to cases and deaths once per week.

    I guarantee you he is going to try to cook the books to make it look like less of an outbreak. He and his supporters will claim that the hospitals that say they are at full capacity are lying and that everyone who is dying is from a different cause.

  18. Doctors, nurses, and pediatricians have been trying to get people to listen to them for a year and a half. Some still wouldn't even after being near death in the ICU or watching their own children struggle to breathe.

  19. Close FL immediately!!!!!!!
    We don’t want to die!!!!!!
    Senior Citizen 🧓

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